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Posts posted by CraXshot
Not shure wheter this counts as homework help or science education. The lecturer asked us to find out about the electron structures of 3 ions:Co+ , Zn(2+) and Br+ that is suppose to differ from the basic rule/principle for determening the basic electron configuration of ions. I can't find anything on what makes these three ions different from the rest in the textbook i have and would realy appreciate it if some of you guys can please help me with it.
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Turning Points
local minima: (-2,-2)
local maxima: (4,8)
Here's the question:
Given the the points on the graph y=f(x), find the equation of y=f(x) and y=1/f(x). Label asymptotes.
Given Points: (-4,0), (-2, 2), (0,0), (2,4), (4,8), (6,0)
How can
(-2,-2) and (-2, 2) both be points on the graph, then you don't have a fuction
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Okay i'm not shure. Are you shure it's polynomial? Remember those x-axis points may be qwadratic so that the graph only touches them.In other words (0;0) might be a turning point wich means it should be f(x)=x2(...) or any one of the other points. if you can confirm that it's a polynomial we know that it can only have 2 turning points. One somewhere where -2<x<2 and 2<x<6, and if you're shure that (4,8), is the local maximum(how do you know that?) we only need the one between -2<x<2. I've tried it with (0;0) as a turningpoint, you can too just too check me but it didn't work out. f(x) still didnt give all the points so therefore there must be another x-axis intercept between -2 and 2. Sorry if this is confusing but i'm just thinking outloud and hoping to give you some ideas but so far it looks to me like you're information isn't sufficient. Did they say something more about those co-ordinates(turning points or like you said local maximum etc.)
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Ok thanks alot for the help , I just couldn't see it. I also don't get 11/6 but i'll confirm the correct answer after class.
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Ok I tried what I could think of but still noting,I can't get the intergration right
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Ok can you just please explain to me whythat one factor that needs to be differtiated( or if I can ask it simple: why does it have the d/dx in front of it)...
I noticed that if I worked back from my answer using the Qoutient rule it didn't work out after the minus so I couldn't find the intergral . I am missing something with the intergration step.
If you or someone can please just look at the question in the begginning and work it out to show me how you intergrated it. The anwer is 11/6 but I still dont get that even when using:
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Check your integral? Show us the rest of the working there or explain the process by which you got from the second to last to the last line. I think that may be at fault (I can't see anything else wrong).
I intergrated it, if you deffirentiate the answer using the chain rule(working from the anwer upwards ) :
Dx (2/3)[(1/2)+(x4/64)+(4/x4)]3/2
(x3/16 - 16/x5)
= (1/2 + x4/64 + 4/x4)1/2
I find the term i wish to intergrate
So according to me it must be right, but there must be a fault
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must find the length of the arc of the curve on the given interval of x:
The Curve: 24xy=x4 +48 Interval : x=2 to x=4
My solution gives a math error and i've been over and over it and I can't find my fault. I'm known too make a lot of small errors so please help me find it.
you'll see at the end when I substitute 2 I get an undefined anwer(Divide by 0)
I have attached my solution. Please help if you can
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Okay I'm currently doing programming in Delphi7 and so far it's an easy language to learn and to understand basic concept is. I've noticed that there is always a C++ example in the help file. Is Delphi somehow based on C++ but only as more simplified version. I know it doesn't have all the funcions and capabillities but how well does it compare to other Standard languages.A proffessor at a workshop who is skilled in C++ , Delphi and Java didn't say anything about C++ but he says Java is outdated and way too complicated and that he preffers Delphi, can I please get youre comments on this since I'm still only doing basic OOP etc. and not yet more complicatd programming
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ok i did what I usually do and make thing too complicated, but the masses elliminated and in the end i just came to that basic eqaution with the same answer, so i stand incorrected, but yes what you said is a lot less complicated but the results are the same none the less, and I still don't get the anser you're book claims.
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I dont know if you've heard of the book On The Shoulders of Giants by Stephen Hawking, but i plan on reading that in a while as well as The Universe in a Nutshell, if i dont understand the big words:) to find out more about these physics, since I love it but i'm not going to study it, youre theory makes logic sence to me but I have far too little knowledge too explain or understand it. But think about this, light can also be used in the exact same theory, for light acts like waves and have all the poperties of waves, but its also said to consist out of photons, the photon theory explains why light is also drawn towards a black holes and bending, therefore needing mass, so I do understand what you are saying, but then again , isn't time also affected by Black hole's and other Gigantic masses. Time can in that way be bent but time doesn't have mass? These theorys are all above me.
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Okay thank you. No I'm still doing my last school year and I just came across it in my physics handbook but under the light module, i just know that c is the speed of light in a vacume, isnt that the same then as the speed of a massless particle?, we use it as a constant . I have not yet came across c2 and just assumed that it was the same, sorry
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Okay i'm also a student preparing for my exams, i used Newtons second law in standard form combined with in momentum and i found the contact time to differ from the anser in the book. Please tell me youre anser so I can correct or confirm it, i'm not allowed to just give it to you so sorry:(
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Okay i'm not an expert but what I well do know in that E =mc2 is Einsteins relativity theorie that states that energy(the E) have mass(the m), and with the "c" being the speed of light in a vacume( In school they say space is a vacume) so thats the only way i can relate it. I would love to know more about his theory as well if someone can perhaps post a link or just give me a basic explanation. i only made knowledge with it in order to use De Broglie's -wavelength when working with waves(Light).
Electron configuration Research
in Homework Help
It seems we misunderstood the lecturer. She only wanted to make shure we remember that the 4s orbital has an higher energy value than the 3d orbital in ions unlike in regular atoms. And i'm well aware that a Br+ ion would not form under any natural curcumstances. Please excuse my terminology, i'm not English.