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Posts posted by Master-Zarex

  1. evolution is but a theroy people. But, there is great proof of it out ther. However, humans being evolved might not be what we think. What if our ancestors turned out to be based from a mircrobial life form that came from a planet that contained beings like ourselves and they sent that germ out as a "gift" to prehistoric earth. That life could have come on a meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs and brought not only our ancestors to this planet, but other ancestors of animals we see today. What if every animal you see today was not of Earth orgin, but of another planet's orgin. What if are "aliens" in a sense of not belonging. Think of that and pm me your thoughts.

  2. As we progress in technology, we advance in travel. To think nothing travels faster than light is madness. Any law of physics can be broken. So the question remains: is the whole universe a theroy or can anything happen in this lawless universe.


    As you know, sound was thought unbreakable, but we've broken it. Now, even Mach 5 is a simple task as we have Mach 27. But light seems to be unsurpasses. The fastest things go 99.99% of the speed of light, or do they. I think there things out there that are beyond our comprehension, things that would put light to shame and Newton's laws to misery. If anyone agrees or disagrees, speak now!

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