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Posts posted by HerpaDerp

  1. I don't see which part of that video, or any video for that matter, would lead you to believe that Islam was the "real deal". The evidence provided by the video is anecdotal at best.


    Everyone acknowledges that the golden ratio is pleasurable to the human eye. Why then is it so surprising that it shows up so often in historic human art, architecture, etc. !?


    The golden ratio itself is an irrational number. If you take any of these examples out to enough decimal places, you'll find that they will deviate from the golden ratio significantly. So then you are forced to admit that said deity (who apparently likes the golden ratio very much) either has a calculator that inappropriately terminates irrational numbers at some point, or is imperfect.


    I blame television for people being so willing to swallow this nonsense. If you watch the History Channel (in the USA), you'll find that crap like this is shown all day. All this spooky, historical, coincidental nonsense is polluting peoples' heads. Real history is dry, boring, semi-empirical, and admits when there is uncertainty. If you base your worldview on one lousy [though might a say well produced] video on the internet, then I've got some beachfront property in Mongolia that I want to sell you.


    I apologize for my slight degree of harshness but it makes me sad that so many young people, people my age, are so willing to accept pure fiction at the click of a mouse.


    Beachfront property in Mongolia?? That's unheard-of. Must be worth a fortune! :)


    In the day and age of the internet, people really need to develop a BS filter. There is a lot of bogus information out there.... religion, homeopathy, get rich quick schemes, etc

  2. We can least estimate the maximum energy you dissipated. It takes about 0.06 A to be lethal. Since you weren't killed, we can assume that you passed less than this through your body.


    400 V x 0.06 A = 24 W


    A Joule is a watt-second, so if you were being shocked for 5 sec, the maximum energy you dissipated was ~120 Joules. or about the energy it takes to lift a 1 kg weight 2.45 meters.


    Your body resistance would have had to be ~6667 ohms.


    If we instead, use the high end value of 100,000 ohms, then the current drops to 0.004 A and the Joules disapated to 8 Joules.


    I was under the impression that it took about 20mA to send your heart into ventricular fibrillation, but that is only if it goes through your heart. At 400V, if it went through your heart you'd probably be dead. There is no way of knowing which path it took so there is no way of knowing the resistance and therefore the energy dissapated.


    People can survive electric shocks with the most horrific burns (lots of energy), so theres no way to answer this question.

  3. It is a popular idea that residential energy users can install solar panels and feed their unused energy back into the grid. But doesn't the voltage have to be at a certain level to effectively traverse the grid? Does the transformer that intermediates power between the lines and residences allow weak voltage charge to flow backward? I wouldn't think the current would be strong enough to add anything to the grid, but if it does, how does that work?


    Hi lemur,

    I just joined and looks like I was lucky enough to find a question I know quite a bit about. I'm an electrical engineer in power transmission (Very High Voltage Power) , which is technically not the industry that deals with home PV installations but I know enough about the general concepts. As the other poster said, the power on your grid is in AC. This is basically because it's easier and more efficient to transform AC voltages. But to specifically answer your question, the power your house creates won't be going very far anyway. It will most likely just be powering next door's plasma tv. From the point of view of distributers (Lower Voltage Utilities), home PV solar is seen as just reducing the combined load of say your street or neighbourhood. This is actually in a lot of ways the purpose of these home PV initiatives from the government. They reduce peak load at critical times (PVs create more power on hot days when you are using your air con). Since networks are designed for peak loads and not average loads, this allows governments/utilities to delay major improvements to the network. But it is a very expensive quick fix and i digress.


    In AC, current flows back and forwards equally (50 times a second in my country) so the electrons realistically go nowhere. So you need to picture power "flowing" through the lines rather than current (like you would with a DC circuit). It's true, there are physical limitations but you don't really need much current to allow power to flow through the transformers you wrote about. They are designed to operate under low currents. The only restriction is the magnetising current of the transformer, not really the voltage (even though voltage and current are essentially two sides to the same coin). This is typically very small and I think I'm going into too much detail anyway :)


    So, the only thing the inverter needs to do is to create an AC voltage from the DC voltage from your PV cells. This AC voltage need to be at the normal level (my country has 240V) at the same frequency and phase as the network. Once it has done that, the power that your PV setup creates can flow into the network (the current will vary depending on the amount of power) and into your neighbour's tv.


    I think i answered your question but if you want to know more, feel free to ask questions. I can make the answer as complicated as you want :)

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