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Posts posted by samy109

  1. Ok well just yesterday I began trying to make some rust for another experiment i will be doing (thermite hehe). So basically my setup is this, ive got a 12v adapter with the ends stripped plugged into the wall, and the negative wire has a huge bolt so it wont "erode" quickly and the positive side which is the one that bubbles the most i think has an iron nail on it, if i was backwards, you get the idea. So i turn it on and my first batch was fine but it made black and orange stuff, not all orange and when i heated it it turned all orange. Now im on my next batch and blue stuff keeps forming on the bolt then sinks to the bottom no matter what i try and orange stuff accumlates on the top(which im guessing is rust or something?). So whats the blue stuff? am i doing this right? Whats going on? Thanks in advance - samy109:confused:

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