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Posts posted by remelic

  1. I see sure I will, just give me a moment to find some good material for everyone. I appreciate your suggestion and I understand what you mean. Thank you.

    Merged post follows:

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    Here is the table of contents and a section of the chapter 'The Bipolar Atom', I hope you find it interesting. There is a lot more explained in this book that might help you understand the problems that face your work. Thank you for your time.


    Table of Contents


    Two Great Towers.........9

    Recreating Our New Universe.........32

    Battle of the Black Holes.........47

    Solar Clockworks.........54

    Planetary Abundance.........65

    The Bipolar Atom.........76

    Heating the Atom.........77

    Cold-Fusion Symptoms .........81

    Cooling the Atom.........85


    The Singularities.........91

    Masters Of Illumination.........96

    The Single Light Packet.........98

    The Wall of Light.........100

    A Vibrating Rainbow.........104

    The Eyes and Brain.........111

    The Ultimate Irony.........114



    Cold-Fusion Symptoms

    The cold-fusion experiments they are doing these days, can form strange element from the water they are using. There is nothing special going on it's simply free magnets that expand from a water molecule and then they recombined into smaller elements. In these experiments they use these small metal plated spheres about 5mm in diameter, layered in Platinum then Nickle and then Platinum again. They say that when these spheres are dropped in fresh-water, they create different elements from the water. This is actually simple to explain if you use a magnetic Universe as the model. Platinum is not as stable as Nickle. Nickle is actually one of the most stable elements being so close to Cobalt and Iron. Platinum on the other hand, has an atomic structure that is not as stable and when it comes in contact with the more stable Nickle, it has no choice but to balance the system out. The layering means that the sphere will be vibrating rapidly as they exchange magnetic energy back and fourth between the Nickle and the Platinum. The outside of the sphere, as well as the inside, would be releasing free magnets into the surrounding media. Since the surrounding medium is water in this case, it would form tiny bubbles of magnets that recollect together to form other elements. We would find all kinds of elements from Iridium to Hydrogen. Although Iridium would be very rare and hydrogen the most common; these sources would be in very small quantities unless vast amounts of external energy were used.

    Water is proving to be an excellent medium for creating these elements since the structure of water allows these elements to be created and harvested without loosing them. If you want to test this idea, try using different metals in the experiment that apparently proves that water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. Instead of using zinc and copper as terminals in the water, try using silver and nickle or Iron and gold, then try different voltages and you will get many different results. Then would you say that water is also composed of these elements as well? This goes to show that water might be its own element reacting to the different materials in different ways. Here we have experiments showing that water can produce way more then just hydrogen and oxygen simply by changing the reactor. Regardless of what metals you use, there will always be an abundance of hydrogen in the system as well as many other elements but in smaller quantities. Modern science should consider that water may be its own element based on this evidence.

    The quantities of different elements created would also be proportional to each other because as the element gets larger, it requires more energy to be formed and uses more free-magnets to do so. This results in a much smaller proportion of that element compared to smaller elements. Naturally you would get more hydrogen then oxygen and naturally it would be in proportion. Ran the experiment with four different metals and two different power supplies running different voltages. This would be interesting to see what materials you produce. If you use a low-frequency AC current that is in tune with a higher-frequency AC current, you will get different results. Try out of tune currents and see what happens. My point is you will start to see that water is more then just hydrogen and oxygen. That model doesn't make sense when we consider all the strange properties of water.

    Water is an incredible substance that is unlike any other. When it freezes, it expands and becomes less dense but more solid. When it is heated to an exact temperature, it boils and turns into vapor.

    Water vapor or steam, is actually particles of water being carried away by the free-magnets as they spin upward out of the water. So to say that water is boiling away as steam is inaccurate to me. It is more likely that the particles are pulled off the surface and later left behind when the magnets move through a solid that the water cannot follow. You can test this and see that you will always be left with less water then when you started because the water particles that have been split apart into free-magnets has turned into atom sized bits of other elements. Don't let water fool you. It is much more mysterious then it appears.



    Merged post follows:

    Consecutive posts merged

    I apologize if this sounds crazy but I have been studying physics for over twenty years and this is my conclusion. It seems that even in forums with "Theoretical Physics" as a topic I cannot post this kind of information. Seems that theory cannot leave the realm of what we call modern physics. So if you don't want to believe in my ideas, I'm sorry. I guess Einstein and Galileo and Issac Newton would have received the same treatment today. Don't ban me, like one other forum did, for trying to solve the universe and letting people know about it.

    Thank you.

  2. The beauty of physics like this is that there is no evidence it exists so you cannot prove it or disprove it. To be honest with you I believe these kinds of physics are excuses and misleading the real reasons for the Universe.


    How can string theory explain how the universe began?

    How can string theory explain the center of galaxies?

    How can it explain Life?

    How does it explain the magnetic field or the Atom or molecules and why volcanoes erupt?


    It can't.

    Throw the books on string theory in the garbage because it has no grounds in the real world. The question is unanswerable because the string is not real. If you want an answer you might as well make something up like the inventor of this idea did.



  3. This universe is simple by nature. There is nothing that I cannot explain using my model of the universe. All these problems you guys are presented with can be solved in a matter of moments with some simple understandings. When you consider the model of physics we have now, don't you find that there are too many problems with it? There are too many unanswerable questions with the mathematics physics is using. And what is up with Quantum Theory? This science has done more damage then it will ever repair. How can we understand our Universe when we are fed garbage like what quantum theory presents?

    If you want a better understanding of the universe and the atom then you need to read my book about the universe entitled, 'Magnetic Universe - Peter Shushmaruk'. The model I present will complete your work much more satisfactory then what you were taught.

    This model is new, fresh, and complete so you wont be asking questions about your physics anymore. The only question you will be asking is, where can I go with my new found knowledge. This has been held secret for so long it makes me sick. Now is the time to move forward in physics instead of asking all these questions. Gravity is not the base of the Universe, even though it plays it's part. Don't be fooled by this ancient idea.


    Thank you. I'll embrace your criticism with open arms.

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