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Posts posted by needageek



    I have a related question to blocking radio waves.


    I have a situation where a lady hates me --I did not want to be involved in her political gatherings--her home office is 10 feet from where I come and go. She is taking it out on my lovely dogs who enjoy playing chase and running hard in a figure 8.


    It appears that they are being distracted by some ultrasound device.


    This person has a regular whistle which I have heard her use from inside her house but now seems to have jumped to using this cruel tool.


    The dogs stop and stand like statues with their ears twitching. They are not exercising properly. They pee in the house at night. Even though I ask one to go out she looks at me in fear.


    I am losing my mind because my one female will not go out sometimes to eliminate waste. This is bad for her health.


    I probably have to move but that is a long way off and I would like to document by recording the use of this and videotaping my dogs at the same time. Ideallly I would have the strength to move and to organize a class action law suit against the manufacturer of these devices.


    Anyone have an idea on how to record ultrasound. Thank you so very much.


    I am so upset that I can not seem to help myself. In addition my ears are ringing.

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