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Posts posted by tomjin

  1. 1

    It is much more subtle than that. A theory is not correct or incorrect, a theory is 'good' or 'bad'. We decide that a theory is good if it, taking into account the domain of validity, experimental errors and so on, agrees with nature to some satisfactory degree. If a theory does not match well, then it is bad.




    So taking into account the above, within your aether theory you can preform calculations of observables and match these with experiment/observation. When you do this, what kind of agreement to you get? Do you run into any troubles?



    The thread is interesting in one respect. However I am not sure if you are saying something trivial.



    Physical constant come about from our mathematical models. These constants are fundamental in the mathematical description and by matching this description with nature we can assign meaningful values to these constants. The question of if these constants are 'real' seems more of a philosophical question than a physics one.



    Moreover, it maybe possible to get rid of some of these constants if they can be understood as being derived from some deeper theory. String theory for example, in its simplest form, only uses the string tension. From there G can be calculated. Maybe all the physical constants can be derived from one starting constant?



    if a theory is overwhelming, then we can't tell whether it's correct or not, or whether it's good or bad. The option that there is no media in space is too dominant now, which strifes its opponent.



    f=m4π^2/kr^2 this formula were found by Robert Hooke ( based on works of Galileo Galilei and Christiaan Huygens). this equation can do anything that the law of Universal gravitation do in Astronomy.


    because ether theory deny the option that the speed of light in outer space is a constant, I have to abandon the unit of light year. Ether theory is very weak in cosmology.


    ​if quantum physicists accept the existence of ether, and replace particle exchanging mechanism with resonance over ether, they will see a very bright future.



    reviewing what happened in last 400 years, it's very interesting and meaningful.




    Physics constants come about from our mathematical model.

    the answer is no, mathematical model is based on physics constant.


    mathematics is treasure of human culture. without it, we can do nothing in science. But we should be very careful about when we should use it.



    we still need to keep some constants in physics. but we should know they are only valid in a very small domain. String theory is a very good concept, it's amazing. maybe someday, ether model can be derived from string theory.

    I have to go to bed. I will start work at 5 am tomorrow morning. I'm going to discuss with your guys and answer questions after 6 pm (Brisbane time) tomorrow. cheers



    I have to go to bed. I will start work at 5 am tomorrow morning. I'm going to discuss with your guys and answer questions after 6 pm (Brisbane time) tomorrow. cheers


    Except we don't have to figure it out as if the theory is wrong. We use the theory as if it were correct. Guess why that is?


    Do you have any actual evidence that these constants change?


    it's really very hard to tell whether a theory is correct or not. ether theory just looks perfect for me, it can explain a lot of natural phenomenon which can't be explained by anti-ether theory.



    if I accept constants may change, I have to accept the existence of constants, I don't want to do that.


    for gravitational constant G, it doesn't exist. Keep distance unchanged, the force between 2 objects varies with surroundings.


    for speed of light in vacuum, because light is wave on ether, it's very similar to sound wave.


    for Planck's constant. It doesn't exist. but it doesn't matter, because the mass of proton ( neutron is no different from proton in nucleus) is almost a constant in solar system. That's why quantum physics is valid in many cases.


    I have an evidence chain which show how proton is produced in galaxy core and how protons form stars later.

  3. Electronics engineers also learn physics and quantum physics.

    Especially the one who are responsible for building CPU and lasers (used in CD/DVD/Blu-ray for example).

    To make efficient laser there is required knowledge about spectral lines, absorption, emission, doubling-frequency etc. etc.


    CRT (Cathode Ray Tube), legacy television, is quantum physics particle accelerator...

    With electron gun, emitting electrons, and high voltage electrodes bending paths of electrons during travel through vacuum..

    When high kinetic energy electron hits atom, there are created photons, observed on TV screen.


    in 19th century, on the basis of ether electromagnetic theory, a lot of new things be invented. generator, electromotor, director current, alternating current, movie, electric lamp, telephone, telegraph , phonograph, voltage transformer, and so on.


    in 20th century, technology didn't stop step.


    quantum physics is different from the theory of relativity. The theory of relativity, which is the basis of cosmology, just let us feel good, for example, we know how big the universe is, how old the universe is. how far a star is away from us.


    I believe there is no Planck's constant, but it doesn't matter, quantum physics is developed with technology, even if the basic concept is wrong, a lot of theories are still valid.



    Moderator Note

    You can't dismiss questions and comments like this. Just claiming that engineers build things even though the theories behind technology are false is NOT RIGOROUS ENOUGH. You need to start showing evidence in support of your "idea".


    Your dismissals of science in favor of engineering is noted. Now you need supportive evidence. That's how science works.




    I predict there are 3 sizeable energy lines in our solar system. (lines between sun and jupiter, sun and saturn, galaxy core and sun)


    As you already know, quantum physicists also predict the reason why sun and earth attract each other is they exchange graviton. Concepts are similar, in my theory, the reason why sun and earth attract each other is high-frequence ether wave.


    for about every 60 years, Jupiter and Saturn move into a small area in the sky which is very close to the area of galaxy core. which means three giant energy lines will overlap. three lines form one line.


    from 1958 to 1962, this kind of situation happened. the peak is in 1960. On 22 may, 1960, when earth was going to pass these lines, the strongest earthquake hit chile, the scale is 9.5. from 1959 to 1961, more than 20 million people in china died from starvation (short of land, poor policy, overcrowd made things worse). in 1962, our world is on the edge of nuclear war.


    Normally we can't feel the affection from these lines directly, because we are smart, if we feel cold, we will put more clothes on. If we feel hot, we turn air-con on. but because our life depends on one-year-lifespan crop and grass. they can be easily affected by these lines, then our life can be easily affected by these lines.


    these three lines are going to overlap again in recent years. there are more than 7 billion people on earth now, situation is very dangerous.


    extreme weathers, refugee crises, financial crises, our world is getting worse. the reason is three energy lines.


    evidences are everywhere. If you don't believe me, you will see what will happen in 3 or 4 years.


    That is an ironic analogy. Clocks, of all sorts, keep constant time because there are constants. Whether it is the constant mass, length and gravity for a pendulum clock, or the constants that determine the energy levels in an atomic clock.


    If there weren't constants, then physics and chemistry would just be chaotic and we wouldn't be here to discuss this. If there weren't constants, then we wouldn't be able to design the semiconducting materials, the components and the ICs that you are using to discuss this.



    the most important constants in physics is gravitational constant (G), the speed of light in vacuum ©, and planck's constant (h)


    the law of universal gravitation is built on G

    the theory of relativity is built on C

    quantum physics is built on h.


    What I mean is these 3 constants don't exist.


    without them, we can still enjoy semiconductor technology. we can still use computer, ic card, atomic clock, and so on.


    because these technologies were invented by millions of engineers. they know how to figure things out even if theory is wrong.


    as I mentioned several times before, we can send satellite to its orbit , even if we don't know G and M.




    Moderator Note

    I'm warning you right now, drop this line of argument and concentrate on your other points. This is just going to derail any serious, intelligent discussion about the rest of your idea. You are challenging mainstream science, not arguing conspiracies. Focus on disproving science one topic at a time, please.


    And I have nomimated the above quote as 2016's Most Absurd Statement. I can't believe you posted that on a science discussion forum. Report this modnote if you object, but don't talk about it in this thread.


    I understand what you mean. I'm going stop any discussion about crop circles in this forum.

  7. Here's my last ditch attempt to get you back to reality.

    If G does not exist, what does the Cavendish experiment (and lots of similar tests) measure?



    Re."5 If someone did a great thing, sooner or later, he will show off. he will share photos on internet and wait for praise. but we haven't seen it. "


    They did.

    You may not have seen it; the rest of us have.


    there are no constants in this universe, because objects in the universe affect each other.


    Cavendish wished to weigh the mass of Earth. He got the value, and other guys didn't. people compared these 2 results. they choose the first one. because the first one at least has a chance to be right, no matter how slightly it is. the second result equals to "i don't know". People will never choose this one, no matter how wise and reasonable it is.


    There is a intense war in science in last 400 years. scientists are divided into 2 groups. one group believe there is a kind of media in space. the other group believe there is no this kind of media in space.


    It works like clock. every 100 years , one side defeats the other side once. In first half 17th century, Rene Descartes founded ether gravitational theory, which be developed by Christiaan Huygens, Robert Hooke, Gottfried Leibniz. This theory was very mature and Hooke even found a formula to calculate gravity. in 18th century, ether gravitational theory was defeated by Mr Newton's constant.


    at the beginning of 19th century, we all know what happened. Ether theory came back again. at the end of this century, it's very hard to describe how much scientists loved the ether electromagnetic theory.


    ether theory was defeated again at the beginning of 20th century. it was defeated by the constant of the speed of light in vacuum.


    ether theory is coming back now. no one can stop it.





    about crop circles, if you want to know the truth. try to believe your hands, not your eyes.

  8. You are being absurd.

    You ignore the fact that there are videos of people making the crop circles and you say they are made by aliens.

    do you understand why that makes you look foolish?


    We measure G from an experiment like Cavendish's

    That's an independent measurement of G. It would give exactly the same result on the moon.


    And from that (and the local acceleration due to gravity) we calculate the mass of the earth.

    Then, from that mass we calculate the density.

    It's nor circular logic at all.

    It depends on experiments which you could do on a different planet and still get the same result.


    Why are you trying to pretend that it is circular reasoning?


    The earlier link got scrambled.

    Here's the ref





    the video can only prove that crop circle was made by human beings. it can't explain how a large quantity of crop circles be made.


    the reasons why I believe crop circles is not from us are as following:


    1 the style of crop circles is different from our culture.

    2 almost all crop circles be made overnight and there are no witnesses, it's unreasonable.

    3 crop circles are made by a kind of microwave or electromagnetic power and the bottom part of crops be burnt, I don't think we have the technology to do this on a very larger scale in very short time.

    4 Property be damaged, but no one be found to take responsibility for it. it's weird.

    5 If someone did a great thing, sooner or later, he will show off. he will share photos on internet and wait for praise. but we haven't seen it.

    6 there are hundreds of new continents in our solar system. they are inner surfaces of planets, moons. We can't get a conclusion that there are no aliens in our solar system before we check these inner surfaces. the area of our moon's inner surface and the area of our moon's outer surface is almost same.

    and so on




    There is no G at all. with the help of G, you can easily calculate the attractive force between you and me now. there are rocks and lava between us. even if you can get a very accurate value, does it mean anything?


    It's very easy to prove a theory if we want to prove it.



    we can only access to 10 km depth under ground, how can we get average density of earth without knowing the mass of earth. loop logic is deeply covered.



    thank you for the file. look at the photo in the file, a wall or cabinet is very close to apparatus, doesn't it affect the the result of experiment? f=GMm/r^2, every thing near apparatus should be take into account. The wall of building, underground rock and so on.


    That is an incredibly underwhelming response. You need to do better if this thread is to rise to what we expect of speculations discussion. (i.e. if you expect it to remain open)


    we are living in solar system, we also live in earth-moon system.


    in our earth-moon system,


    k=t^2/r^3, t is the period of moon, it's about 28 days. r is the distance from moon to the centre of earth.


    this k is valid for any man-made satellite which moves around earth.


    engineers have already proved this again and again in last 50 years.


    there is a reason which is behind Kepler's third law. which is g acceleration is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the object and the centre of big celestial body ( the object moves around it)


    we know the g acceleration on the ground, then we can easily get the g acceleration of a satellite as long as we know how far it is above the earth. we don't need G and M.


    ether theory can explain this.




    Oil drop experiment


    is measuring charge of electron Q = -1e = -1.602176565*10^-19 C, not electron's mass (me = 510998.929 eV/c^2).


    If you want to know how to measure physical constant, ask question in the mainstream part of this forum, and we will answer it, if we will be able to.


    Mass of electron is pretty much visible in radioactive decay of unstable isotopes.


    f.e. Tritium

    H-3 -> He-3 + e- + Ve + 18.6 keV

    Mass of Tritium nucleus is mass of Helium-3 nucleus plus mass of electron plus 18.6 keV (pretty small value, 27.5 times smaller, in comparison to 510998.9 eV for electron mass-energy)


    firstly, we need to know what the electricity is.


    current mainstream opinion: electrons flowing in wire is the reason of electricity.

    the theory of relative resonance: orderly vibration of atom in wire is the reason of electricity.


    the difference between heat and electricity is as following:


    heat: disorderly atom vibration

    electricity: orderly atom vibration


    in oil drop experiment, because radius of oil drop can be calculated, and we assume we know the density of oil drop, so we get the mass and charge of so-called electron at the same time.


    electron is not a component of atom, it's just a kind of energy sent out by atom.


    Q = -1e = -1.602176565*10^-19 C, have you seen any data of macroscopic object be that accurate in you life.

    tomjin, on 17 Jan 2016 - 7:14 PM, said:snapback.png

    k is a constant for sun, but it is different for earth, or for moon,or for Jupiter.

    k=t^2/r^3 (Kepler's third law is suitable for other big celestial bodies).

    What evidence do you have that supports this conjecture?




    engineers told us this.

    What evidence do you have that supports this conjecture?


    How does an object know it's being attracted to a metal ball and not the earth?

    engineers told us this.

    Perhaps you should dedicate another 6 years to studying so you can decide what you actually mean.

    And there are videos of "what we can do" made by the people how make crop circles.


    Also, whatever Mr Cavendish did, the work carries on with better equipment etc.


    it has been verified to great precision.


    about crop circles, the answer is very clear. they are not from us. I know the aliens are from new continents.


    about Cavendish's experiment, I think I have already answered the question.

    If mass of Earth would be significantly different from currently estimated value,

    it would influence g acceleration.

    It wouldn't be ~9.81 m/s2 on the ground, anymore.


    Earth mass can be estimated from content of Earth.

    p = m/V

    Density is mass divided by Volume.

    It can be reversed:


    Mass is average density of object multiplied by volume of that object.

    Volume of sphere is 4/3*PI*r^3

    so in the case of Earth, we just have to know average density.

    If Earth would be made of ice/water, it would have 1000 kg/m^3 density,

    if it would be made of pure Iron, it would have 7874 kg/m^3 density.

    We know that Earth is neither of these. But value reside somewhere between these two.

    Measure average density, and you have total mass.

    Experiments prove it's approximately 5515 kg/m^3

    5515 kg * 4/3*PI*6,371,000^3 = 5.974*10^24 kg


    In 17th century, scientists already knew g acceleration (Christiaan Huygens)


    at the end of 18th century, scientists knew the mass of earth.


    please try to understand me, G does not exist, and we don't know the mass of earth. whatever G and M are, GM is a constant for Earth, if M is different from current value, which means we already get a different G, GM doesn't change. so g acceleration still be about 9.8 m/s^2. you don't need to worried about this.


    we assume we know the mass of earth first, then we got the average density of earth. we can't use this density to get earth mass again. It's loop logic.

    Perhaps you should dedicate another 6 years to studying so you can decide what you actually mean.

    And there are videos of "what we can do" made by the people how make crop circles.


    Also, whatever Mr Cavendish did, the work carries on with better equipment etc.


    it has been verified to great precision.


    Hi John,


    I really heard about a team got G and earth mass from an experiment which is different from Cavendish's method. That team spent several years in trying to get a G very similar to Cavendish's G. They failed many many times, eventually they got a satisfied G.


    Does this mean any thing?


    Bye the way, I don't know how to open your file listed above.


    This equation anybody can prove at home, releasing something from known height and measuring time needed for flight....

    To improve quality of measurements: use 1000 FPS recording camera, and vacuum to get rid of air resistance.



    This equation anybody can prove at home, releasing something from known height and measuring time needed for flight....

    To improve quality of measurements: use 1000 FPS recording camera, and vacuum to get rid of air resistance.



    Every time M is different for different cosmic object.



    Every time M is different for different cosmic object.


    I agree. But the point is we don't know the mass of big celestial body.


    we don't know the mass of Earth, the mass of Sun, the mass of Jupiter. We just pretend we know it.


    the reason why we believe the mass of earth is correct is we think it is very useful for us. We thought we could do nothing without it. But as I just show you, we can send object to orbit without the help of earth's mass, then we should just abandon the earth's mass.


    the experiment is too simple.


    No, not *always*.


    The thing is Newton's equation will work the same on Earth, as on Moon, as on Mars etc. You just have to replace mass of object in equation. While G will remain the same.


    g is not constant.

    It's gradient.

    The further from object causing gravity the smaller has value.


    g( r )=G*M/r^2


    so for object with different mass M (Earth,Moon,Mars etc.)





    If you will make such equations for couple various cosmic objects, you will be able to calculate G and masses of these objects.


    Of course, g is not a constant. G is a constant.


    g( r )=G*M/r^2, no, this equation is meaningless.


    Actually, g( r )=4π^2/kr^2, k is a constant for sun, but it is different for earth, or for moon,or for Jupiter.

    k=t^2/r^3 (Kepler's third law is suitable for other big celestial bodies).


    Mr Newton split 4π^2/k to GM, G is a constant in Universe, then M=4π^2/kG. When we put G and M together, then GM become 4π^2/k again.


    ​When we calculate the orbit of a object which moves around sun, earth, moon, jupiter or other big celestial bodies, we always put G and M together.


    In this situation, the law of universal gravitation is no different from Kepler's third law (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel‘s opinion). If Kepler's third law is valid, the law of universal gravitation must be valid.


    But if we calculate the attractive force between two objects on the ground, the Kepler's third is meaningless in this situation, then the law of universal gravitation immediately become invalid.


    Mr Henry Cavendish is the first person who tried to use newton's law on the ground. When he tried to measure the attractive force between 2 objects in his lab, the law of universal gravitation was invalid.


    We really have no any reason to believe we can calculate attractive force between any 2 ants on our planet. No matter what other people say, I don't believe it.


    ​The force between 2 objects on the ground varies with surroundings, so there is no G at all.


    Human beings are not easy. Henry Cavendish weight the mass of with torsion balance, for 100 years, no one wanted to believe it (Earth science started to develop at the beginning of 20th century, almost 100 years after Henry's experiment) . But again we have to compromise. We stand on planet Earth, we wish to know the structure of Earth.


    We have to know the mass of Earth (average density of earth) first, then with the help of earthquake wave, we start to know the earth structure.


    Wrong theory is better than standing still for 1000 years. This is the rule of science.

  12. What mistakes?

    And crop circles are made by people.




    Hi John




    I have a very simple formula, which is from Kepler's third law. With the help of this formula, we can send satellites to their orbits. If you understand the mass of Earth is useless, then you will accept it's actually wrong. Please think, it's just a torsion balance, it can tell us nothing.




    a is centripetal acceleration of a satellite.

    g is Gravitational acceleration on ground.

    r is Earth's radium.

    R is the distance between the satellite and the centre of Earth.


    We know a, then we know the force between satellite and Earth. F=ma.


    Currently, we use following formula to calculate force. This formula is no difference from above one.




    in this formula, We alway put GM together. We got G from M, we got M from G. This is the mistake.




    I believe most crop circles are made by aliens. Although I hold master degree in computer science, I changed my track about 10 years ago. I have to do a lot of labor job to support my life and my research. I use my hands everyday to do skilled work, I know what we can do and what we can't.






    in this formula, We alway put GM together. We got G from M, we got M from G. This is the mistake.



    Sorry, G is from torsion balance experiment. We got M from G, we got G from a torsion balance.



    Sorry, G is from torsion balance experiment. We got M from G, we got G from a torsion balance.




    I really don't think Mr Newton should split 4π^2/K to GM.




    I really don't think Mr Newton should split GM to 4π^2/K.


    Every big celestial body has its k.

    k=t^2/r^3. (Kepler's third law is suitable for other big celestial bodies)


    We get k, we will get 4π^2/k. Then we are ready to calculate the orbit of object which moves around big celestial body.


    We don't need G, we also don't need M. There is no gravitational constant (G) at all, We also don't need to know the mass of Earth and Sun.


    The mass of Earth is the basis of Earth science and astronomy. About 100 years ago, because people believe the mass of earth is correct, they start to believe the average density of Earth is correct, which is 5.5 ton / m^3. The average rock's density near Earth surface is about 2.7 ton/ m^3.


    Based on these 2 density, Earth science made its first step.



    6. The speed of light in Vacuum


    The speed of light in Vacuum is not a constant. We want to use light year to measure distance in University. So we choose this assumption.



    I don't want to say Mr Einstein made a mistake. We have no choice.


    If we don't accept the speed of light in vacuum is constant, we can't use the unit of light year.


    Cosmology stands still for 1000 years, or we choose a ridiculous but useful assumption.


    Decision is very hard to make.

  13. Fight against Constant Physics

    Jin Guangnian

    From 2010, I spent almost all my time and energy on my research. I'm very serious about my discoveries.

    In 17th century and 19th century, Ether theories were widely accepted by scientists. These theories were defeated twice in 18th century and 20 century. The reason why Ether theories lost war is Physics constant.


    Newton's gravitational constant defeated Ether gravitational theory and the constant of speed of light in Vacuum and Flank constant defeated Ether electromagnetic theory.


    I believe there are no so-called constants in this Universe. Physics constant is a trap, we should get out of it.


    Forget constant, we will see a very peaceful and harmony Universe.


    Differences between Ether Theories and Anti-Ether Theories

    Ether Theories: Ether Gravitational Theory (17th century), Ether Electromagnetic Theory (19th century), the Theory of Active Resonance, and so on. These theories all belong to the theory of action through media.


    Anti-Ether Theories (Constant physics): the Law of Universal Gravitation, the Theory of Relativity, Quantum Physics, and so on. These theories all belong to the theory of action at a distance.


    Heroes of Ether Theories: Rene Descartes, Christiaan Huygens, Robert Hooke, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Michael Faraday, James Clerk Maxwell, Nikola Tesla, Jin Guangnian, and so on


    Heroes of Anti-Ether Theories: Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, and so on


    1. A Torsion Balance – the Mass of the Earth


    About two hundred years ago, Mr Henry Cavendish weighed the mass of the Earth with torsion balance. There are several mistakes in his experiment. Carrying through these mistakes, this would mean that the masses of the Earth and other large celestial bodies would also be incorrect. In the formula of the law of universal gravitation as there are two masses, if the masses of the Earth and the other large celestial bodies are incorrect, this would mean that the law and many other theories in Astronomy and Earth Science would collapse.


    2. The Reason for Natural Disasters.


    There is something similar in form to a “rope” between the Sun and the Earth, which can be described as a type of an energy line. There are three sizeable energy lines between the Galactic core and the Sun, the Sun and Jupiter as well as the Sun and Saturn. When the Earth passes these lines, as it has been doing regularly, natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods as well as global warming occur.


    3. The Law of Universal Gravitation.


    Newton’s law of universal gravitation states that every point mass in the Universe attracts every other point mass with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.


    The theory of active resonance states that, keeping distance unchanged, the attractive force between two objects is not a constant. It varies with surroundings.


    We can calculate attractive force accurately between any 2 ants on our planet with the help of the law of universal gravitation. It’s just an illusion.


    4. Two Metal Plates, the Mass of Electron.

    The currently accepted mass of an electron is 0.00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 91093 8kg, which was discovered by Mr. Robert Andrews Millikan by weighing it with two metal plates and several oil drops. When it is so difficult to obtain the mass of pollen, the accuracy of the weighing of the electron, which is infinitesimally smaller, seems to be out of perspective. It then follows that if the accuracy of the electron charge and mass is in doubt then theories in Quantum Physics are also brought into suspicion.


    0.00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 91093 8kg, it’s too accurate to be true.


    5. The Atom Model.


    The electron is not a component of the atom but instead a type of energy sent out by the atom. There is only one type of particle in the atom, which is the proton. The neutron is identical to the proton in the atomic nucleus.


    6. The speed of light in Vacuum


    The speed of light in Vacuum is not a constant. We want to use light year to measure distance in University. So we choose this assumption.


    7. The Model of the Universe


    The Big Bang Theory is a widely accepted theory. Based on the Eher theory the Big Bang theory would also be incorrect. Similar to sound, light loses its energy gradually on its way to Earth which causes red shift. If a star were far enough away from the Earth, the light from that star would lose all its energy before reaching the planet. This would mean that only a small portion of the Universe is visible to the Earth, which in turn would put the Earth at the center of that portion of the visible Universe. The visible portion of the Universe is surrounded by another very large Universe but because it is too far away, it is invisible to the population of the Earth.


    8. Galactic Long Bar


    The Galactic Long Bar has only recently been discovered and at this point in time scientists are still trying to determine its reason d’être. The Active Resonance Theory states that stars are pulled into the Long Bar when they are old. They then decompose in the Galactic core. New born Protons subsequently escape the Galactic Core and gather in the outskirts of the Galaxy. This is then where new stars are born.

    9. The Model of the Earth


    As already stated the Earth’s mass cannot be calculated by using torsion balance which means that the mass of the Earth is currently unknown. The current Earth's model which is based on this mass would be wrong. The Active Resonance theory shows that the Earth has two surfaces and two crusts with a lava layer between these two crusts, its thickness being approximately 695km. This would mean that there is an inner Universe within the Earth, the diameter of which is more than 10,000km.

    10. Crop Circles.


    According to the Active Resonance Theory, crop circles are made by anti-gravity spaceships. Most likely these spaceships are manned by aliens from the inner surface(s) of Mar and the three satellites of Jupiter.


    It’s very dark on inner surface, so creatures’ eyes are very big.


    11. Anti-Gravity Technology


    The planet Earth sends out a sizeable amount of energy every second. Humans will be able to master anti-gravity technology through electromagnetic eruption phenomenon and gravity magnetic force unsymmetrical growth phenomenon. This will then enable sufficient and clean energy sources for the future.


    12. Gravitational Storms


    The Active Resonance Theory states that underground gravitational storms are the main reasons for earthquakes, floods, typhoons, sandstorms, bushfires, etc.

  14. science, wake up, you are in the Matrix. --------------Jin Guangnian


    I have proved a lot of accepted theories in Physics are wrong.


    Let me start with the mass of Earth. I found out human being still don't know the mass of Earth.



    M=gR^2/G , this formula shows how we calculate the mass of Earth. It's too simple. Human being just pretend we know the mass of Sun, Earth, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and so on.


    In my research, I found out 3 mistakes in Mr Henry Cavendish torsion balance exp.


    1 the distance between two balls is too close, the balls can't be treated as a point.


    2 when we calculate the force between 2 balls on the ground, the law of universal gravitation probably is invalid. for example, there are 2 balls, the distance between them is 1m, each ball is 1kg. the force from Earth for one ball is 10 billions times as much as the force from the other ball.


    3 GM in the law of universal gravitation is a constant for a celestial body. GM equal to 4π^2/k (A), k is from Kepler's third law. then M= A/G. which means, if G is wrong, then M is wrong as well, but GM is still a constant.


    What the mass of Earth means to us.


    if the mass of Earth is wrong, then the mass of sun, moon, Jupiter are wrong as well. Theories in Astrology, Earth science will collapse.


    We can pretend we know everything about solar system for ever, or we wake up and face the truth now.


    Jin Guangnian

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