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Posts posted by Boopsie

  1. My family is very excited because my sister is getting married soon. The man she is marrying is rather high income, so she has decided to stay home and be a housewife. She told me she will cook, clean, take care of the baby, and all that. I would have thought those tasks would take out the enthusiam from anyone but apparently some (maybe most) women like being traditional.


    Being a wife and mother is can certainly be a very satisfying career choice for a woman. Speaking as a woman with a satisfying career, the happiest time of my life was when I was able to stay home with my infant son for his first year of life. While I value my career and find it personally satisfying, the main reason I have worked outside the home has been to support my family, not for the personal satisfaction it brings. If my husband was wealthy, I would not work, though I would likely continue my education because that's something I enjoy. If this man makes your sister happy, then be happy for her being able to make that choice. It's not on option for every woman.

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