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Posts posted by theman

  1. I used adrafinil for about 4 months a few years ago and found it to be absolutely amazing. once the drug took full effect i began teaching myself chemistry (previous knowledge was advanced grade 11) and physics(no experience). within a few months i had a grasp of the then current theories of quantum physics and was successfully performing chemical synthesis and completely understanding the reaction processes involved.


    before i used adrafinil i was working construction during mid winter, i was depressed, drinking and getting high whenever i could. after it took effect i was totally happy to cram as much information into my brain as i could and i greatly enjoyed it. the depression was completely removed. i was enjoying my work, and actually excelling, i was promoted and was in charge of several co-workers who were previously faster and ****ed up less than me. but the drug had side effects including a funny taste in my mouth and potential liver toxicity.


    i didn't use another 'smart drug' in theraputic manner like this until about 6 months ago when i began taking modafinil, the descentant of adrafinil. once again i was depressed, not enjoying my work, and performing poorly. as expected the results were the same as adrafinil, minus the side effects. this is because adrafinil is metabolized into two products, once being modafinil, the other being an inactive with the potential for liver toxicity in some people.



    Did the drugs change my life? definately. but are they the exclusive reason for me being where i am now? i think not. by my experience/opinion is this: these drugs when used with with a goal in mind have the potential to greatly enhance one's life and abilities. however the effects are only temporary, eventually the drugs lose ffectivity and it makes no sense to continue using them. i recently stopped using mondafinil after 6 months of using and i feel fine. i have learned a great deal about how to effectively use my time and energy in the past 6 months and this experience and knowledge will be with me forever.



    PLEASE BE AWARE: these drugs are sold for outrageous prices online, and i don't reccomend getting them from the net unless you are very well educated on them and get the advise of a doctor who is also well educated on them or willing to have a look into the safety and help you analyze the risk/benefits of using the drugs. i know i lot about chemistry and pharmacology and spend way too much time researching these ares because i just love the topics so much.


    BE SAFE!! don't use drugs for an 'edge'. if you do it, do it to improve your overall quality of life in the long term.

  2. i have read about at least one incident involving a drug treatment for alcoholism where it ended in a fatality. i see no reason to treat an addiction with a dangerous substance, except in only the most life threatening of addictions. but i'm not well informed on the topic and could be very wrong

  3. "pure HCl(g) is practicaly useless for the home chemist anyway"


    BULLSHIT! hydrogen chloride is very handy for the home chemist!!! consider having a freebase dissolved in a dry non-polar solvent. then with your very easy to make HCl generator, you bubble the gas through the solution and the HCl salt precipitates from the solution! have fun, hcl gas is pretty much safe if you use it outside!

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