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Posts posted by aphotixoul


    CASE IS = 19

    GOTO pword

    CASE IS = 22

    PRINT "Just a test"



    The above is correct. it has to be written "CASE IS = 19" and "CASE IS = 22". Now, because you don't have any subroutine defined for instructions, I wrote "Just a test". Replace "Just a test" with "GOTO instruct" or something and then create a subroutine called "instruct" with instructions.






    PRINT "Place instructions here"

    PRINT "ETC..."


    (Now at this point, you have to put in some sort of INPUT statement and another subroutine back to the menu...)


    INPUT "Press any key to continue : ", whatever$

    GOTO top


    (Now, go back up to your menu and do this...)



    mx = 19



    menu$ = INKEY$


    COLOR 10

    LOCATE 14, 1

    PRINT "Welcome to ULTIMATE BRAIN TEAZAS here you will be challenged to think"





    Well, you get the idea. Good luck :)

  2. Okay MrMu1985, I'm not even going to get started about your bugged-up coding because you're obviously new to Qbasic, but here's what you could do for the menu. I quickly whipped up this code to emulate your in-game menu, you can cut and paste it into the appropriate spot. Good luck, hope it helps:


    mx = 19



    menu$ = INKEY$


    COLOR 10

    LOCATE 14, 1

    PRINT "Welcome to ULTIMATE BRAIN TEAZAS here you will be challenged to think"

    PRINT "differently than you normally do. This is more a challenge of imagination"

    PRINT "and Inguinity, and not rational thought, and formulas. Do have fun!"

    PRINT "To use menu, press 8 or 2 to move up or dowm. press X to select."


    IF menu$ = "2" THEN mx = 22

    IF menu$ = "8" THEN mx = 19

    IF menu$ <> "" THEN CLS

    IF menu$ <> "" THEN SOUND 200, 1


    LOCATE mx, 6: COLOR 4: PRINT CHR$(16)

    LOCATE 19, 8: COLOR 15: PRINT "Start Game"

    LOCATE 22, 8: COLOR 15: PRINT "Instructions"

    LOOP UNTIL UCASE$(menu$) = "X"



    SOUND 300, 1

    SOUND 400, 1


    CASE IS = 19

    GOTO pword

    CASE IS = 22

    PRINT "Just a test"


  3. It's great that there's no misunderstanding.


    cervical vertabrae 2 and 3 in my neck are fused together and I get all manor of problems as a direct result of this, when my neck cracks (usualy from doing something ordinary like picking up a pencil or whatever) it can render parts of me imobile or without feeling for days :(

    That must be a difficult thing to live with, unless you're used to it, then it would just be a pain in the neck. (Sorry, bad pun, heh).


    it would certainly be a good habit to break' date=' before it breaks something really clever! :)

    same can be said for smoking sure, but I enjoy smoking (I Know, I`m naughty LOL) :)[/quote']

    lol, I know what you mean. Before I quit smoking 5 years ago, I always said to myself, "I should quit"... Shortly after, I would be smoking again because I enjoyed it too much =) Damn habits, heh heh

  4. I dont think YT2095 was trying to attack you. Thats Why I mentioned the smoking bit. We all do stupid things. I crack my neck too.


    Yeah, it was quite rash of me to get so upset, I haven't been in a pleasant mood lately. I know you mentioned smoking for that reason, and I appologize again for any misunderstanding. I hope we can put this behind us :)

  5. I forgot to mention one more thing; in the knuckle cracking thread, some people had said that the habit is hard to stop because it is accidental. This is the case for myself as well, I've tried to stop many times before, but sometimes it just happens.


    Well, I'm doomed. So how about that non-depressing topic of conversation? heh heh, j/k. Any input?

  6. Hmmm... As I thought. Am I in any other danger that I should know about? And will I be healthy and safe if I stop the cracking? Because honestly, I don't feel like accidentally killing myself or causing permanent damage. I'm also tired of worrying about making my spine weaker and getting severely hurt as a result.


    Thank you so much for the quick reply

  7. I've read all of the threads about knuckle cracking and found it both interesting and helpful, but I thought I should raise the issue of neck cracking. I've also read other internet articles about it and didn't find specific information regarding the nasty habit.


    Now, the reason I'm so concerned is that about 10 minutes ago I had cracked my neck, as usual, but felt a tingling shock that spread down all of my limbs. I think most of the shock was from fear. I sat still for a moment, scared to move, then checked to make sure I wasn't paralysed or received nerve damage. Everything checked out fine (I think), and there's no pain or sign of damage, I can even move my head in a circular motion with no problems.


    This has been a wake up call to my constant neck manipulation, no question, but I'd like to know if I'm in any danger here. I've cracked my neck more than 5-10 times daily for about 7 years. Here's how I do it: I hyperextend my neck to the left and right without the use of my hands very gently, it's never done with force or any other way.


    I'm going to consciously try to stop, and any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks =)

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