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Posts posted by Black_Panther

  1. Hello folks! I'm sorry if you find the content of my post totally irrelevant or unuseful to you, but I would really appreciate it if you could help me.


    Next year I'll be a 3rd-year student in Enviromental Science and I must start thinking which direction I should choose, namely what I should specialise on.


    The problem is that I like everything! What I mean is that I don't find any organisms disgusting or uninteresting; instead I believe that all kinds of organisms are equally interesting and beautiful, each in their own way.. for example, fungi, bacteria, animals, plants.


    The thing is that I have to choose some courses in the next 2 years accordingly to what I want to do afterwards (i.e. after getting the degree) and I have no idea what because I simply cannot decide.


    The truth is that I tend to like zoology a little bit more, only because I currently know much more about the animals than the other organisms, and "the more you've learnt, the more you wonder" I say. On the other hand I don't know if this is the right choice.


    Do you happen to know which sub-clades of the Environmental Science look promising these days??

    And how do I know which one suits me best?


    Thank you very much in advance. Please feel free to express any of your opinions on the matter.


    Kind regards,


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