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Posts posted by verse10

  1. First question: Where would this topic go?

    Second question: May I come here to these forums presenting new wave / ancient / traditional claims I find on the internet? I understand the majority is unproven and possible nonsense, but I'd like to understand 'why' if anyone is bored enough to explain or direct me to where I might learn more on the subject.


    Topic Question: Is there any validity to these 'Cold Shower' 'Ishnaan' claims? (yes or no, feel free to elaborate for my ignorance):


    "Cold showers have the following positive effects:

    * Brings blood to the capillaries, therefore increasing circulation throughout the body.

    * Cleans the circulatory system.

    * Reduces blood pressure on internal organs.

    * Provides flushing for the organs and provides a new supply of blood.

    * Strengthens the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.

    * Contracts the muscles to eliminate toxins and poisonous wastes.

    * Strengthens the mucous membranes, which help resist hay fever, allergies, colds, coughs."

    Taken from EarthClinic.com


    In the description:

    "But first, before you get wet, massage your body all over with a little oil. Oil is more easily absorbed by the skin when it is mixed with water--and you won't be greasy afterwards."

    The Flow of Eternal Power by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa

    Oil is absorbed when mixed with water...? :unsure:


    I do like how the man in the video emphasizes courage, and at the end:

    "How will that benefit a person?"

    "Do it and find out"


    I'm unschooled in all science but very curious, if there are books for interest reading anyone could recommend that would be nice, maybe an introduction to the circulatory system.



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