I think there are a few things that some people don't realize mainly because they have a preconceived belief which misguides their attempts of researching the topic.
First, anyone that sites numbers of papers written on GW as evidence it exists is well, silly. There is never a shortage of ignorance and sheep flock together.
The hypothesis has always been that increases in CO2 concentration directly relate to temperature increases. However, there are a couple of problems with this hypothesis. The relationship is usually assumed linear which has never been proven. Also, the effect is assumed immediate which once again has never been proven.
In fact most of the effort spent on GW is on conjecture; what if the temperature increases by X amount what will the planet be like then? Little effort is actually spent proving the hypothesis accurate or formulating a new hypothesis. You only have to watch Gore's silly movie to see just this phenomenon of effort applied to conjecture versus effort applied to science.
Just like the famine and global cooling scares of the 70's, GW is a fad.
The effects humanity can have on the planet is miniscule; whatever climate changes are destined to occur will occur as dictated by nature.
Historically, temperature and co2 ppm has fluctuated as evident from extractions from glaciers. These fluctuations occured far before man or industry existed, that isn't difficult to follow right? If ice ages have started and ended without man existing....obviously extreme warming and cooling occurs naturally. Why suddenly should we assume any changes that occur now are due to man?
What your GW advocates wont tell you:
Water vapor is the majority contributor to GW. In fact CO2 is only responsible for roughly 3% of GW. That is why kyoto protocols and other silly legislation would not only be ineffective but also dangerous to the economy...they focus on CO2.
Further, co2 is not just produced by man, in fact the majority of co2 produced is from nature (around 60%)
This is what you have.....
(.03)*(.4) = .012 = 1.2%
At best man is producing 1.2% of GW.
There is more though.
The temperature swings that have been seen historically, (2-5 degrees over several centuries) can not be entirely caused by co2 ppm alone. Meaning, other things obviously effect temperature.
The sun DOES have cycles.
It isn't prudent to have at best inconclusive evidence and force dangerous legislation, in fact it is pretty irresponsible.
But what gets funding? Saying something might be a problem....or preaching doom?
But obviously, we all know politicians and celebrities are notorious for having sound scientific beliefs.