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Posts posted by sarge

  1. Right, but what does that even mean? We wait around indefinitely, getting shot at, for the Iraqi military which may or may not become powerful enough not to be wiped out in what we hope will change from an occupation resistance to a civil war. In other words, keep doing what we have been, and hope everything takes care of itself.


    So what you want is indeed a timetable--right?


    I don't thing General Casey would agree with your military planning....:rolleyes:

  2. I'm surprised to see a moveon.org-style egregiously misleading Flash animation, the sort of which has been resoundingly criticized by right-wing pundits everywhere, featured on the front page of gop.com


    Why? Did you think the Republicans were "better" than the Democrats?

  3. Yes' date=' and according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, his approval rating is unchanged at 41% with 56% disapproving. The Washington Post poll had a margin of error of 4.5% and the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll had a margin of error of 3%.




    Which one to believe? Well, I'd have to see how the questions were worded...[/quote']


    Whaddya mean unchanged?


    A couple of weeks ago, it was 36% The president is on his way back in the polls because he is finally responding to the lies that the Democrats have been telling about the war and the pre-war intelligence.


    He will be back over 50% by Feb.1.:D

  4. According to the Washington Post, the President is enjoying something of a come-back in the polls. If I were going to impeach him, I would try to get that done and the trial completed before the first of the year......:)



    "A clear majority, 56 percent, said they approve of the way Bush is handling the fight against terrorism -- "



  5. Yes' date=' that's why I qualified FAIR as a group of angsty liberals.




    How about Hannity calling every liberal he has on his show "You people" then making gross generalizations about the extreme left and making every moderately left-leaning person try to answer for them?[/quote']


    Oh, I thought we were talking about news hours, like Fox News, CBS evening News (ala Dan Rathergate) and such as those.


    I don't think that Hannity and Combs would qualify as a news show any more that Crossfire, O'Riley or any of the other entertainment talk shows as they all play to their audience.


    Probably the most balanced talk show that I am aware of is Tim Russert's Meet The Press. He seems willing to hold their feet to the fire, regardless of the party affiliation.

  6. Speaking of bullshit meters, don't you think that FAIRs critique of FoxNews qualfies as a meter tripper?


    After all, all they did was count the political affiliations and the left/right leanings of the guests to conclude that Fox was biased to the right, (which I happen to agree that they are) but with no labor being spent to examine the treatment that these guests got from their interviewers.


    Are we to believe that at a time when both houses of congress and the WH are in the hands of the Republicans, a news channel wouldn't necessarily be a little more interested in interviewing Republicans than Democrats?


    It isn't the guests that reveal the bias - it is the treatment of those guests that reveal the bias and as far as I can tell FAIR says nothing about that.

  7. That's it... watch it until the end...




    Here's the original image that they used:




    And here's what they made it into in the video:






    On an unrelated topic' date=' why is that dude watching The Grinch Who Stole Christmas with an unloaded M16 strapped to his back?[/quote']


    Are you actually surprised that a political advertisement was created in such a way as to promote one side of an issue over another?:)

  8. "A revised study"? How about a peer-reviewed study? Whose name is on it? (some nebulous faculty member of UCLA' date=' clearly)


    That's not a source, sorry...




    What defines "center"? What metric are they using to calculate the political bias of an entire news outlet?


    Here's what the angsty liberals of FAIR have to say about our old pal Brit Hume:




    I am not making a claim on it one way or the other, I just posted it as a service to those who wanted an opinion on it.


    Sorry if I touched a nerve.....:D

  9. If I remember correctly' date=' a vote of impeachment would require 51% of the House of Representatives anyway (2/3rds to convict). Republicans presently control 53% of the House.


    The real question here would be what happens after the 2006 congressional election. Should Democrats take a majority, all bets are off.[/quote']


    The impeachment process is initiated by the house and equates roughly to an indictment. That requites 50% + 1 to pass.


    Then the trial is conducted in the Senate with the Chief Justice of the SCOTUS acting as judge and the cases are argued pro and con until both sides are done.


    The vote, (of all Senators) requires a 2/3 majority, or in todays world, 67 Senators for the President to be found guity.

  10. According to this study, Fox is centrist......





    If this link doesn't work for you, this is what was reported:

    Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:


    The majority of mainstream media tilts to the left... that according to a revised study by UCLA, set for publication next week. Among the findings: The Wall Street Journal, despite its conservative opinion pages, is the most liberal outlet, followed by CBS' Evening News, The New York Times, and the Los Angeles Times.


    In fact, of the 20 major media outlets studied, 18 of them scored left-of-center. Programs ranked among the most centrist news shows include The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer and ABC's Good Morning America.


    The study examines U.S. media coverage over the last 10 years, comparing individual news outlets with individual lawmakers. Lawmakers were scored on the basis of votes and speeches, while media organizations were scored on their references to think tanks and policy groups.


    I see that the printed version does not report Fox as being centrist as the video does. I guess it is a case of modesty.

  11. Check out the new video on the RNC web site... it's pretty awful... especially since it ends with a bunch of whiny defeatist democrats ruining some soldier's christmas... .


    Ed: 1' date='000 posts w00t![/quote']


    What video was that? All I could find was the one about Dean, Pelosi and Kerry waving a white flag.

  12. I have noticed that President Bush has made quite a few speeches lately about how things are going here, economically, and in Iraq, which is good, but often he will say something to the effect of "not as long as I am president."


    It is almost as if he is throwing the gauntlet down before the Democrats. Is it just me, or is he challenging the Democrats to write up articles of impeachment?

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