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Everything posted by Milken

  1. That's pretty much what I figured not only that but natural selection isn't suppose to be goal oriented.
  2. Just to keep things going, I'll say, we're not suppose to be perfect. Here one: Why are we only smarter than the other animals, we're not big, tall, fast, or strong compared to the best living animals? Naturally one of these should have been selected also, especially before intelligence arrived.
  3. Alot of people talk so much about all this proof, there has to be a book that started your search, unless it's all internet sources.
  4. Is it just me or did he say everything but exactly what we wanted to hear?
  5. There are people that have done exactly what you're talking about. Most christians settle for anything someone tells them. Being and objective, honest man, the Bible is the most accurate ancient book I've heard off. Have you ever tried to disprove it? I hear stories about people doing just that and some of them end up becoming Christians.
  6. What kind of competition? I agree, I think. I used diversity(instead of quality) because they'd have a better gene flow and each bacteria wouldn't be susceptible to the samething. Prok were around for about 1bil yrs before Euk. I concede it is possible there was a local population they could have come from. If it happened it's also probable a cyan and arch bacteria had a symbiotic relationship to from the first euk. What makes you think RNA was used instead of DNA in the begining?
  7. Why do you think you have to learn Hebrew(OT) and Greek(NT)? I hear they have some modern translations. Personally, the Shroud of Turin is a big, who cares, either way. I think it would be a weak foothold of faith considering the alternatives.
  8. The Drake Equation seems so . . . . guessy. If I may use that word.
  9. My point is if their is some kind of life out there it WON'T be like ours, it'll have to function on different elements. I don't know, breath fire or something. The galaxy we're in, location in the galaxy, orbits, planets positioned to block asteriods and comets, atmostphere, magnetic field, PLATE TECHTONICS, it goes on and on, earth is nothing like any planet out there(as far as we know).
  10. The main issue is that asexual reproduction seems like it would be favored by natural selection because it's more efficient (less of a challenge, less satisfying, makes some people feel lonely). In a population where both are, the asexual reproduction ones will quickly outnumber the sexual reproductive ones. Granted sexual reproduction has the advantage of diversity, it's a future advantage, not a present one NS would select.
  11. Ignore this only meant those two words The links didn't work for me Is the line being drawn that if you believe in God these simulations aren't alive and if you do not then they are?
  12. I think the odds of a human like life form is close to zero. The factors neccessariy to get the Universe, galaxies, planets, earth, and ecosystem are so many, complex and fragile.
  13. The Age of Spiritual Machines is about that. I'd like to use the word complete idiot but it's definitely short-sighted to believe that computers will become smarter than people and then have self-conciousness. For some people it's realistic because: 1) They do not believe in a Creator, soul, etc 2) Therefore conciousness is a product of having a brain, just like making a fire makes smoke Essentially, he is saying computers are the next step in evolution. Whatever he smoked, must have been good.
  14. The thing is mutations are very rare and when they do happen they're not benefical. The good large scale mutations needed for macroevolution don't happen. To be nice I'll say are extremely rare. Scales to feathers via small mutations, is just. . . almost an absurd thing to think about. Mostly because, even if a reptile had bird skin and features, you'd still be very far from the kind of feathers on wings, wings, and flight. Especially when you consider the time frame, does anyone know the time frame?
  15. 1 to 10 how do you rate the book? 1 to 10 how well does it disprove Irred Comp?
  16. 1st question: No. Bill Gates says the information in a cell is much more complex than anything he's made. 2nd question: how do you reconcile lifeform(inorganic) and electronic(organic)? That's why the evolution origin of life studies or so difficult, getting life from non life is, so incredibly, inconceivible difficult, we are not even on the map. Hypothetically, do you mean like an android?
  17. I'll keep the focus on the paper. I agree with Silkworm's 2nd paragraph. Dealing with the fossil record in general is another crucial battleground, it's an ID stronghold.
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