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Everything posted by bob000555

  1. Take both sides to the negative first power.
  2. The universe is defined as everything that exists; to ask what exists beyond everything that exists is meaningless. It’s like asking what lies north of(which is deferent from above) the north pole. Remember the laws of physics are under no obligation to exist in a form that is similar to our terrestrial experiences.
  3. What exactly do you mean. Wouldn’t the outer part of the sphere be the fastest moving and therefore most relativistic part of it? What if it was a hallow sphere?
  4. If a sphere was rotating about it’s axis at relativistic speeds what would happen from the perspective of an observer looking at the sphere with the axis of rotation parallel to them (directly up and down). What would happen from the prospective of an observer looking straight down on the sphere (such that the axis appeared to be a point)?
  5. No one said NaCl and NaOCl where equivalent. All that was said was that NaOCl oxidizes by being reduced to NaCl + ½ O2. Really the only way to get chlorine from sodium hypochlorite is to liberate hypochlorous acid which can easily decompose the Cl2 Eg. NaOCl + HCl -> NaCl + HOCl HOCl + HCl -> Cl2 + H2O And that’s why mixing bleach and hydrochloric acid is a bad idea.
  6. I know Wikipedia isn’t that reliable but according to wiki this method is used to generate oxygen in the lab: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_peroxide#Redox_reactions This does make sense as H2O2 often acts as a reducing agent in alkaline environments meaning that NaOCl would be reduced to NaCl and ½ O2. Chlorine gas is a damn strong oxidizer and it’s going to take a lot more energy to liberate that then to liberate oxygen. If any chlorine is released it’s not going to be any applicable amount.
  7. <Lord-P>: you know what <Lord-P>: you guys suck
  8. It is more likely that the fallowing will occur then that it will yield chlorine. NaOCL + H202 -> NaCl + H2O + O2
  9. So the point of this thread was to contrast space with Earth’s atmosphere…wow.
  10. The second paragraph of my last post is and argument AGAINST the big squeeze not for it. I will try to state this as simply as possible: all that exists in three dimensional space is part of this universe, you cannot have another universe sharing the same three dimensional space as us.
  11. You're really not making any sense. Again the universe is defined as everything that exists in three dimensional space. By definition there cannot be more then one universe in space. Are you talking about an oscillating universe that forms via a big bang, recollapseses and reforms with a new set of laws of physics? If that's what your talking about; as has been previously stated the rate at which the universe is expanding is accelerating. It is therefore unlikely that gravity will overcome dark energy and cause the universe to collapse into a new singularity. It is more likely that dark energy(the energy causing the universe to expand) will overcome gravity, then the electromagnetic force, then the week nuclear force then the strong nuclear force eventually ripping matter itself apart.
  12. Again the universe is defined as everything that physically exists, so to talk about the universe being a point in anything or being contained in anything is meaningless. The idea of alternate dimensions of existence is something very different then a universe being contained in something else…
  13. I think there may be some confusion between a galaxy and a universe. The Universe is everything that physically exists. There may be multiple universes in quantum theory but they cannot collide; when the term is used in the scene it refers to theoretical constructs each with different laws of physics. A galaxy on the other had is a gravitationally bound blob of stars, planets, interstellar gas etc floating along in the universe. Tolmosoff; galaxies are like bubbles in a bath not universes. Galaxy collisions are in fact fairly common as galaxies exert massive gravitational pulls on each other. Round galaxies (forgot the proper name it may be disc galaxies or some such) are, for example, believed to be formed from the merger of multiple spiral galaxies. edit: also note that our galaxy , The Milky Way is currently merging with(or cannibalizing) two other galaxies, Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy and Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy. The universes is not expanding into an unknown medium as airbrush said as by definition there is nothing outside of the universe. Nor is it expanding into some vast void agene the is no void or empty space or anything outside of the universe it is simply expanding into space that previously did not exist.
  14. bob000555


    Cloning is usually accomplished by harvesting an egg from a member of the same or a similar species. All the mother's genetic material is removed and replaced with that of the target specimen. An electrical shock is then used to trigger cell devision. The cell splits into an exactly genetically similar copy of the specimen.
  15. Contemporary Abstract Algebra 7th edition http://www.amazon.com/Contemporary-Abstract-Algebra-Joseph-Gallian/dp/0547165099/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1249332179&sr=8-1
  16. semester one: AP English Language and Compisition AP Chemistry 1st half Algebra 3 Philosophy Calculus one at local college Semester two AP Political Science AP Chemistry 2ed half AP Environmental Science Post WWII US history Calculus two a local college
  17. In the event of a natural disaster locate a sweet potato field and a chicken coop. Sweet potato's are the most nutritious culinary vegetation in terms of vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbohydrates. Egg whites contain all the amino acids necessary for protein synthesis and the yolks are a good source of lipids.
  18. Bonuses may have had something to do with the financial crises but it had much more to do with complicated financial instruments. Most banks have stopped dealing as heavily in sub prime mortgage backed securities. Goldman Sachs was never heavily involved except short selling such interments making a huge among of money as the market collapsed. Large bonuses have been a tradition on Wall Street since long before this whole thing started. They where and are a tool to attract top talent, top talent makes Goldman Sachs money.
  19. I am fairly sure urea is actually a special case. So the reaction of urea with sodium hydroxide is a bit more complex then is described in the article. Urea can be produced produced by the reaction of sodium cyanate (NaOCN) with ammonium chloride. NaOCN + NH4Cl -> NH2CONH2 + NaCl by adding NaOH to urea you are essentially reversing the process and will get sodium cyanate, ammonia and water. NaOH + (NH2)2CO -> NaOCN + NH3 + H2O
  20. There is acutely a much more dramatic example then dogs: corn. Modern corn(maize) was obtained though thousands of years of the selective breading of the field grass teosinte starting with the Aztecs. Teosinte and corn share virtually no characteristics except that teosinte’s seeds (technically a vegetable and not a seed) are divided into tiny kernels like corn. The Aztecs somehow had the vision to selectively bread thousands of tiny changes into teosinte to get modern maize. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maize#Origin
  21. bob000555

    How T0:-

    If you already have sodium you could make the less reactive metals via a termite reaction with their respective salts. eg. Na + LiCl -> Li + NaCl 2 Na + CaCl2 -> 2 NaCl + Ca This could be extraordinarily dangerous though, I'm to sure how much heat would be generated. Be careful. edit: Also note that if you can somehow obtain the melting point of salts you can generate both group I and II metals by electrolysis of the molten salt. eg. CaCl2 -> Cl2 + Ca
  22. Oh, pish-posh. Goldman Sachs has always been the best of bread for a very long time. Back when investment banking was dominated by White Anglo-Saxon Protestants Goldman was one of the first banks to hire the best and the brightest regardless of background. They where thus able to monopolize Catholic and Jewish talent. This monopoly on some of the most skilled deal makers, traders and brokers allowed Goldman to make massive amounts of money, which allowed Goldman to start the tradition amongst investment banks of luring the top MBA grads every year with the promise of massive paychecks. The formula is simple; they recruit the best and brightest and pay them massive amounts of money, but in the process make them selves massive amounts of money. This is also why you find so many Goldman alumni in high government positions. If you look at any organization consisting of very bright people you will see a lot of it’s alumni in high leval positions. To imply some sort of wrong doing from this is completely illogical. No one believes that Harvard is a massive conspiracy just because a lot of Harvard grads go on to work for the government agencies that hand out research grants and give a lot of that money to Harvard. Honestly Goldman is an example of what is right with America, it gives lower and middle class Americans scholarships to go to business school then come get jobs that make them(and successive generations) fantastically wealthy. Goldman probably didn’t need the TARP money in the first palace as the where the only bank making money as the market imploded by short selling mortgage backed securities. They no longer owe the government anything as they have paid back the TARP money early and repurchased government warrants, so as far as I’m concerned they can pay their employs as much as they want. (full disclosure: I am a Goldman Sachs shareholder.)
  23. I suppose it would be possible to observe your self being permanently injured but the point remains that it is imposable to observe your own death. Outsiders could observe it but you could not thus the realty in which you die would not exist from your prospective.
  24. According to quantum mechanics we are all immortal. Imagine playing Russian Roulette; when you pull the trigger the is a fifty percent chance that there is a bullet in the barrel. In a Shrodinger’s cat-esqu when you pull the trigger the bullet has both left the barrel and not left the barrel, you wont know until you observe it. But if it has left the barrel you wont observe it because you will be dead. It may indeed appear to outside observers as though you are dead but from your point of observation the universe will have split along two different time lines and you will be in the one where the gun did not fire. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_suicide
  25. Most chemisty sets havent included KMnO4 for years. It's part of why kids find science boring now; the most interesting chemical their ever alowed to touch is Na2CO3 or somesuch.
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