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Posts posted by Zakher

  1. On 12/23/2023 at 8:45 AM, exchemist said:

    Then look them up on the internet. Type in each one and see what you get. I think you will get an informative answer for most if not all of them. 

    From the sound of it, you may need to look also at the IUPAC system of nomenclature. Here is one teaching link for students on the topic: https://chem.libretexts.org/Courses/Sacramento_City_College/SCC%3A_Chem_420_-_Organic_Chemistry_I/Text/03%3A_Functional_Groups_and_Nomenclature/3.02%3A_Overview_of_the_IUPAC_Naming_Strategy

    As a general comment, I think these LibreTexts are not bad. You can learn (or in my case revise, as it is almost 50 years since I sat my chemistry Finals) quite easily from these I think.  

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    On 12/23/2023 at 7:30 AM, exchemist said:

    Opening a book, or at least looking up pages on the web,  rather than wasting time on videos, would be a good start. Videos are a terrible way to try to learn almost anything and this certainly applies to organic chemistry.

    To start with, have you found the chemical formulae for these organic compounds?

    Get that watching YouTube vids is like the last thing to count on. Been there, got burned, and now I'm all about advising peeps to hit the books first, dig in, get the gist, and only then roll with the vids. Quick add-on, peeps in college are all hyped about AI, thinking it's the golden ticket. 


  2. Quote

    This discussion took place 6 months ago. 

    Okay, thank you, I noticed that. I wrote it for those who may have similar questions. I once couldn't understand simple things myself until I found a great mentor who explained everything to me nicely.

  3. On 31.07.2023 at 19:03, Dario44 said:

    Назвіть ці сполуки за системою номенклатури IUPAC 16908193219461908404221709964473.thumb.jpg.8dfd0691205a0ac1ba71fc3e202d4840.jpg

    Note that on the forum, you're not allowed to provide ready-made answers. However, if someone doesn't understand this topic, even such elementary things, I'll be happy to help you understand. Sometimes, solutions are very simple.

  4. On 09.08.2023 at 11:42, Steve81 said:

    Ну, якщо комусь цікаво, я суттєво переписав свою маленьку статтю/проект. 

    Щодо того, про що йдеться… в основному йдеться про взаємопов’язані фактори швидкості вихлопу ракети, потужності, необхідної для досягнення такої швидкості вихлопу для гіпотетичного 5000-тонного космічного корабля, і масштабу необхідної системи теплового контролю. Я також роблю кілька зауважень щодо кораблів покоління перед тим, як закінчити.

    Ракети для міжзоряних подорожей.pdf 454,36 кБ · 1 завантаження

    Wow, it's an intriguing perspective on the technical aspects of interstellar travel and an illumination of the challenges that need to be addressed for its realization. It's cool that you point out that, at present, such journeys are nearly impossible without a revolutionary breakthrough in physics. You also emphasize the benefits of studying and utilizing resources within our solar system, which is a sensible approach to overcoming technical challenges and advancing human development

  5. Alright, let's imagine you're playing a game where you have to count how many steps you take. Every time you take a step, you mark it on a counter.

    So, "differentiation" is like figuring out how fast you're taking those steps. For example, if you take 5 steps in 1 minute, your speed is 5 steps per minute.

    Now, "differential" is how much you changed your speed at a specific moment. For instance, if you start walking faster or slower, that's a change in your differential.

    And you know what's cool? Understanding this stuff once really helped me out. It's like having a superpower to analyze and make sense of how things are changing. So, differentiation is about determining the pace of your actions, and the differential is the change in that pace at a particular moment. It might sound a bit tricky at first, but once it clicks, it's pretty awesome!

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