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Posts posted by Narroo

  1. Hm, well, light travels at the same speed relative to any observer, regardless of their speed. The acceleration of galaxies is measured using light frequencies-red shift, so unless something is wrong with relativity, their observations should be correct.


    I'm far from an expert though, so is there anyone more knowledgeable here?

  2. Well, the idea of the FDA is good. The regulation laws were made because people were selling snake oil as medicine, and other things that were actually harmful. The idea was to make sure medicine was effective and unharmful, so that people can reliably access real medication, instead of bad tonics.

    But~ that doesn't mean the FDA is doing their job right.

  3. I have a solution to clean up the oil spill. Many news sources are claiming that we don’t know how to clean up the oil. But I know how. The method is very simple. However, will take a lot of cooperation from people in the current administration to help speed up the process… Here is the proposed method(s): You would fill up a pillow case full of hair. Animal Hair, and or Human hair, donated from haircuts from salons for example. The pillow cases would be dropped over the oil spill and immediately start absorbing the oil. However, it would take a lot of pillow’s full of hair for it to be effective considering the quantity of oil filling up the gulf. If everyone takes part in this we can solve the crisis. I believe we need to take this solution seriously as it is a viable solution.

    That's a bit more clever then the other solution I heard: Lighting it on fire.

    Heck, is the crude oil even flammable? If you could light it on fire, I'd hate to think what would happen....

  4. Is it possible for an object to experience some type of Entropy by means of stressing their gravitational field?


    Let's say, for example, you dropped an object into a gravitational field. The object can not reached the center of the field for some reason though, except that it's not being actively stopped by something, like a mass.

    (Let's assume it's caught between to portals that lead to each other.)

    In this case, the object will fall infinitely. If force is continuously applied to the object by the gravitational field, shouldn't the gravitational field be expended somehow?


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