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Posts posted by Cashio

  1. There still is no problem, because your 'logic' is in error. If the cat is not an observer, then it is[/b'] a superposition of dead and alive. How can 'logic' say otherwise? Since you cannot observe the cat without collapsing the wavefunction, you cannot prove my statement wrong, and therefore there is no contradiction. You are basing your logic of assumptions on the classical world around you, which is not valid quantum mechnically.


    how can the cat be both dead and alive at the same time? the last time i checked cats could be in only 1 state of this nature.

  2. Actually, relativity does not say that your speed "through space" has anything to do with how fast you will travel through time. There is no "space" in relativity. Remember, everything is relative :D


    as space i meen our 3 dimentional space. Albert used the time as the forth dimension giving him equality to the other 3 thus created the space-time view of the world - and in this, space not only exist - it is also curved.


    what you ment to say was that there is no ether in reletivity - the imaginary substance that was suppose to fill the universe.



    and my note on that - acording to any logic you might want to apply to physics, *distance* between objects is absolutly necessary. and without space there is no meaning to distance. think about it.


    from http://www.dict.org:


    Distance \Dis"tance\, n. [F. distance, L. distantia.]

    1. The space between two objects; the length of a line,

    especially the shortest line joining two points or things

    that are separate; measure of separation in place.

    [1913 Webster]

  3. I have never understood why this is a problem. If we hypothesise that the cat can collapse wavefunctions then the cat is always either dead or alive (ie. in an 'alive eigenstate' or a dead one). If we hypothesise that it cannot, it is in a superposition. Where is the problem? It isn't even a physically well defined issue, since we cannot experimentally distinguish the two cases (unless we are a cat).


    there is a problem. according to logic the cat can not be both dead and alive at the same time - it must be in one of those states. but to determine in what state he is we must interfere with the experiment - eventually causing the "wave fucntion" of the cat to collapse. if we follow quantum mechanics properly, we must assume that until the wave function collapses the cat is BOTH dead and alive (superposition) and that is a contradiction to the first assumpsion.


    Let me remind you that quantum mechanics works and that this specific feature (superposition) has been proven (in the Aharonov-Bohm effect for example). now do you see the problem? :)

  4. it is a good question jacques, don't believe any one because whatever they say, they don't know! :)


    this is one the major problems with quantum mechanics, it has a more famous form as "the cat of shredinger". it goes like this - if you close a cat in box it will eventually die. the question is when. the problem is that to know that, we have to open the box. saddly, acording to quantum mechanics this is the moment the "wave function" of the cat collapses and therefore it is the only moment we can conclude whether the cat is alive of dead. it is logical, but we also know as a fact that the cat will die eventually and this will have nothing to do with us opening the box. so the answer is - we don't know when the cat will die - and in relation to your question - we don't know where the photon is, or what it's "wave radius". we could only assume. and acording to quantum mechanics, it could be anywhere in the universe.

  5. here is some answers:


    1. this is not a paradox at all. when you race someone, you face the same direction. ofcourse that in relations to each other, both objects (in your example) travel faster then light, but in relations with any asteroid traveling in the same direction, none of the object travel faster then light - and that was the initial assumption (the race).


    2. the speed of light (in vacum) is always constant. to understand that, you must first relize that the speed of light is more a proccess then just speed. the light is a short and common name for a bigger phenomenon called electro-magnetic waves. those waves are created by a magnectic field in motion causing an elctrofield to emerge causing another magnetic field and so on and on. the speed in which those waves move is the speed of light. so, the speed of the light doesn't have anything to do with the speed of the source of the light.


    to conclude - if you were to travel at 3/4 of the speed of light in one direction and i was going at the same speed to the oposite direction, you and i could still comunicate - any electromagnetic wave (radio or light) that we will send will still reach it's destination, because the light will be faster then any of us if pointed at the same direction.


    does this answer your questions?

  6. The idea behind the fact that nothing (with a finite rest mass) can travel faster than the speed of light could be explained briefly by this:


    At any given time, you are traveling at the speed of light exactly! some of your way is through time, and the other part is through space. so if you are traveling faster through space, you travel slower through (in) time.


    * the change is not liniaric.

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