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Posts posted by Demonio

  1. I like to think of dark matter as liquid that the universe is suspended within and about why it causes the universe to expand? dark matter is expanding itself and our univere is expanding with it filling in the new space that is now available. The universe couldent exist outside the dark matter and also cannot leave its confines so basicly where dark matter goes so does the rest of the universe.

  2. The theory of the big bang goes that the universe started out as an infinitely dense partical or a singularity that for some random reason decided to expand creating all objects that exsist within that sphere of expansion. An early universe would have been much denser than it is today a night sky from planet surface would look very different it would be packed with Nebulae and young stars an incomprihensible amount of energy, rock, ice and other matter would streak through through space coliding with each other constantly in such a packed and chaotic universe Life would not exist long we would be swept back up in the tidal wave of creation that formed us pretty quickly.

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