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Status Updates posted by ope

  1. "The people who post in this thread are reminded that there is a serious "Hazardous Material" rule in SFN rule book. Posting instructions that can result in people potentially getting hurt or hurting others is not allowed in this forum.


    Please be advised that sodium is a hazardous material prone to violent reactions and any preparation of it is inherently dangerous. No preparation method is without severe hazards that range from property damage to blindness, and possibly death in the most extreme of circumstances. "


    what a bitch thing to put. you don't even know anything about chemistry.

    btw i give you authorization to ban me. feel free to delete my posts.

  2. I'll save you the trouble. I'm out of here.

  3. seriously though ban me i'm bored enough already i won't go through the drag making another account

  4. yes ban me see what happens. i'm a reincarnation of onequestion that should give you reason enough.

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