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Posts posted by slackchad

  1. Im sorry I guess I didnt notice posting easy questions was a problem. sorry its a problem to learn thanks to the first few who tried to teach.. someone tried to help you really helped out. Im pretty sure I got the right answer but im scared to post it now.. Yeah assholes... Thanks..

  2. Im looking!!! ok I really am all about learning now.


    Im sorring guys but I really dont know the steps that well, Its weird i Know like astronomy and legal stuff but i dont konw random math???? My mom wasnt able to help me and she registerd nurse?

  3. Hi guys I really am not about to givebackground or anything like that but heres the prob!


    2 - -5 +3 2nd power (3 to the 2nd) Not sure how you all do that here I'm new and Im learning to really love math but I cant figure this out!!! I suck...

  4. Im def talking highschool, Im looking for ebooks. Ive already gone to my local library town of 2k people and the 1 book they got was checked out. So Any ebooks I can get from torrent sites or links would be wonderful. I cant wait to start expanding my future in this fascinating subject!

  5. I figured instead of wasting a new thread id add to a older one simular topic. Im a 22 yr old dropout whos deeply wanting to better my math I plan on going back to school soon and Id like to start learning as much as Possible. My deep love for astronomy has triggerd a math bug, and last math Ive taken was Algebra... I believe I failed it due to skipping school.


    So anyone know any good algebra books too get someone who hasnt been active in the math world starting? Id love to hear

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