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Posts posted by time

  1. time as we know it seems to go faster as we age



    our perception of time is. einstein once seid

    "if you put your hand on a hot stove for 3 minutes it feels like 3 hours, talk to a beautiful girl for 3 hours it fells like 3 minutes.



    do you realize that there is an infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 2


    the same numbers that we measure time with. this being seid one second has been an infinite amount of time.

    xeno's parodox

  2. all light travels at the same speed...

    so if you move just as fast as it...it would apear to stand still!

    kind of like if your standing next to the train trax, you will see each box car a they zoomed pased you.but if you were moving at the exact speed of the boxcar, say you were sitting inside of it. all you would see is the one boxcar because the new boxcars cant reach you. go faster and you could see boxcars that shld have already passed you.


    if you look, at a clock then travel at the speed of light away from it..it would apear to stop..due to the fact that the newly changed light cant reach you...

    so if you couild move faster...you would see light that was already emmited.


    therefore seeing back in time!!!!


  3. time is an illusion, it tricks you into thinking that there is a future and past.


    some one once aked me " about an hour ago i went outside for a ciggarette.


    If we are not moving through time, 'where' is that man who was/is outside having a ciggarette?


    Is he and i the same and the the time i experience separating him and I just a measurment of movement?



    Where has he gone?


    Where is he now?"


    i think your forgetting that you MOVED since then

    it doesnt leave an old you in time...u changed since then

    time is a measurement of what changed

    the happening is the changes you are making

    time is... measuring the change of a constant... like orbiting the sun



    if there weren't two points in space, it wouldn't exist


    things are going to constantly move...never ending journey through the cosmos.and with the power to understand it is the greatest gift god could give to man! "the power of comprehension" most animals dont get to have such a gift.


    Einstein once said "if you sit with a girl you like for a few hours it seems like a few minutes

    but if you put your hand on a hot stove for a few minutes it seems like a few hours."


    i love that. it makes me think or how there are an infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 2 the sam 1 and 2 you measure tim with therefore time is happening as fast as you can precieve it.


    dont think of it as a time line...you dont flow through time. simply...things are, and they change



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