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Posts posted by Immunologist

  1. I think I'm having a little bit of trouble understanding the distinction being made. Immunologist, are you denying the existence of a gene pool, wherein members of a species more apt to survive under given conditions produce more offspring, thereby (over the course of many generations) diffusing a greater concentration of their genetic traits in the population as a whole, and "changing the species?"


    No in fact I even prefer your way of saying it. What is important is the gene pool and the "new gene-bearer". The concept of its eventual offspring and the foundation of the gene pool will come after the initial survival of this new individual (and its replication). So natural selection is not acting on the gene pool itself, but on each gene-bearer in function of the concerned gene.


    So the distinction being:

    Species: Arbitrary decision of 2 different groups each containing heterogeneity in their respective gene pool.


    Saying that natural selection occurs on new species is therefore impossible because it acts simply at the level of the individual (gene-bearer).


    I am having a complicated issue here essentialy over a semantic question: a mutated individual and its first descendants do not form a different specie from their originating specie until they diverged enough. One gene difference is not enough to have a different specie.


    Is it better?

  2. First' date=' 'species' is both singular and plural, like 'sheep'.


    Second, can occur in any population of organisms. If your species is one big population, then while they change over time due to natural selection, they're still just a different version of what came before.


    However, if your species is one big population, but then is split into two smaller populations (say by rising sea levels), they're initially the same, but natural selection might take different directions in each of the now-separate populations. Over time, they become more and more different, until they can no longer interbreed, and thus are separate species.


    So the short answer is that natural selection affects any population of animals. When it makes two populations increasingly different, that eventually results in speciation.







    Genus, species, sub-species (serovar and others)... So specie is a concise, precise, defined and arbitrary thing.


    And Natural Selection is not acting on species, but on INDIVIDUALS (and even on genes to be more precise, again).

    A new specie will come after a complete differentiation, but Natural Selection is already acting to promote the survival of ONE INDIVIDUAL before any descendant of this INDIVIDUAL is created. So NO, a SPECIE is not needed for natural selection if we are precise, simply because natural selection is acting on a lower level than that.


    It is an old view that evolution is a question of species. Evolution is a question of fundamental units, simply: individuals; precisely: genes. Species are created once enough individuals are in it to form it. But how do these Individuals get an increasing proportion and survival? By natural selection.


    We should think of evolution not only on mammals but also on bacterias. It makes it more precise.

  3. I have an issue on Natural Selection:




    The new study – published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences – provides empirical support for the proposition that natural selection is a general force behind the formation of new species by analyzing the relationship between natural selection and the ability to interbreed in hundreds of different organisms – ranging from plants through insects' date=' fish, frogs and birds – and finding that the overall link between them is positive.



    The question is this (bolded in red). Comments much appreciated.




    It's a forum debate, and I am simply asking what he suggested the answer will be if I ask any biologist, how accurate is this that is quoted above.


    Many thanks[/quote']



    The problem comes with the term "specie". Natural selection needs an assembly of genes living together (let`s call it an individual!) to act on it. So one does not need a whole new specie to have natural selection, but simply an individual bearing a difference compared to his group (specie). If his difference provides it with an advantage or not will affect the natural selection.



    Specie is a term that we arbitrary apply to a heterous population that we put together due to great similarities. This is decided by humans so essentialy AFTER the facts of natural selection occured. Never forget that "natural selection" is applied to individuals (in real to genes, read Richard Dawkins that opened this depate looooong ago) and the term "specie" to a group of individuals. Therefore in such an explanation, it is clear that natural selection will occur before we decide that a group is a specie.


    THOUGH, in your quote, this term is used clearly to identify individual(s) bearing a difference, which makes it 100% correct, but badly stated.


    Hope it is clear?


    Look at the exemple:

    Bacteria A is a specie. Among this specie, one of the individuals gets a mutation that allows it to metabolise faster than others. Natural selection allows this individual to generate an increasingly important proportion of the descendants from this specie, hence generating a slightly different group of cells. If one can isolate an old A bacteria and the new mutated one, he would get somehow 2 different species. But only after the individual was favored is it possible.


    Hope that it is clear. It is highly a question of semantic: Specie is arbitrary whereas natural selection is conceptual, so it is not obvious to mix them. Try and use individual instead of specie. It will actually renders your discussion more acurate as natural selection does not refer to species per se, but on interrelations between individuals, resources and other individuals.

  4. You should not address this relation in this regard. Theoricaly, the 2 beings -mother and foetus- are one and only until the birth, so they cannot "interact" together as two individuals do. It is biologicaly the same than a yeast budding from another yeast.

    The best I could find to describe it would be "nourishing" for mother to foetus and "being nourished" for foetus towards mother. But it is not quite proper in scientific language, although appealing in common language.


    I feel there should be more appropriate word, but I don't think it will be one of the one you suggested as they refer to 2 different individuals.

  5. In fact, your first observation that it is useless against viruses is quite sufficient in itself not to prescribe it.

    Second, as noted, it favors the apparition of resistance. Usually, in a normal organism (human), a bacteria that mutated and is now resistant to antibiotics (yes, this occurs sporadicaly and naturally without presence of antibiotics) have it more as a burden than an advantage when there is no antibiotics. The use f antibiotics will provide it with an advantage and favors an improvement of this new strain by selecting the better ones. Thus, pretty bad for the rest of us.

    Third, antibiotics kill many bacterias, not just pathogenic ones. Importantly, it will kill bacterias of the normal flora of the body and particularly the gut. This population is important and each antibiotic treatment affects them and rarely for the better. Among other things the normal flora prevents us from getting recurrent diarhea from opportunistic pathogens passing in the gut. If you trouble the normal flora, this could occur.

    Althought Frostbite is correct in saying that antibiotics are not perfectly specific (I don't know about his precise example), they usually do not harm ourselves too badly and this argument, although probably true, would not be a major reason not to prescribe the antibiotic. Why?


    Because we also have to concede that physicians have reasons to act this way: a viral infection could hide or allow a bacterial infection to occur as the immune system is occupied with the virus. So sometimes they prescribe the antibiotic in this idea, a risk that outweight the risk of non-specific killing of human cells (because often eucaryotic cells are sensitive to antibiotics, but to a concentration 2 or 3 logs higher than what is needed for bacterias)


    Hope it helps!

  6. I think that as the first thinker of the idea, you should be sent there to supervise the operation, no? And eat the same thing???


    I think that you don't need to invent poisoned food, just don't provide them any if you think this way.


    I a not a supporter of ethics, but seeing that people have ideas like that could convert me.

  7. Hello Dims,


    First, part of Scicop says is true, these are notions you would easily get in a basic immunology book, but there is no need to be as agressive as he is.


    Second, Dr. Dalek provided come clues, but he is not absolutly right...


    So third, here goes my answer: Phagocytes are usually wandering around in different tissues and engulf by phagocytosis many things, self and non-self. Once it is said, we must conclude that they also "eat" things that are not dangerous! So your idea that they are eating in a preventive manner is not absolutly wrong, but inexact. For example, they are eating dead cells from the body to remove them from the tissue. But in this case, as it is not a danger signal, there is antigen presentation, but no activation of the immune response against it!


    How does it happens? Well antigen presenting cells (APCs) have different cell receptors, commonly reffered as "Pattern Recognition Receptors" PRRs. These receptors include the Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs) that the others discussed before. These receptors do recognize non-self and therefore "activate" the phagocyte. In the case of a self molecule, it is phagocytosed, but not recognized by these receptors, so the APC does not get activated.


    What is activation? Activation ensures that the APC will be presenting the antigen (Ag) to the Tcells concurently with a second signal (co-signal). This co-signal is NECESSARY for activation of the immune response, without it, Tcells will not respond.


    Think this should be clear. So yes the engulfed pathogen (or other) is killed, but it is important that Ag presentation occurs so that the immune system is made aware of the presence of this pathogen, because all chances are that others are present!


    Is it ok

  8. Hello Kirlian,


    Cancers form due to an abnormal growth of cells (from any type of cells). These cells are directed to proliferate all the time when they should not. Most of the time, a mutation of a gene that regulate the growth of cells is the origin of the disregulation.

    These mutations can be induced by many factors, like viruses that insert in the genome, exposition to radiations, chemicals (ethidium bromide)... anything that will induce affect DNA and cause an improper repair of the DNA strand.


    In the lung, the most common cause of cancers is, sadly, cigarette smoke. Among all the stuff in cigarette smoke, there is (if I remember correctly) over hundred cancerigens and 20 (I'm sure of that one) cancerigens that are aiming specially at the lungs.


    Genetic predispositions are also involved in cancer. By example, if you have a specific allele of a regulatory gene (for cell growth), it can change the odds that this gene's protein work badly.


    Hope it helps understand!


    A good reference for cancer:



    For lung:


  9. I think you should find this answer by yourself, but take the hints of people:

    I am rephrasing your question as follow:


    You have 3 non-sense mutations in a LacZ gene in 3 strains of E.coli.

    You will use UV on these strains to try and revert these non-sense mutations to coding codons. For each of the 3 stated codons (TAA,TAG and TGA), what is the expected codon after UV irradiation when referring to the "A rule" (hint: what UV do to nucleotides??? How these modified nucleotides will be interpreted by polymerases?).

    The post-UV irradiation codons will result in what? 1. which amino acid (or stop)

    2. functional or not functional gene.


    Everything revolves around the effect of UVs on nucleotides and the mutation induced by UVs...


    Good luck!

  10. I think Dak got a more simple approach (and probably more verifiable).


    If a recombination occured in the parents, finding it in the child would allow to trace the parent.


    If that was a teacher's question, recombination would surely be the answer.

  11. Here is a call for discussion. In March (Science, March 2, Evidence for a functional second thymus in mice) a German team reported having isolated a second thymus (YES A BRAND NEW PREVIOUSLY UNIDENTIFIED ORGAN) in the mouse http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=16513945&query_hl=3&itool=pubmed_docsum.

    This has clear consequences for teams who were previously doing thymectomy to prevent lymphocyte development. Does anyone performed thymectomy in mice? If yes, what is the remaining population found in periphery? How did you address that it was peripheral expansion?

  12. I think I would personnaly repeat the serum Ig testing, just in case your subject was exposed to something irrelevant the week before the sampling...


    As IgG2 are a more rare form, an acute elevation in their amount is more likely to be noted than an increase in IgG1 for example. So it could be only some irrelevant (to your idiopathic fatigue context) observation. Can you correlate this observation with leucocyte counts in the blood? If an increased amount of neutrophils is found, search no more: infection with something.


    In a case where there is nothing like that, could it be that increased [igG2] is only a consequence of something deeper, like overexpression of hormones leading to increased IL-6 or else? Having measured anything else in this serum?



  13. Autoantibodies and auto-reactive T cells are always generated in our body. But they are kept silent by 2 mechanisms. The first one involve not letting them out of their maturing organ (thymus): t cells that recognize self antigens (presented in the thymus) are sent in apoptosis (programmed cell death). In the periphery, if they were not killed in thymus, they are anergized by antigen presenting cells (APCs) if they recognize self-antigens (APCs do not express co-stimulation molecules necessary for activation).

    So how can you have auto-reactive antibodies?

    1. a self-antigen is expressed out of its context. Some proteins are expressed only in the eye, so are never presented as "self" in the thymus. But if someone get an injury to an eye and inflammatory cells can now get in the eye, they can be activated by these never-seen proteins.

    2. Some proteins (antigens actually) are very similar to some pathogens, so after an infection, you get autoimmunity against your own self because it is similar to the previous infectious agent (see rheumatic fever with gr A b-hemolytic Streptcocci: http://www.life.umd.edu/classroom/bsci424/BSCI223WebSiteFiles/Chapter23.htm)

    3. Also, in periphery, some cells are there to keep immune reactions low, the T regulatory cells (Treg). If for a reason or another, they do not perform their task, you can have autoimmunity.


    4. Plenty of other known or still debated reasons.

    Hope it helped.

  14. the DNA markers present in both kids parental chromosomes and both kids maternal chromosomes are 99.999% likely to be the same as the father and mother respectively but the brothers and sisters have equal DNA sequences to each other. so it wouldn't be possible to determine which is which without looking at the physical traits and phenotypes of each of the family histories and comparing them to physical traits and phenotypes in each child.


    Wait, if the DNA sequences are the same then the ancestry is totaly pointless as they are starting with the SAME background. Variations in the phenotype will be due to environmental factors affecting development after conception.

    Yes I agree DNA would be 99,999% identical, therefore markers are unable to make the difference (well, improbable). It is why a sequencing (whole genome) would be necessary to identify small mutations (1 nt to few nts) that are found in parental gametes and in child somatic cells. Actually, it would cost thousands to do such things, but as far as I am aware the question was theoric.


    Phenotypic analysis and family histories are irrelevant as both genitors are identicals.

  15. Here is a reference agout IgGs...



    I would like to underline that IgG2 are produced primarly against polysaccharides, not only lipopolysaccharides (LPS). Therefore other molecules might be involved.


    As for the question of Th1/Th2, it would easily be sorted by a measurment of the IgEs (they are elevated in a Th2 response). But an indication is already there: IgG4 are not increased, therefore it does not seem to be suggesting a Th2 response (IgG4 and IgE are elevated in a Th2 response).


    What is the background or context of this result? Human I guess (IgG4 are not in mice), but why was the person tested?

  16. From a genetic point of view, the somatic (non-gametes) cells of twins bear the same genetic background. We agree on this.


    However, twins don't necessary have the same genetic information in their gametes (eggs of spermatozoids) as mutations can occur when creating the gametes...


    So there is a possibility that by analysing the 2 couples gametes, you find a mutation... the presence or absence of this mutation in the child somatic cells could identify the parents.


    See ya!

  17. Keep things in their place: Science is one thing and Religion another. Each time you read one of these "Facts" analyse it properly: if they present it as a scientific fact, then it should questions such as:

    - Can I imagine a way to prove it right?

    - Can I imagine a way to prove it wrong?

    - Is it true in the fisrt place?


    Often their fact can't be proven wrong, e.g., it is impossible to prove that God did not created something, because you can argue that God created DNA through enzymes.


    Keep things in perspectives: Science is an exercise of logic, experimentation and analysis, religion and spiritualism is a personnal quest of answering questions that can not be answered by the present knowledge.


    Also, to see their serious, ask questions such as:

    - Why are muslims forbidden to eat pork?

    You will see that the answer will be "submission to God's will", wich is miles away from logic...


    Don't let the fool you by thinking that spiritualism is science. But yes you can be curious and develop your spiritualism.

  18. I don't quite know about the dissolution of casein, but I don't see why it would not be dissolving even at room temperature... in a normal pH solution.


    But on the other hand, you can try and use milk... often used in western blots, as one of its main protein is casein. So skimmed milk could also do.


    I guess you try to avoid blood products, but if not, FBS 10% is also an excellent blocking agent.


    PBS-Tween is NOT a blocking solution, it can only serve to wash. There is no protein in it and therefore cannot block non-specific interactions.

  19. First, the case of cold:


    Gram positive bacterias have a solid cell wall and will survive freezing (down to 0 Kelvin if you suceed to it), but will obviously not proliferate if there is no liquid water. Once thawed though, enough of them will have suvived to start to grow again. Gram neg don't have the same cell wall and will resist freezing less easily.


    Second the case of warmth:


    Pasteurisation (killing most of pathogens) is done in milk by heating at 75 degs for 30-45 secs. Therefore this ia a part of answer. However, to kill Bacillus stearothermophilus, one must reach 121 degs and high pressure to kill the spores, and this during 20 minutes.


    For the salt:


    Cells will not live if water availability (Wa) is too low. When increasing salt concentration, you reduce the disponibility of water. This the same for sugar. But, as bacterias have cell walls, they won't lyse, they will remain dormant (and might die, but not for sure). This is the same phenomenon for sugar.

    This means that nothing "grows" in your jam, but if you dilute it in water, it could!


    See ya!

  20. Please... see a physician or a pharmacist...


    Rubbing vaseline on the side of your nose will only catch some of the allergens coming in the nose.


    Anti-histaminic medication is usually a good solution to allergies (if your sister is really having allergies). Reactine...



    I think it was a sound advice to consult a specialist (pharmacist should do).

  21. Yeah, sorry Steph, you are absolutly right, E.coli is not the flesh-eating bacteria, but is the source of hamburger disease, I wrote too fast!


    I would not be too impressed with someone having its flesh eaten by an enterobacteria... You must break the skin barrier for it to reach tissue and as it lives in your intestines, I really don't want to imagine such an accident...


    More info:


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