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Posts posted by drennan

  1. In physics I was told that Pluto was named after the cartoon character (its at the option of who invents the planet as to how it is named). Therefor to refer to PLUTO as a God is a bit much unless you give other greats like Foghorn Leghorn the same respect :rolleyes:


    Seriously though, is this true or is this purely my physics teacher, Dr Richard Graham Sole (name and shame) trying to show how gullible his students are?


    Also, my take on things is that each God has a gender as well as each language giving something a gender as this is what the language requires, however this does not make a planet male or female, its just your average Joe trying to label something that doesn't need a label.

  2. Can a diesel engine run on water due to its low combustion ratio?


    Also, I was watching a Steven Segal film in which he was helping a native American girl to save the world from pollution and self destruction. I cannot remember the title however it had John C McGinley in it. Anyway, the point is at the end he made a speech about how there was already a combustion engine available that can run on water. Is this true?


    Thanks for your help lads and ladettes



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