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Posts posted by newworldphysics

  1. ajb,


    You are right that is what i meant. But what i was thinking of is like the up and down part of the height dimension. Above the x axis on a graph would be positive or up and below the x axis would be negitive or down. The other two dimension of space are like this so i was thinking why can't time. On a graph above the x axis is positive or the future and below would be the past and on the x axis would be the present.


    I think i may start a thread on this but what would i put this topic (time) under astronomy?



  2. Sorry Jacques i am about to move away from your questions.


    Time does have three dimensions does it not, past, present and future?




    You asked does time exist.

    I do not know much about the theories of phyiscs (yet, i hope to though) but if i am correct about want i do know some theories need time to exist to make them work and some theories do not need time to exist to make them work. So to answer your question is hard.


    Agian i do not know much so do not go by me, but i suggest opening a new thread?

  3. a few of you have mentioned that the speed of light is the universal speed limit this is true but this is actutally this is the universal speed limit of matter

    because of this spacetime its self travels faster then the speed of light this is possible because spacetime has no mass so it can "travel" (truely it expands) faster then the speed of light breaking the speed barrier

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