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Posts posted by AshleyBarbie

  1. I recently got into a debate with someone over when life begins. I suppose this question has no real answer, only our own opinions.


    So, whats yours? When does life begin? I'm not talking about life as in 'bacteria are alive'. When does a ball of cells become a human life, something we value higher than any other life on this planet?


    This is a very interesting question to me for a couple of reasons. I recently got into a very heated debate with a number of people who believe that human life has no value, that it doesn't matter if a person is snuffed because there are many people alive to continue the human species.


    Anyway, I think life begins AT THE LATEST conception, which plays into the abortion debate. I feel that once a female is pregnant, the baby human inside of her has as much right to life as the adult human. Actually, the baby human has MORE right to life, because the babies' life has more years. When a baby dies, 80, 90 or more years are lost. When an adult dies, less years are lost. Therefore, in my opinion, an adult life isn't as precious as a baby's life.


    Of course, there is another chain of thought that life never ceases; therefore, it is impossible to pinpoint a beginning.

  2. But I still believe that in light of the situation in Iraq - which will no doubt go down as the biggest failure since Vietnam - the Public (capital P) will want policy and more importantly, change.


    I agree with this ONLY IF America experiences another terrorist attack similar to (or worst than) 9/11. If we leave Iraq a safer nation, it will be a different story.

  3. Everyone is conecntrating on Obama's personality because he doesn't have much of a history and his positions on various topics are not well known. As his positions become more clear, we will see how he pans out. I think he has a big advantage just being black. He has that category, whereas Hillary does not have women as a given.


    I think Obama should at least serve one term as Senator, but then again many youngsters have done some amazing things in the private sector, so why not government?


    According to the AP, Clinton and Obama are splitting the African American vote. Remember, Bill was very popular among the African American and Obama is not well known. Also, he doesn't have experience. And, his plan for "bailing" out of Iraq seems foolish. Obama and Clinton could ensure a Democratic nomination for another rich, white guy. :)

  4. Am I the only one who thinks this commercial makes fun of homophobia rather than homosexuals? We can't even make fun of people who make fun of homosexuals?


    The commercial was a boring and didn't make a whole hell of a lot of sense. Why did the second guy start chewing on the Snickers candy bar? I mean, in real life, if someone started eating the other side of a candy bar in my mouth, I would back away.


    There's a lot more offensive commercials. What about Smiling Bob?

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