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Carol meyer

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Posts posted by Carol meyer

  1. <br />Not sure if I am going thru the same thing now. I got in work this morning and was going thru my daily routine of doing websites and I got a deep relapse of a very old memory from the website I was doing, then from there (I think) I have a very cloudy memory of what occured, basically since then I am now dreaming while I am awake, I am not being funny or having a joke  but trying to recall what happened an hour ago is very hard as the memory is convuluted im not sure it is from a dream or real. I looked at my sent box from an hour ago and I dont remember fully an email I composed and sent to my friend. But I do remember it as well but I am sure I didnt write what I wrote. As you can tell this is very hard to explain basically I think I am dreaming while I am awake. But I think it has been seeded from a distant old deep memory that has surfaced and brought with it old dreams (not memories).<br />
    <br /><br /><br />


    About 2 or 3 years ago, I experienced an episode that sounds almost like this. I was driving to meet a friend and kept having dreams float in and out of my head. It was hard to distinguish a dream from reality, but I knew I was still driving to meet my friend. I spent about 2 hours with her and later she did mention that I acted fine, but it was as if I was really far away. When I got home that night, I told my husband if I didn't wake up the next morning for him to tell my mom I loved her. That's how much this episode freaked me out.


    This year, it sort of happened again. I was taking a walk and all I can describe it is that you're in a fog and dreams float in and out. I have been looking on line for ages about this and just tonight discovered this forum and it all sounds just like what I have been experiencing. I always wondered why couldn't you dream while you were awake. It is sort of like the opposite of sleep walking. While your mind is asleep, but your body is awake during sleep walking, this experience is that both your body and mind are awake, but it's as if half of your brain is in sleep mode.


    I believe birds have half of their brain awake and half asleep when they are sleeping. My doctor didn't do any exams or anything. But it has always bugged me of what is happening to me. I still would like to know if it's serious, or what causes it. However, at least it's only happened twice (so far). If anyone has any further info, I would greatly appreciate it.

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