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Posts posted by cton

  1. thanks for all ur answers. brilliant, but as you can see how much people are really concern about their environment? they suddenly become busy with their daily life until they forget about their surroundings that 'sick' because of pollution. let me straight to the point: is it your friends and your family were concern about the pollution and environment? :doh:

  2. we cannot blame the pollution. we should blame ourselves. bcoz of us, we produce pollution. correct right?! but, if we look at the right side, if there is no technologies around us, are people are willing to move on their life more comfortable? i think not, even us right? no car, no factory to produce our food, you guys willling to have crop (which needed a long time to produce fruit and vegetable)? even me i don't think so.

    as you know, awareness is good. thanks to iNow. but, you look people around you. how many people are keeping their habit to conserve their un-use thing. even now, many people are seem to burn their rubbish, even it is just a dried leaves. can they just dig a hole and put the leaves in that hole? it can be fertilizers.......i don't know how to make peoples more concern about environment.

    government had make advertisement in the tv and also in the radio about the pollution. but, how many people are really-really involve and really-really want to conserve and take care of their earth???????????????

  3. do you think that it only happen to your place? malaysia also... we actually will having raining season starting from novermber until january (not accurately), and for the first time, one of the state in my country suddenly get flooded. it seems that there is raining almost a week non stop. as i can say, we can guess what we will happen in the future... maybe next time we cannot see anymore the gulf.

  4. yup! you can't guess what will be happen to us right?!!!! is it we had done something bad? for example, the industrial sector. if there is no industrial sector in our place, how we will survive? if there is no car, is it people are willing to walk from school to their home or vice versa. nowadays, we becoming more modern and become more intelligence. people seems to be more alike to build a new thing that can make their life more easier. even the vegetable that we ate, which are we can buy from store that look like so fresh, contained at least 30% of chemical to make the vegetable become more 'fat' and sometimes look too red (tomato for instance).

  5. our earth become not behave so 'nice' for all these years. it seem that almost every year many things had been destroyed by the nature e.g. heavy rain, tornado etc. i'm quite shocked with my beautiful country, malaysia, when the Peninsular Malaysia, suddenly got flooded by he heavy rain. i think it's the first time happened. nowadays, sometimes i can predicted the weather. as you can see that early in the morning, it was really hot, which is good (for certain people), but in the late evening, it's getting rain here. it make me confuse. as an environmental science student who really-really want to know, give me a precisely explanation what r really happen rite now?!!!!:confused:

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