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Posts posted by dalekh

  1. Good job showing how the "compressor" actually works.


    Have you made any progress with the numbers yet? I was hoping there might be someone on this site that could give insight into actual performance of a turbine - I think that is where we most lack in accurate knowledge. My son-in-law is a jet engine mechanic for the Air Force so I asked him about this cycle. Unfortunately they are pretty specialized and he didn't know much more than I.


    I'll hold on my evaluation of the energies but it still seems to me that regardless of the jump start, a net gain in energy is required to actually create a temp. difference. I think a little solar (at least minimally focused) would be required on any day. :)

  2. Tom,


    You have stated, I think correctly, that you have two energy inputs: the electrical energy that drives the displacer, and the "heat" in the ambient air. The energy in the air is only available if you have a temperature difference. (I do not believe there is any way around this fact).


    In your engine, you are creating a temperature difference (by doing work via the turbine) using the energy that results from that same temperature difference. Does this analysis make sense? I lack the education of others posting here, but I believe this is the crux of the matter.



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