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Posts posted by Trogdor530

  1. I have an odd story.


    The other day, I came home from class and found a bee/wasp (Not sure of the species) clung to the inside of my screen window. It wasn't moving, and when i slightly opened the screen to give it a chance to fly out, it barley moved; almost as if it had no energy. At this point I didn't really think anything of it, mind you that was at about 1pm.


    I went out to do some errands and went to dinner with friends and came home again, this time around 1am. The bee was still there- in the exact same spot. The screen was still open enough for it to get out, but still- no movement.


    Woke up the next day, went to class, hung out with friends again and came home around 6pm... the bee is still there. I finally used a fork, and scooped it up to put it outside on my roof; no erratic movement, no hostility.. it laid on the roof and moved around a bit until it went under one of the shingles.


    Now... I inspected the bee pretty close; there was no wing damage, all the legs worked fine.. I don't understand, it was the most peculiar thing I had witnessed with an insect.


    Would anyone know if this is possibly related to the stories I've been hearing about bees dieing for 'no apparent reason'?

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