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Posts posted by ozoneisnotsm

  1. The headlines read, "Isn't it ionic, air purifiers make smog". I came here to get some answers from people who know a thing or two about science and physics to see what you believe on this subject.


    I became interested in air cleaners 5 years ago when I found out from an engineer at the Hard Rock hotel (friend of mine from college) that they pump ozone into the casino to create oxygen and get rid of cigarette odors. I thought ozone was bad to breath, so I started to study the subject. Since then, I've become one of the top air cleaner and air purifier sellers in the US and get calls and e-mails all the time from doctors who use ozone therapy to cure incurable disease. One person says they cured themselves of AIDS by injecting pure medical grade ozone into his veins on a daily basis. Many customers tell me of their cancers going away because of ozone saunas.


    I guess part of the deal in living in a capitalist society is dealing with special interest groups and powerful lobbies. The large drug and pharmaceutical companies probably are the most powerful force to be reckoned with in Washington politics. They will never allow ozone therapy in my opinion, regardless of the success documented in Germany and abroad. Many government agencies are on a mission to vilify ozone. The UC Irvine group that put out this "research" received $7.5 million from the feds to study air pollution. This is what they came up with? Why not address the health hazards school buses pose (gassing kids ever day) or the fact two thirds of big rigs have no emissions controls? The fact is that older factories, big rigs, and buses with no emissions controls dump billions of tons of hydrocarbons, VOC's, and nitrous oxides into the air every day and when heat and sunlight is added to the mix, oxygen (O2) is split and ozone (O3) is formed. Ozone is easier to measure than that other crap so they can tell it's smoggy when there is a lot of ozone in the air. But to say that ozone from an ozone generator is "smog" is misleading and misinformation. Last time I checked, they don't produce any vehicle exhaust.


    I put out PR’s to counter this misleading study (I also posted on our my website if you’re interested in reading the truth about ozone and smog) http://www.ioniczone.com/air_purifiers_cre...s_not_smog.html ) However, if you search for ‘air purifiers” or “air cleaners” on google you’ll find 5 of the top 15 spots are not taken by these misinformation articles. Hence, people looking for air purifiers are apt to believe that air purifiers make smog. By the way, we only sell 1 ozone generator and 105 HEPA or UV air purifiers that produce no ozone. I don’t advocate using ozone generators in occupied rooms, only for water treatment, medicinal applications, and smoke and odor remediation projects.


    How many of you have ever heard of ozone therapy or read the research? Here is a good list of the research written in English (most of the research papers on the medical use of ozone are in German) http://www.oxyfiles.org/oxyfiles/oxy00032.html


    How many people know about the problem with school buses? The Natural Resource Defense Council has to say on this subject:


    " How much diesel exhaust gets into school buses?


    To help answer this question, researchers from NRDC, the Coalition for Clean Air and the University of California at Berkeley measured air quality inside typical school buses as they traveled along real elementary-school bus routes in the Los Angeles area. They took continuous measurements inside the buses, and compared these to air quality both just outside the buses and in passenger cars traveling ahead of the buses tested. They took readings while idling with the motor running, while traveling up and down hills or driving slowly, and while making frequent stops. And most of the buses tested did not emit a significant amount of visible black smoke. In other words, the tests re-created real-life conditions.


    The results were alarming. Our study found that levels of diesel exhaust inside a school bus can be four times higher than those found in passenger cars driving just ahead of the bus. And the diesel levels inside the buses were more than eight times the average diesel-exhaust content of California air."


    How much ozone do you think comes from tail pipes? Two thirds of school buses put out black smoke, how much worse is the air in those buses?


    The bottom line is this. Our government will never fix the smog problem as long as the masses don’t understand the problem. Blame ozone and be done with it seems to be the “party line”. . It seems that countless lives could be saved with ozone therapy and other countless lives could be saved if emissions controls were required on all vehicles, regardless of age. We have to ask ourselves, if we can put a man on the moon, why then can we not engineer emissions controls for older engines? We could, very easily, but nobody is going to invent or manufacture emissions controls for older vehicles when in fact those older vehicles are not required by law to carry them! Educating the masses is the first step in righting wrongs. When the people stand united on important issues, change is eminent. Many of you here can help with this cause or join the dark side and promote the “ozone is smog” people. I’m anxious to hear your ideas on this subject. Mike

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