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Posts posted by HonorableOne

  1. You all have about 10 billion brain cells. The synapses between them which look like

    two toilet plungers pointing at each other, but not touching, transfer impulses from

    neuron(brain cell) to neuron in about 1/500,000 of a second using the chemicals

    discussed below in the 3 summaries from different websites. Disregarding the telepathic

    angle of possibility for unexplained sentences popping in your mind that seem to come

    from other people, this idea is also possible. It is possible that the sight of something or someone prompts a sentence in one part of the brain that another part of the brain picks up. The part of the brain that picks up sentences probably thinks it is the only part that makes sentences, hence the problem. I don't know if any of you have

    conversations in your dreams, I do. But here again the choice is either you are making

    up both sides of the conversation or your dream telepathic, your choice. However, it is not so much that you are making up the conversation as you are simply recalling

    out of your 10 billion brain cells a sentence that fits as a response. Probably heard

    in some dive late at night years ago, or possibly pieced together from a kindergarten

    teacher when you were five. Who knows where words come from outta nowhere come from?

    One thing for sure, when you think you thought a sentence you didn't want to think,

    you are stressed. Me......I'm stressed when I can't think of something to think back to the part of my brain that thunk when I didn't ask for its' opinion. lol.



    Here are 3 summaries and website links to back up the idea stress is fun.


    This website has info on the basic chemicals in the brain which cause

    the fun and happy feelings. "Phenylethylamine, dopamine and norepinephrine

    affect our brains, giving us the feelings of "chemistry". Phenylethylamine

    is found in chocolate. There is another important chemical related to

    people connecting with each other, called endorphin. Endorphins are

    also studied for their pain-relieving qualities. They are large

    molecule neurotransmitters, formed from combinations of many amino

    acids, called peptides. Scientists have learned these chemicals

    strengthen the immune system, protect against cancer and help people

    live longer."



    what chemicals in the brain cause anger

    my question on this following summary is does cortisol cause stress

    first or does it get created as a result of stress first?

    "Cortisol, a hormone that the body produces in response to stress,

    anger, or fear. In normal people the level of cortisol in the

    bloodstream peaks in the morning, then decreases as the day

    progresses. In depressed people, however, cortisol peaks earlier in

    the morning and does not level off or decrease in the afternoon or

    evening. Research data indicate that people suffering from depression

    have imbalances of neurotransmitters, natural substances that allow

    brain cells to communicate with one another. Two transmitters

    implicated in depression are serotonin and norepinephrine. Scientists

    think a deficiency in serotonin may cause the sleep problems,

    irritability, and anxiety associated with depression. Likewise, a

    decreased amount of norepinephrine, which regulates alertness and

    arousal, may contribute to the fatigue and depressed mood of the




    Catecholamines are chemicals produced by the body that work in nerve

    transmission. The three main catecholamines include dopamine,

    epinephrine, and norepinephrine. Dopamine raises the heart rate and

    blood pressure, epinephrine raises heart rate and opens blood vessels

    (lowering blood pressure), and norepinephrine closes blood vessels

    (raising blood pressure) (Glaser, Anderson & Anderson, 1992).

    Epinephrine and norepinephrine are the catecholamines most commonly

    measured in stress experiments, and both increase under stress.

    Chronic stress can also lead to plaque buildup in the arteries,

    especially if combined with a high-fat diet. This buildup is called

    atherosclerosis, and is often responsible for angina or heart attacks,

    which are usually brought on by acute stress.



    So neuro transmitters in the brain and catecholamines are the same thing

    and one is described as necessary for having fun and the other causes

    stress. So I presume that having fun with people causes stress and when

    I feel stressed out like right now I am having fun.


    So the question I have for anyone going to pysch doc is why do they look so depressed?




    " I'm crazy hot in here, yo, hook me up with some baby oil!"


    " Time for me to build a time warp machine and go to the future,

    the people these days respond to much and lack original thinking."

  2. Young girls who act frightened of sentences they hear from others

    grow up to be scared older women who shrink back from even the

    friendliest people in public. I do not consider a wise older woman

    one who boxes themselves into their mind, but one who shares their

    joy of life and knowledge of how to live the healthy life with close friends

    and strangers alike. Any young person taking the road of protection

    from fear or worrying about what is said about you after your death

    has avoided the healing road of life and drags others off this road.

    Empathic is not merely feeling others feelings, it is responding to them

    in a comforting and helpful way. If nothing else, a reaction of comfort

    and kindness helps the self, but this takes an ability to remember

    what and how a sentence in the mind softly speaks. A person who

    thinks they are sensitive and reacts with frustration and fear when

    they hear a sentence in the mind from a source not them is being

    taught to slow down and take the the time to relate to people. Not

    believing some gifted people can hear sentences from departed

    people is to deny original thinkers of the past thought and spoke

    words worth hearing again and again throughout the ages. It is to

    deny that spoken wisdom is flesh and a gift from generation to

    generation whether it is repeated aloud or not. A fearful or angry

    person has less chance of hearing the wisdom of sages in their mind,

    much less speaking original wisdom, than an elephant has of going

    through the eye of a needle.


    nice website phi :)


  3. Oh and thanks a million for the short responses to my original post.

    There were some rib ticklers in there that made me laugh hard as soon

    as I read them. I think the real laugh is on scientists though. I mean

    how can you ignore researching a scientific explanation for so many

    people that connect without ever seeing or talking (writing) to each

    other? And yes I do believe that telepathy is under the right heading,

    this one, neural science rather than psychiatry/psychology which is

    a study of behavior. Last time I knew my neural brain controlled my behavior,


    Pseudo science for all quack busters is like astrology where

    one twelfth of the population has the same horoscope for a day. Nice try


    And a special note of thanks to the "Tree" for the negative reaction. It used to be

    that people who heard the truths of telepathy (ewwwwww a catchy title for my book)

    from me got instantly sick and tryed to take over the conversation by changing hte subject and ignoring mine, another typical reaction is someone who makes a fuss and crys like a little kid throwing a temper tantrum, (older kids call themselves the devil).

    Us mature adults just say, well he has the devil in him, meaning of course he is telepathically connected to about every low life, swindling, attention deprived, lying, cheating, theiving, Possibly cat kicking, dog torturing, child hating, goverment backbiter that is living and ever has lived. The reaction is so common now at a distance on the web on various forums, I really wonder what these people look like,

    I have never met a person face to face that trys so hard to degrade someone as these

    people like "Tree". Nor do I want to, no need to, they have a problem debating anything with the opposite statement , "there is no such thing as telepathy." That's alright, prove it.


    I'm glad that your not soluble

    That would be quite bad

    I'm glad that your not soluble

    'cos that would make you sad

    I'm glad your not soluable tree face,

    cuz I'd rather burn you in the fireplace.

  4. :D I'm back............


    So what do you think when you dream about a place

    you have never seen or been to in your life when your awake? Do

    you think you have a great imagination and that place doesn't exist?

    You think you just build brand new sceneries out of your imagination?

    You're wrong if you do. Every dream is a telepathic reception and

    mixture of other people, animals and even bugs visual memories. Your

    dream scenes are 'built' potentially out of many telepathic memories

    received while your brain is in an open state of mind letting of the

    anxiety, tension and stress of the previous day. To people who do not

    believe this is true, all I can ask is how imaginative is your life

    wearing the same types of clothes every day, doing the same old routines,

    stuck in a rut that never seems to give you time to do fun creative

    stuff like you did when you were a child? It makes no sense to believe

    you have one iota of imagination in a dream state when you show none in

    an awake state. People are recognized for who they are by their works

    and know themselves by their accomplishments. Who cares if it's evolution

    or religeon?

    I would not suggest anyone try to transendentally mediatate to

    receive telepathic sentences. Apparently after I did so for 30+ years

    and basically dreamt awake, I was listening many times to sudden

    sentences and words while I was awake. After that I gave thought to

    those words. I'd rather see pictures in a dream asleep so to speak. Also a

    ole fashioned feeling is enough telepathic reception for me unless it's

    one of the scum sucking aquatic dinosaurs tha I had in my aquarium 40

    years ago and I feel a sudden urge to bottom feed.

    The situation is my memory has taken a vacation. Also

    there is a strange kind of word dylexia happening where I call my cats

    dogs and my dogs cats. I also call my male dogs females and my female

    dogs males. The situation is getting better the longer I don't meditate.

    At present I still have a hard time remembering real peoples' names

    because the visions wouldn't tell me theirs when I asked. They just said

    'go home.'

    Most people who meditate try to reach an emotional level of bliss.

    I reached an emotional level of bliss, then proceeded to have numerous

    times I conversed with thinking in language or sent a healing type of Reiki

    energy to those who told me of their life problems after I asked what

    was wrong. Usually it was a family problem the wife was having with the

    concept she had low self-esteem the older she got in spite of having a

    history of great accomplishments like providing love for a family. Why


    However, it is not my job or pleasure to help ladies subconsciuosly

    with something the male partner should be doing. Furthermore, my memory

    is important to me as I sort through thousands of transendental

    telepathic occurences and try to put them in a way that makes sense to

    the scientific community which seems to have no place to even start

    coming up with the right scientific experiments to test telepathic ability.

    I find a huge variance in different peoples' abilities and even my dogs.

    Telepathic ability, sending or receiving, seems to be greater in females

    in general, this is also true for my dogs. I am male. My ability was not

    acheived early in life, it was a self taught method that involved 3

    decades as I have previously mentioned.

    Personally I can totally relate to chat about God being a turnoff.

    For that reason I don't go to church with my paents or anybody else on

    Sundays. Why bother getting turned off when it is probably the only time

    you socialize with people all week long other than a work setting?

    Besides I heard God say, I Love You. It came through a glowing dove soaring

    across a lake where I was camping early one morning after I got up to go

    to the latrine.

    What do I need to go to church for anyways? For someone to tell me

    what God meant when people heard words 2000 years or more ago? How hard

    is it to figure out the words I Love You? Not very. To chew the fat and

    tap at you a while longer for the sake of your distraction or entertainment,

    I also had full blown conersations with an energy entity who took every

    opportunity to hint at the fact he was the devil. Saw him too. In my

    living room. In a chromed cage. He was smiling and looked like he

    belonged in the Holywood Wax Museum.

    May have been a discontinued devil model. He also wanted me to

    play games with him. One of the games, I didn't care for was remember

    the hallucinations in the right order and repeat them back to win a

    prize. It has been scientifically proven that most people do not

    remember more than 11 different occurences. The low end is 7 items.

    Visions may be even less. After about 5-6 I had a hard time remebering

    if the chimpanzee had his arm around the picture of Raquel Welch first,

    or was it Elizabeth Taylors' picture of her in Cleopatra. Also after

    that seeing little 3 inch 3D black monkies standing on my desk in various

    places, I had a hard time remembering if the monkey on my left was waving

    at me before the one on the right showed up.

    The nature of these visions also was when I looked back to see if they

    were still there, they were. Including the chimps in the photos and they

    moved around the stars. So I think you can relate how difficult it is

    to remember to win the prize which I chose to be healing anybody without

    them knowing it. If I did win the prize I'm healing them without me knowing

    it too. I'd rather wake up with my tongue in lemon yogurt, I mean there is no

    reward wihtout happy.

    What a minute, hadn't thought about that, telepathic monkies.

    Of course, I was seeing monkies and chimps because I received visions

    primates have, maybe years before. So the question is, if someone has enough

    ability to send their telepathic feelings, thoughts or mental images,

    how hard is to send someone elses feelings, thoughts or visions? Not to

    difficult I should say.

    All you have to do if you receive someones sentences in church is

    memorize them, and send them off to someone sitting closer. Let that

    person turn to the face of the sender. Better yet, if there is someone sitting

    right next to that person that loves his or her old wizened personage,

    let that persond deal with the braintonic blast of serendipity most

    others are chagrined by.

    Anyways, next step for me is to research the internet and try to

    find information on why a magnet at certain parts of head make me feel

    goofy. I don't suppose any out there in science forumville have a weblink?

    Actually it only worked part of the time, seems my brain changes its mind

    as much as people are changing the rut there in.

    I'm sure there is a chemical in the mind that causes changes the

    emotions, like a catalyst, that's why I'm here amongst the neuro

    scientists of the future. I want the chemical formula to changing

    everyones belief at once about believing in telepathy so I don't have

    to continue writing letters.

    My detractors out there would simply say 'send a telepathic command

    to their molecules to have them change into the chemical you want.' Why

    bother messing with the conscious convictions of belief. This is why

    telepathy is not taken seriously, it is not rooted in chemistry. How

    many people received a course in high school in telepathy along with

    their chemistry class? You simply cannot teach something that people

    don't think exists.

    How many religeous zealots burned women as withces at the stake for

    using the healing power of herbs and plants. It was a while before

    people even realized various chemicals make up everything. During that

    time some sat around entire lives in monastaries and sought to chat

    with God or even say they heard a few words. The words "I Love You'

    from God I heard weren't only to me, they were to the whole world of


    You can go to church to hear what God supposedly said centuries ago

    or even now. But if you hear someone else instead and look over at that

    person, just think of him or her as having their own thoughts and feeling

    one with God. That deserves a scoop of vanilla ice cream because hey....

    ya know ya got it going on, when ya can believe someone else is one with God

    other than you.

    As far as pseudoscience debunker specialists, what about all the

    evidence that twins separated for years have the same habits, traits,

    characteristics and behavior, wear the same amount of rings on their fingers,

    both have the same size families and etc? In my observations in this

    tourist area which grows in population hugely in the summer I frequently

    see people who look a lot like the locals. Interestingly enough they have

    the same body movements and gestures, same attitudes and who knows, maybe

    even the same low scientific IQ. (from lack of observational and listening

    skills) (( but maybe their both good at crossword puzzles)).....

    Anyways, my question is do you think people with the same face are molded

    into who they are by society (religeous way of looking at it) or do you think

    that when they look at themselves in the mirror they comparing notes

    telepathically without knowing it (evolutionary way of looking at it)?

    Personally I think the scientists opinion that 5 million unused

    braincells have no ability is wrong. It's like 5 million people living

    in a city all thinking together on a telepathic wavelenght getting up the

    umphhhh to sent off brainwaves. Meanwhile back at the ranch, your conscious

    mind the other neurons (the ones used) are like country folk on the phone

    to each other. I'd say why the heck would a bunch of city folk even

    bother letting a few country folk they exist. Same with your supposedly

    unused braincells doing the much more important work of sending off

    signals telepathically without you knowing it and getting in touch

    with the rest of the world. Yes we are still at the lowest stage of

    the telepathic "food for thought chain" compared to other civilizations

    in the universes.

    I have yet to connect to a cavemans memory energy bundle floating

    like a cloud of fine black particles around this moist environ. Maybe

    it might not be a good idea, I might drag some luscious babe by her hair

    off into the bushes for a fun time. Come to think of it that might be

    a good defense in court for a rapist. Maybe it is better not to come

    up with hypothesis testing methods for proving the existence of telepathy,

    to many rapists would claim caveman possession. Have no fear though, I

    for one am well aware of sudden changes in telepathic possessions and if

    anyone can handle a sudden surge of being possessed by anything from

    the mentality of a pylori bacteria telepathic cloud to the invasion of

    my mind from Sigmund Freud, I can. I know where ground zero is and this

    letter proves I am not crazy. If I do feel crazy, it's only a temporary

    telepathic connection, you should consider the same philosopy until

    science embraces some concept of thinking beyond conscious thinking.

    This brings me back to my search for links to scientific studies

    that go indepth about the chemical and electromagnetic functions of the

    brain. Anyone have any?

    Talked to another person yesterday that told me she feels things when one

    of her kids is having problems. Another lady told me about a grandmother who

    was in a nursing home who didn't even talk feeling the vibration of her grandson having his handcuffs put on to tight and hurting his wrists. She

    blurted out some sentence about it before anyone even knew what happened.

    This is the kind of thing I want to see in the posts. But hey whatever turns

    you on.Belief in the words of thousands, nay, millions of people about their

    telepathic experiences may not be scientific proof enough for scientists

    to use deductive reasoning, but at least belief it's pseudo science is

    one step closer to being a science than the ancients who saw a face and

    carved one of the alledged 2500 idol gods of the world. But then maybe

    God made telepathy also, so you could hear the words "I Love You".

    On the scientific side maybe the scientists don't want to prove telepathy.

    I mean afterall they did spend a lot of time and money going ot school

    for an education. If all that information was accessed at home in the

    comfort and luxery of your abode, who the heck is going to make the

    effort to go to college, unless its to look for a breeding partner?

    Also who is going to buy any books or have any curious feelings about

    asking questions of others? IN theory, if evolution prevails on telepathic

    abilities coming into the consciousness of your brain, your mouth will

    get small, your eyes and head big, your body thin (because your happy all

    the time and don't eat) and you'll basically look like ET in Spielbergs

    movie ET. Hair is grown because you have memory problems, you won't have

    memory problems cause you can access whatever you need to know as long

    as you can remember to ask the question. So you may have some "memory"

    hair in places like under your arms and other places where curiousity

    recognition patterns are related to smell identification. In general,

    be prepared for a slow morphing of the human shape after conscious and

    5 to 500 million unused braincells join. I should take about 500,000 years

    to change physically. Yes I do believe people who look the same have the

    same mentality, maybe if we all looked exactly the same, we'd all have

    the same preferences, etc., but that is a subject that is going to be

    pushed to the back burner because some people would argue that people

    with the same preferences now don't look the same. Yes, true, but most

    prefer sexual contact with another human than a large 6 foot tall spider.

    Although I did have an affair with at least one I know of in a dream.

    Actually it had a crush on me. I have to get off the web now, read ya


  5. The only reason I write volumes on what I do know

    is so I can remind myself of the volumes of stuff I don't know. One

    thing I do know is last night when 5 hours of laying half awake went

    by in a blur, it seems there were some reflective forces around me.


    I tryed not to take heed, for as soon as you start listening to the

    "little voices inside your head" the next thing you know every Tom,

    Dick and Harry, Mary, Sue and Jane is suddenly "that" little voice.

    And the last thing in this world I want is someone telling me what

    I'm thinking right after I think it because these reflective forces

    are very much in tune telepathically. Either that or the aura projected

    by my own mind creates another, unbeknownst to me, personality that

    revels in taking the credit for my thinking. It of course being linked

    telepathically to all other living entities, and probably a few dead ones too, in

    the universe.

    I think the best course of action, if possible, is to definitely

    bring the aura as close to your body as you can and live the dream.

    Trying to project your thoughts or feelings to others is like casting

    a fishing rod real hard with hooked bait, by the time its' out there

    and under water for the next 10 minutes or so, you start to wonder at

    what point the bait left the hook. Especially if your weeding the bottom

    of the lake and every snag feels like a bite. Perhaps fishing isn't the

    best analogy for telepathically sending a thought you expect an answer

    for, but as I address schools of thought not aware they even are

    listening to external input in the form of sentences and words in their

    heads, I marvel greatly at what mankinds' next alleged greatest

    acheivement will be about.

    This because there are so many great inventors with motivation and great

    thinkers who have great ideas out of the blue. What great thinker wants

    to admit that a common consciousness of let us say, several million

    peoples telepathic forces, created the spontaneous words that seem so

    ego fufilling to a great thinker. Possibly the older one gets the more

    these great words seem like wisdom or great knowledge. In actuality,

    some older people just has not taken the time to sit and reflect and

    slow their life down to receive these words. Better late than never.

    More children do not respond to telepathic feelings sent than do. The reason

    is because they are in a stronger bond with the parent who is with them. The parent

    is protective and chances are hteat kid will grow up being bothered when they sound

    like their parent. The tone of telepathic thoughts received is ingrained in the mind.

    Young kids who have parents who aren't so fearful and on the center road of healing are more likely to be aware of strangers feeling input. People box themselves

    up in their homes when they get depressed. Don't box yourself in, get out and talk.

    It is my opinion moving around and doing stuff, as well as moving around in public and

    thinking are more important for good health, physical and mental than people want to

    admit. It has to do with overcoming embarassment. Same thing as people who

    won't admit to having paranormal or metaphysical experiences, it has to do with being

    accepted and not being embarrassed.

    The question is, if someone consciously heard your thoughts and you knew it, would you be embarassed? What if the thoughts you had were telepathically

    received from one person and heard by another who thought they were your own

    thoughts? Original thinking and choosing which feeling you have at any given moment takes years. I felt stark raving fear for 3-4 hours straight on purpose. Then I stopped

    it on a dime with curious with no lasting problems. I then stopped it with anger. The problems with stopping fear with anger was after I stopped being angry, about 2

    minutes later a butterfly flew by and I was suddenly angry. Other minor things happened that suddenly caused anger. The effect lessened as time went on.

    The point is the common reaction to fear is anger and this is a learned behavior.

    What person who receives a telepathic thought and is scared is not automatically going to react with anger. Emotions in the mind have a certain electro chemical

    pattern. If you are in the middle of an action and anger suddenly happens the tendency is to daydream. Telepathic reception is hidden by virtue of people simply not

    being aware of it, however the reaction anger from the fear not felt by the unknown

    surfaces and translates into a distracted state of mind. I'm glad I can stimulate the idea your subconscious is receiving telepathic thoughts and so many people appreciate being distracted. By the way, tin foil helmets don't block it.


    "Talking logically about feelings to people who try

    to feel logical is like working at a pig hatchery." - honor seed

  6. 8:48 PM 6/18/05 according to earthlings, Honor Seed telepathic entry:


    The consensus is among the gift is to first become aware of the

    telepathic reception of feelings before mindspeak or sentences as they

    are called when you receive air vibrations through the ears rather than

    receive brainwave vibrations which seem to be oblivious to the mass of

    flesh, bone and other assorted stuff before telepathic brainwaves reach

    the receiver.


    Who is to say that parents who have long ago suppressed or blocked

    words they heard in their minds from outside sources now send their

    kids the same telepathic message that are more open these days with

    parents? The child who hears voices also believes for the start what

    the parents suppressed or blocked. The show that ensues is a child that

    is open enough to note they are hearing voices. The kid is taken to

    a psychiatrist depending on how early in life the parents blocked the

    idea of knowledge that words thought in the mind cannot possibly be

    thought by another and a telepathic gift. The child questions the word

    or words heard as if they are speaking to her or him rather than

    sentences that match the emotionality of the child at that moment.


    A complicated analysis of my Theory on Telepathic Resolution,

    which I consider the 8th type of intelligence not recognized in the

    Harvard Zero study which identified 7 types of intelligence by studying

    young children over a length of time, cannot be proven without hypothesis



    The older child who is sensitive thta people should take seriuosly

    the idea she or he is hearing words or sentences inside their mind

    and it's driving them kooky or nuts or crazy with stress, tension and anxiety

    should consider the possible sources. Either it is made up of another hidden

    part of the brain usually called a subconscious, or it comes from an

    external source. If it is coming from another part of the kids mind,

    how come he or she just started 'hearing' it. If the debate then goes

    to the explanation that it is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain,

    then most people would settle for that explanation and not look any



    Consider this concept. What if telepathic incoming words and sentences

    are still an external source of energy that is proven existing called

    brainwaves and the only reason the kid received telepathic sentences is

    they did have a change in chemicals due to diet and other physical factors?

    So anyone would deduce, by scholarly debate that the words or sentences

    are actually chemical interactions along the neural network. I call these



    The chemical reactions that are new probably did not create the

    words. The chemical imbalance is probably creating a memory leak from

    which the child hears mindspeak that is stored memory. In other words,

    the kid heard it from themselves, another person, or television/radio.

    The memory also includes the emotional tone at the time the talker made

    the sentence. (In this case the childs memory of the parents saying

    that sentences that seemed to come from others is crazy would be

    somthing that would follow the curious feeling of hearing mindspeak)


    In any case I do not thnk that I had a 3-4 hour continuous

    conversation with myself because of a memory leak to previous sentences

    I heard. The conversation was unique and flowed back and forth one

    sentence apiece continually for many hours and it was for the most part

    friendly. In fact it was all friendly, there was one point at which I

    was challenged on whether or not I really believed the mindspeak was

    from an existence of a dimension different than physical science



    Before I go any further. I can expect the common catchall, the

    usual reaction to come up, namely religeon. I do not explain telepathy

    in terms of hearing words from God unless you believe your parents and

    friends are God or God speaks through them. I explain telepathy or

    telepathic resolution in terms of a type of scientific study which has

    not developed proper hypothesis testing methods yet. The study of brainwaves

    tells us that they travel at least a measurable four feet. But are

    they transfered or amplified further by the fine silica crystals that float

    in the air? Do brainwaves travel in outerspace by another means. If

    brainwave signals can go through flesh and bone can they go through

    walls and even entire planets? Are theye a function of gravitational

    pull? Are they electromagnetic like the impulses on our synapses?


    Many people in early history saw faces and shapes before them. It

    is not without due consideration, that if people hear voices, they also

    see visions. What happens when a person sees an external brainwave sent

    memory of someone else is that they re simply receinving the memory of

    someone who saw someone else. During early history something like 2500

    gods were carved, sculpted, drawn or storytold from avid recallers of

    their experience. The differnece between their belief and mine is there

    is a scientific explanation for their visions as well as mine, which number

    over 10,000 by the way, and I intend to find scientific researchers who

    will help me prove Telepathic Resolution Theory using hypothesis testing

    methods from this complicated analysis.


    Deductive reasoning does yield to the superstitious beliefs, taken in toto,

    that there are so many all powerful gods that all look different.

    Furthermore htere have been so many movies and books written on negative

    occurences I would be very skeptical hearing someone tell me they had

    a prophetic dream, vision or mindspeak session in which their end or the

    end of the earth was at hand. Calmer minds that study earth sciences

    probably realize the biggest threat is a comet hitting earth. We have the

    technology to blast a comet to smitherins before it gets here. So I'm not



    Back to the subject of telepathy which is shared whether you believe

    in it or not. Back in the middle ages when plagues and fevers ran amok,

    the reasons for them happening was not known. The reasons for telepathy

    are not known. Like I stated before, doctors try to cure it with prescription

    meds. The difference between a brainwave barrage and a bacteria infestation

    of the air are two different things. Like some bacteria acn only be

    transfer my mutuaal touch, some telepathic sharing can only be acheived

    by touching, in most cases.


    This is not to say all people feel the type of telepathic signals

    that I am refering to. I am fefering to the fact that when Ifaced

    someone and we joined both hands, we both felt tingling on our scalp

    with our eyes closed. This issuance of fact and notice is a prelude to

    a recogntion you can reach a level where you know where everything is around

    you with your eyes closed. I have moved in very crowded areas blindfolded

    very fast without hitting or knocking anything over. This could have

    been a result of memory as I did not test myself in environs that I was

    not familar with. Indeed when I am in strange places in my dreams I may

    recognize that this collage of buildings I don't recognize is on familar

    roads I have travelled many times.


    The feeling of familiarity mixed with telepathic reception of

    other peoples visual memory makes for some of my dreams. Dreaming is

    a different state of telepathic sharing and is seemingly a story that

    takes longer than the actual time to dream the spontaneous story.

    My guess is dreams are as different as snowflakes, no two alike.


    My statement first started in response to an empath who posted in

    the psychiatry/psychology part of Science Forums. However, I would like

    to entertain the idea that the study of telepathy more closely examines the

    nature of the brains actual physical changes rather than the effects of

    mood or emotional feeling sensations which are commonly reduced by

    prescription medications rather than learning the physical cause.


    If mindspeak and visions that appear to be from external souces than

    why can I focus on one feeling look at somebody without them watching and

    they suddenly change their expression or move? If I have an overactive

    imagination with a bunch of memories bouncing around inside my head creating entertainment for me, than why when I stare at the back of some

    young children at the market do they suddenly turn and smile at me and say



    Knowledge is gained by a curious and happy feeling in the mind. The

    detractors have fear and angry as emotions. Knowledge is lost in a society

    that is controlled by fear and anger. Entire civilizations have slowed development and even been ended as a result of fear and anger. This is by no means a complete statement of Telepathic Resolution Theory. However, if

    you do some of the groundwork of crosschecking the aspects of types of drives, intelligences, the three planar brainwave synapse movements of thinking, feeling and emotion, as well as the interaction of the various five senses within these interactions, and not forget to put into the mix the three types of memory retention, sound/words. mental images and tone/emotion you have started on what I have embarked on, the necessary rudiments to bring telepathic science into a category all its' own. The gift of awareness is

    there, it is yours to gain or forget about, your choice.


    Honor Seed



  7. Bettina you wrote:

    'Geez...is that what I'm "hearing" when I look at an old person in church? Are they saying something that I am picking up and neither of us know? Like I said, I've been gathering data on the experiments that some scientists are doing with one mind communicating with another. But I still find it difficult to believe. I just know that I'm not normal and I very much want to be.....'


    And this gave me time to reflect....First an answer for the easier part about scientific studies......in another thread on why we age and die at:


    written or relayed by Meucat, he says that


    this is true only when using words to teach. If I were to teach you to use your telepathic and empathic abilities by action, it is possible to teach someone to "hear"

    mindspeak, as I call it and recognize it for what it is, for it is impossible to teach what is not known to someone using only words, but a combination of words and actions

    at exact times interreacting with people is a teaching tool. The problem is that at this point in your life you're reacting to others thoughts and feelings. Once you become aware that people also react to your thoughts and feelings that you have in your mind, you will start to sense the balance and become one of those older people that you hear eventually, wiser than those older people you do not "hear". Simply put your gaze to people in church before you "hear" words may be drawn to that particular face

    at that exact moment because the words are ready to send from that person. A basic need to be heard, even in the quiet of our mind, emotes from a strong older mind or an exuberant younger child. Both have a stronger need to be open, learn and share more than middle aged people. Middle aged people are caught in the cares of the world, and the commoness of their thoughts about what to eat, where to go and paying bills is seldom a thought I have picked up. The exception is when I asked dozens of visions that appeared before their name, and many of them said "go home", when I was sitting in my living room. It is interesting in making telepathic or empathic contact with

    others htat they believe that I have travelled to them rather than they have travelled to me. Perhaps we meet halfway. My opinion is that spatial relationship is not as important as I thought, brainwaves covering great distances at extremely quick speeds both through space and time. Astounding to most, but there are intelligent life forms in this universe I'm sure that take this knowledge calmly and simply don't get concerned or excited about it. The reason is that they have been taught a type of meditation that gave them connections to various thoughts, mental pictures, feelings and the combination of them throughout their lives. I would not be so quick to write that you do not connect or share at least one aspect of thinking, pictures or feelings in your dreams. It took me until I was over 35 to realize the possibility. First of all,

    many dreams contain mental images of strange new places that you have never been, they also change during the dream with you being the only common factor from scene to scene sometimes. My strong opinion is that these are things others have seen. A friend said he had a dream before he ever drove through a town he travelled through.

    A different friend in jail said he heard two guys both talking in their sleep to each other. I have shared the feeling of one persons love for their spouse or mate in a dream. There is no control of this, there is no premeditation for open sharing that comes once in while, awake or asleep. Most of time I don't know whose memory it is or was or will be. I consider it a gift. If normal is not having a sharing and open mind, then I don't want to be normal. But I think everyone has a deep need to share from birth and the first sharing is emotions between parent and baby. The cow just mooed out in the pasture out back and that reminded me that animals also have a need to share with each other. When I am watched by a wild animal or a person in the forest or at a public place with people, I turn to them and see them. I sense them watching me, it is almost instantaneous. Bettina, all people have this ability, but as you can tell, to teach a person how to acquire it, is not possible for me without working with them.

    Part of the problem with scientific experiments relating to the minds' ability to pick up

    thoughts is that the scientific experiments where one person looks at a card that has a heart is that: the person sending the mind signal is sending two types of signals, one is the word heart and the other is the symbol or shape of the heart. The receiving persons' mind, many times, is confused by picking up both shapes and words atthe same time, also the senders sending ability is diffused. another thing is that sending both words and pictures is not as easily done as sending emotions. I have 9 dogs now.

    IN the calm of the night when they slept I sent various emotions at them, they twitched and woke up the instant I sent those various emotions. Younger children also receive well, as do some older adults, as you wrote. I very much appreciate your confirming my observation as it will be helpful to scientistss to start testing telepathic and empathic ability at a young age. Those children should have a special course educating them that their ability is a gift, not a disease of the mind, which psychiatrists who pass out meds might have you believe.

    It seems to me that the problem is not finding a scientist who can educate us on the subject we already know exists, but to find scientists who are willing to be educated on what empathy and telepathy can do and is.

    For centuries, women who gathered herbs and healed, were burned at the stake or tortured because certain religeous doctrines did not believe in the scientific level of chemicals in nature being able to heal if applied or taken internally. It has taken until the last few decades and even the last few years for the healing power of herbs and certain foods to become a respectable enough in the scientific community.

    I had a pyschic on the phone I have never seen before tell me exactly where the pains in my body were. This ability is a connection through the vibration of my voice and is just another type of empathic ability.

    My special gift is looking at a picture of someone and either seeing visions of the past, or getting a full array of emotional content. Careful how you interpret your seeming problem at receiving others thought. It may relieve you know that when I "hear" a sentence from someone, I simply reply on the outside chance their subconscious is "hearing" my reply :). I don't go after loose brainwave thoughts from unknown senders, I'm just not a great fan of conversations with others who are not consciously picking up what I'm saying in reply.

    If I could find 500 people who are empaths and also into sending happy and healing thoughts to others, I would like to see if the combination of us could match the healing power of Christ. Perhaps an experiment in which the simultaneous power of 500 people focusing on a terminally ill childs' face, would heal this child. If so I would like to see this group do nothing else the rest of the year but heal every child brought that had a diagnosed terminal illness. This is possible and will happen and the world will know the power of a loving, happy, healing mind that works with others to help others.

    This is the scientific proof that will be hard to disbelieve by any rational person on earth. So be of good cheer fellow empaths and Bettina.

  8. i always thought it was to do with the fact that from the moment we're born we're dying, our cells slowly EVER so slowly decompose and we don't notice the difference until we have reached the apex of our lives when things go down hill. wat ya think guys?


    I have reached the apex of my life and let me tell you it was one heck of a whammer jammer. I just hope it takes as long to go down as it took going uP

    :) at least as long, I want a few years to just sit around and drool :cool: dreamstream wisdom......

  9. My suggestion on slowing down aging is to do a search on the balance of DHEA and Cortisone which changes for the worse around age 52. In particular look at the new advances in medicinal fabrication at the 7-keto variety sold as a supplement type of DHEA that doesn't break down and turn into hormones.


    Here are a few short summaries with links below I have been researching that I will share before a full compendium is published on my website about health. oh and by the way,after reading the original post that started off this subject my opinion is:



    It may be impossible to teach with words but not with action. Also, as far as I know, anything that lives can die, if nothing else from lack of water.


    enjoy :)



    I read this article about pancreatic cancer and found it to be well

    done. It is ended by a glossary and list of books on the subject. The

    subheadings are definition, description, causes and symptoms, diagnosis,

    then under treatment, the subheadings staging, surgery, radiation therapy,

    chemotherapy, biological treatments, alternative treatment, prognosis,

    prevention and key termss which is the glossary. Well worth reading.




    This website contains on this page called Digestive Disorders Home Page,

    the following subheadings which blossum out into more subheadings:

    Diagnostic Procedures, Digestive Disorders, Colorectal Cancer,

    Esophageal Cancer, Medications and the Digestive System, Stomach Cancer,

    The Digestive System - An Overview, Digestive Disorders Glossary and

    Digestive Disorders Online Resources. Diagrams are included on some pages.




    This website is about PET scans, Positron Emission Tomography also called

    PET Imaging and contains these subheadings. What is Positron Emission

    Tomography, What are some of the common uses of the procedure, How should

    I prepare for the procedure, What does the equipment look like, How does

    the procedure work, How is the procedure performed, What will I experience

    during the procedure, Who interprets the results and how do I get them,

    What are the benefits vs. risks, and What are the limitations of Positron

    Emission Tomography?



    This website article deals with the diet as the key to health. It states

    that 6-8 cups of water a day are a healthy ammount. Then it goes on to

    relate 13 cups for men is a healthy ammount. However it does not state

    the weight of hte indidual man.

    By boosting your intake of omega-3s, you may help ward off depression,

    severe menstrual cramps, macular degeneration (a cause of blindness),

    fatal heart attacks, and possibly even breast cancer. (A 3-oz serving

    of cooked salmon has 1.9 g of omega-3s;


    "COX-2 inhibitor drugs, so-called because they block an enzyme called

    cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), are used to treat the pain and inflammation

    of arthritis. There is now compelling evidence that they may also

    protect against cancer." is quoted. Tumeric, rosemary, green tea, red

    grapes, and bee propolis are all touted as having anti-oxidant properties

    in the prevention of cancer cells.



    A different technically written viewpoint of free radicals and the

    oxidation they cause as well as the natural anti-oxidants the body

    produces with further articles on free radicals, cancer & degenerative




    "Any healthy diet should include tryptophan-rich sources such as these.

    In addition, 5-HTP is available as a supplement; this form of the

    compound is extracted from the seeds of the African plant, Griffonia

    simplicifolia." The gift of life in in these words. 5-HTP, in my opinion,

    helps the mind adjust to the happiness of taking a vegetable based high

    protein supplement & favor it instead of previous takings of meat protein.

    The webpage below has an informative article on 5-HTP.



    This is a well written and lengthy webpage written about herbs. The focus

    is on garlic, cayenne and echinecea as immune system helpers. Garlic is

    stated as being a more powerful antifungal than nystatin which is the

    anti fungal prescibed for doctors for stubborn cases of atheletes foot.

    This article is so well done I avidly suggest a full reading for a

    clear understanding of the natural cures available including olive leaf.



    This excellent article is titled "You Can Prevent Cancer". Subheadings

    are Some Scary Statistics, And What You Can Do About It, Healthy Bodies

    Win the "War on Cancer" Every Day, What's in a Cancer Preventive Diet,

    Flavinoid-rich Foods, Cruciferous Vegetables, Carotenoid-rich Foods,

    Cancer-Protective Herbs, Tumeric, Garlic, Ginger, Panax ginseng, Green

    Tea, Rosemary, Cancer-Protective Oils, Olive Oil, Flax Seed, Cancer

    Protective Protein-rich Foods, Deep & Cold Water Fish, Sybeans, Cancer

    Preventive Cutting Edge Supplements, Lipoic acid, Ellagic acid,

    Tocotrienols, Pycnogenol, Reservatrol, CLA-Conjugated Linoleic Acid and

    Cancer Prevention Dos and Don'ts. Names chemicals for extra research.




    "Albumin and globulin are the two types of protein that are measured

    by Total Protein. Albumin is the most important type of protein with

    respect to the needs of cells in the body. Low albumin levels can

    occur in people who have dietary problems including diarrhea, nausea,

    or decreased appetite and can often be corrected easily." to quote one

    of many subheadings on the vast array of chemicals within the body.


    A similar website with more abbreviated descriptions of the same

    chemicals within the body.


    A similar website with more abbreviated descriptions of the same

    chemicals within the body.





    Vitamin B12, plays an important role in the metabolism of nerve

    tissue, protein, fats and carbohydrates. It also aids in the

    production of DNA/RNA and red blood cells. It also plays a role in the

    health of the spinal cord. A lack of adequate levels of Vitamin B12

    may lead to pernicious anemia, lack of energy, weakness, muscle

    soreness, mental and nervous disorders, poor reflexes, speaking

    difficulty and nerve degeneration. As a dietary supplement, take

    1000 mcg daily for a couple of months for therapeutic results.



    Where does this histamine come from?

    One source is when the amino acid histidine looses a carboxyl group.

    Some bacteria can faciliate this conversion too. So if you have a

    bacteria overgrowth, it may be using up histidine and converting it to

    more histamine. Another big source is directly from foods. Egg,

    strawberries, cocoa, chocolate, bananas, citrus, pineapple, pork, soy,

    benzoates, sulfites, nitrates, BHA, BHT, food colors, MSG.


    One source is when the amino acid histidine loses a carboxyl group.

    Some bacteria can faciliate this conversion too. So if you have a

    bacteria overgrowth, it may be using up histidine and converting it

    to more histamine. Another big source is directly from foods. Some

    people may have a problem eliminating histamine from their foods and

    this causes reactions which LOOK LIKE allergies, but are not true IgE

    mediated allergies. You may see a histamine reaction which is just too

    high levels of histamine and not because an antigen caused an immune

    reaction to something


    lots of links within article using webpage address. very professional!




    Some questions answered about dandelion leaf and root tea, etc.

    "In cases of stomach ulcer or gastritis, Dandelion should be used

    cautiously, as it may cause overproduction of stomach acid."

    4-10 grams of dried leaves can be added to 1 cup of boiling water

    People taking the leaves should be sure that their practitioner

    monitors potassium levels. Dandelions are remarkable sources of

    natural potassium



    There are three enzymes known to have significant anti-oxidant activity.

    One of these is Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), which is present in wheat

    grass. Wheat grass all eight of the essential amino acids, as well as

    13 of the remaining 16. Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), P4D1, Chlorophyll

    and Muco-polysaccharides are four other special components of wheat grass.



    enter zip code to find naturopathic doctor


    entered only state + % in city space to get state lists


    Prices for all Grass and Sprouts are by the pound: Pounds Price

    1 lb $12.00, 2 lbs $16.00, 3 lbs $24.00, 4 lbs $32.00, 5 lbs $37.50.

    Wheatgrass, sunflower sprouts, snow pea greens and radish green sprouts

    for the above prices are offered at this website or look for a source

    of bulk seed & sprout them in shallow dirt yourself buying their seed

    at reasonable prices.


    http://www.sproutman.com/sproutseeds.html - to see prices on garden mix

    wheatgrass/wheat seed, crunchy bean mix, Barley(hulless), Golden Alfalfa,

    buckwheat, Kamut, garbanzo, sweet green peas, french lentils, red lentils,

    Mung beans, Fenugreek, Black Sunflower, Red Clover, China Radish Rose,

    Broccoli Blend, Broccoli, Garlic Chives(non-organic).



  10. When I smile at a young child at the grocery store who has its' face turned from mine, sometimes the child immediately turns and looks into my eyes and says hello. This child is an empath. Some do not respond. When I send the emotion "curious" to a child sitting with her grandparents on the bus, her face became distraught. This child is an emotional empath. This child also felt

    uneasy receiving emotions from another without an apparent reason. This

    child was older, about 7. The older a child gets the more likely it will not be

    comfortable communicating using emotions. EMOTIONAL FEELING SENSATIONS, EFS,

    a term I use a lot in my copious research papers on empathic communication, is a subject I have studied for over thirty years. Being aware of your sympathy towards bees and other creatures is the start of empathy. Being

    aware you are receiving an emotional feeling sensation that is not your own

    is a result of years of meditation for me. My opinion is that people who hear voices psychiatrists believe are a part of that person that cause distress, those people are picking up loose thoughts of others that are on the same EFS brain wavelength. That is why they seem like the same thoughts as one might have, they simply are a reflection of a persons' emotional content. I have never taken pyschiatric drugs for a negative mood. I focus on the emotion I want and feel it to dispell feelings of anger, fear, fear or frustration.

    I am currently researching herbal and naturopathic remedies and augment a diet of veggies, fruit and mostly fish to return to health. This info will be published on my website in the future. It is important that you realize the eventual effects to your health as a result of absorbing NEGATIVE EFS that is sstress and tension causing. Emotional reception of others feelings is empathy. Feeling sad about someones misfortune is sympathy. As I stated most people who are not sympathetic to others are not empathy aware. Most people who have serious misfortune are feeling physical pain, their sadness at hat misfortune comes afterwards, this is what a empath picks up. There are no prescribed drugs or street drugs that help the situation.Telepathy which might be better named "telempathy" is the communication between two or more people or creatures. Yes it can be thinking in words. However this planets most intelligent population is currently at the provable level of only

    recieving one emotional telepathic sending before that person is startled off the continued track of conversation, emotional or thinking in words. So currently I have conversations with peoples subconsious levels, sometimes while they sleep. sometimes while we both sleep. More accurately, in a dream,

    the conversation takes on the cloak of many things others have scene that make up what I see in my dreamscape. Enough for now. Remember practice feeling happy on purpose for no reason. More latter. Relax everyone, it is not your fault empathy and telepathy were not taught at home or in schools when you were still having fun with it. The common reaction to receiving feelings and thoughts not your own is a powerful emotion, EFS startled. Startled leads quickly to excitement, and makes having a conversation very difficult, especially telepathically. Don't be sorry you feel empathy, this world is changing and many of you will be wise older people someday aware that some young children are actually speaking to each other in sentences without talking out loud. We are at a wondrous time in our history, and I see that changes are coming, it is inevitable.

  11. well I'm a empath, I look at photos of people and feel what they feel and even pick

    up on thoughts in the present time. I have chatted and related to thousands of ghosts

    of everything from dead people to dead bugs. I am so sick right now from relating

    as an empath to thousands of living people and departed ones I can only guess as to

    why that happened. It started off great thirty years or so ago looking in the mirror and

    seeing blonde girls who I emotionally comforted, but in went haywire in the last 7 years transcending the common telepathic subconscious jetstream. I heard so many

    incoming "little voices" in my head the last few months, I'm surprized (happily) that I could even sort my thinking out from everyone elses (dead or alive). I get sick because

    other people are sick, they just don't feel their sickness which comes in on the reception of their other feelings AND words. I'm getting so I don't even want to ever

    "hear" another person think the rest of my life unless they are unpolluted and only think good thoughts. I'm so tired of other peoples focus on negative past misery, it's all I can do to wish all you empaths (often refered to as bi-polar and scheizoids) a happy future being a human radio receiver!!!! Bye for now, luv ya...

    btw - how do i get a picture under my name like the rest of you "normal nuts", and what does Lepton mean under my name, is that a town in Louisiana or something? I'd rather have Neptune or something like that....

  12. 8:04 AM 6/13/05 - The unique thing about this dream was that it

    did not end before I woke up, in fact waking up had very little

    if any, effect on this dream at all. Also what happened in the dream

    before it got to the point of offering to supply kids with a cup of

    water who were thirsty was forgotten. After I either posted on the internet

    that I would give thirsty kids water or told people in person, I

    received two requests from the fire department in e-mail in the dream

    to send some water. There were bottled water company links on the

    e-mail, so I immediately thought to e-mail bottled water companies and

    request free boxes of those little plastic bottles of water to give

    away to kids in public I see that are thirsty. It was about then I woke

    up, I know this because I put my arm above my head and its' cool this

    morning in the Northwest here. I continued to mess with my e-mail

    trying to word a letter and figure out how to send it while awake.

    Probably the reason I had the dream is because I read in the bible

    that a traveller given a cup of water in the name of Jesus is blessed

    and I always offer anyone who comes over to my home something to

    drink as soon as they arrive, although I don't usually say it is in

    the name of Jesus or a prophet that I do so. I mean who wants to travel

    to someones home, get there, and be asked a thousand questions to

    answer while they still have a scratchy throat from a dusty journey.

    I don't! I also usually leave a full papercup of water in my bathroom

    for me, cause waking up is like a dusty journey through the common

    consciousness of mankind and it reminds me water is good for you.

    Water also represents love to me. As far as I'm concerned, dreams

    about love can come from sleep to the awake state anytime, and I'm

    going to carry new bottles of water around in my pack this summer and

    give them to thirsty kids too, although I don't think the fire

    department will have much to do with that. The fire department halloween

    party I went to last year had a bunch of young kids at it and that's

    where that part of the dream came from. Dreams are a collage of the past

    directing us to the future. I may even e-mail bottled water companies

    for free water to give to kids. LOL. Also another neat custom I

    borrowed from the japanese is lighting a stick of incense before a

    guest arrives to put the spirits in a restful mode. One thing for sure,

    this dream didn't skip a beat from being asleep to being awake!!!!!

  13. Howdy, I'm new today to the scienceforums.net. I googled "Do dogs bark at ghosts" and found NavajoEverclears question because I had a dream my dogs were barking at

    incoming ghosts which they usually do when I'm wide awake. This was a "tension reducer" type dream, as the incoming ghosts always seem to come at me exactly when I get relaxed when I first lay down, no matter what time of day. It's uncanny!

    Or is this a dream aboout the future, cause I know it's going to happen again?

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