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Posts posted by entimp

  1. Originally posted by Intelligence

    It is HIGHLY LIKELY your gold fish has a bacterial infection because of it's water content.


    Do ya clean the water every week at least?


    If you keep your fish in a filtered environment then a partial water change should be done every other month.


    If you are keeping them in a bowl you shouldn't be keeping fish.


    The cause could be anything but I have pointed out the two most common causes for the symptoms.


    Changing the water every week will burn the fishes gills to shreds with the chlorine content in water. This will also go onto destroy the fishes brain and over a long perioud of time the fish will build mucus up on the gills to prevent the burning. This in turns lowers the ability of the fish to take oxygen from the water.


    If you do have a bowl and change the water often then set the water up 4 days before the change. Chlorine is a very unstable element in water and will naturally dissapate in this time.

  2. Are the scales starting to stick out like a pineapple? If so, sorry to say this, put him a plastic bag and take it to the wall... it is called malawi bloat disease sometimes dropsy... no known reason for it, possibly viral.


    However... more likey to be diet. Gold fish have a really screwed up digestive system. Food tends to get stuck from time to time and gases are produced as a result. Trapped wind if you will.


    Thus the gas will end up making the gold fish float the other way up. It can pass. A bit of roughage might do. Stop the flake food and try micro pellets.


    But if it is Malawi Bloat then it best to end it now. See a pet store to find out for sure first.

  3. TV like this was never made to be pure academic material. It does, however, become a good primer for those who want to learn more. If anything it inspires the young to learn.


    I do not see any problems with it as a result.


    As for taking it with a pinch of salt... of course you do... but I would suggest you do the same with the info you are force fed at university.

  4. Who says we caused an extinction event. New to these threads and everyone speaks as if they are the leading authority on what ever they discuss. Some of these posters, from the threads I have read seem to be experts on a myriad of fields. I am a post grad biologist but will not claim to speak from a posistion of absolutes.




    There is no conclusive evidence to suggest Homo sapien sapien was the root cause of the Neanderthalis species downfall.


    There are suggestions that the 2 species possibly mingled and definatley some fossil dig evidence to show that they did mix to an extent in terms of the culteral artifacts found with them.


    H. sapiens and neanderthals did share the same land mass for at least 5000 years and maybe longer.


    To say that Neanderthals also died out beacuse they had no language is not true at all.


    To start with there is no evidence to suggest that they had no language. "Most scientests say..." Do they? Well I dont. Secondly I would find it hard to believe that such a close evolutionary species to our own did not have a language. Perhaps it wasn't as fine tuned or contained the same level of grammar or syntax, but I would be sure they had a level of language all the same. Also many other species do well without language... even if Neanderthals only had a form of vocal communication this would have sufficed to serve their needs. I would also go on to suggest that at the time H. sapien language would have been extremely simple when compared contempory language. It would not have been much more advance than that of the Neanderthals when compared to the language we use now.


    What is talk of conflict about? I never read any anthropological science that refers to a conflict between these two species.


    I would prefer to think that some interbreeding occured and the Neanderthal population dwindled peacefully into our own. There is no conclusive evidence to suggest a violent end to the Neanderthalis sp. at all.

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