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Posts posted by ZGSON

  1. In my eyes, there are 4 possible ways we got here:


    1. A god spontaneously came to be and made everything.

    2. The universe spontaneously birthed itself ie. Big Bang

    3. A god is infinite and eternal and always existed.

    4. The universe is infinite and eternal and always existed.



    Points 1 and 2 I feel are impossible. I do not feel something can come from nothing. You can argue that an all powerful god can do anything, but that god would not have existed to be all powerful. I also dont feel that the Big Bang makes sense either in its traditional sense. In order for a "big bang" or "expansion" to occur, something had to be there to "bang" or "expand".


    Points 3 and 4 are the only options in my mind. Now, we have no real proof of a god, nor have I personally ever seen one. However, we do have proof of the universe, and I see it every day.


    By default, unitl someone can show me otherwise, I feel that the universe itself is infinite and eternal and does not require worship. You can show me all the thermodynamic laws and what not, but it still always goes back to something coming from nothing.


    I do admit however, that this is impossible to even comprehend. But at this point with the availible info we have, its easier to comprehend that than an infinite god. Maybe nature/the universe is being underestimated. I also admit that a "default" status with something like this isn't at all scientific. But I have listed basically every scenario in which we got here unless I missed one.

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