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Posts posted by magpies

  1. I think the point where time gets speed is when a being with an ability to notice it does so. If you can see/hear/feel 1,000,000 different things in one rotation of a clock arm you will have a different sense for time as someone who can see only... 10 different things in the same amount of time. The human brain works at a certain speed I forget what it is but experiments have been done to try and "over clock" a human brain and I just wonder what it would be like? Iv had times in my life where I could count 200 seconds or so I thought in under 60 seconds so mby I do know what its like :)

  2. From my own understanding of time I don't think its rate or flow or what ever your going to call it from one moment into the next is like that of movement in a directional sense. So I don't think the speed of an object would ever play a roll on its ability to slip into the future or stuff like that.

  3. Ok well im fairly sure casuality doesn't work in this universe the way its suppost to. Let me explain... If an cause leads to an event clearly any cause follows a prior cause slash event. But this is a paradox because you can not have a cause before a cause forever eventualy you must get to one cause that was the first and non before it. So by simple logic for our universe to be cause then event based once an event happens it would have an unlimited number of causes trying to come before it. It would be like trying to predict the way your going to move and then moving the opposite but also trying to predict that move and so on forever. So it seems fairly clear that we do not exist in a cause then event universe.


    One possiblity is that the universe is event then cause based. Once an event happens it would create a cause that creates an event and so on. So possibly this could get interesting with stuff like the big bang ideas. If you had an event like something coming into existance from nothing it would then create a causes and possibly an event right?


    So I guess my question is do you think the universe is cause then event based or event then cause based? Im assuming most people will go with the norm but just wondering if anyone else has had this thought. And would it even make a difference to anyone besides possibly making it easyer or harder to understand as a concept?

  4. Suppose time itself is a paradox. Would the fact that time moves forward in one direction be the result of a universe that is entangled within the grasp of reason. Could the unknown of tomorrow with the stable present caused by the creation of matter and energy from a sorce unknown be the cause of causality? Example... When you look into the mirror you know what your reflection will look like so it does not shock you. Suppose you had a mirror that showed you what you will look like tomorrow. Now upon gazing into this mirror you would at first be shocked by how different you look but you would eventualy come to terms with it and be able to look and realize what you had on. After viewing what you had worn in the day before tho you would then at the time of that day when dressing have the option to wear something else. But... Would you? And if so would the mirror represent that choice in its orginal reflection? Could you ever change what you were going to wear?


    Now lets suppose time acts in a simliar way. Suppose all things are known to time/universe it would know what was going to happen tomorrow the day after and the day after that. How would that knowledge effect it or would it even be able to?


    So I guess my main question is if all things are known basicaly because action from cause that is spelled out by the laws of the universe??? How can this very same thing be true?

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