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Posts posted by WAMF

  1. 17 minutes ago, swansont said:

    I don't see how the universe moves through anything. The universe is all there is.


    No, but there is motion through a field, and you would get photons from a charged particle moving through a magnetic field, since it would accelerate.


    Yes and yes. However I'm speculating our universe isn't the only thing out there. The field existed before and it's our matter that is spreading out in this field. 

    But you have brought up something very interesting. A charged particle like a electron or proton paths will bend in a magnetic field until there paths become circular. 

    The magnetic field is only present when surrounded by matter. Meaning the only path is circular. So is confined.  

    I'm proposing something similar but at a subatomic level. With it having a effect on quarks. 

    A uncharged photon like electromagnetic radiation will be able to travel though magnetic fields . But it has to be at a very high energy for pair Breit–Wheeler pair production to take place. This is where I got the idea for the field being around before the big bang. As flooding it with high energy electromagnetic radiation. May be enough for pair production. 

    The magnetic field then spreads these newly formed matter and anti matter particals away from each other.



  2. 10 minutes ago, Janus said:

    That idea fails on many levels.  For one, for diamagnetism to exert a "force", there has to a variation in field strength. Diamagnetic materials will tend to move towards the weaker part of the field.  So for it to even work to explain dark matter, you would need the field strength to be greater outside of the galaxy than inside it.  So the field would need to have low strength "pockets", one for every galaxy.    In addition, magnetic fields have an orientation, and for this to have any chance of working right, would have to be oriented properly for each individual galaxy.  But galaxies are not all oriented the same, so the field would have to have different orientations at different points.

    This runs contrary to how magnetic fields behave.  So your idea involves invoking a "magnetic field" that behaves nothing like a magnetic field would.

    Okay yes your right. In the video it explains afew methods how this field may be generated. The other one is that when is matter moving though a this unkown field. It Would induce movement in that field and a magnetic field would be generated. But only if that field has a charge and a electric field. 

    So the magnetic field is only being produced in areas containing matter. As gravity still exists matter will form clumps in the field keeping the galaxies together. However you will also be generating a additional force via repulsive at the subatomic level as all the particles are is moving and rotating though the field. 


    7 minutes ago, swansont said:

    But then charged particles would be accelerated as they move through space, and emit photons. Where are they?



    It would be the matter of our universe moving through the field at high speeds. The only movement in the field would be the matter passing through it. When a bullet shoots out of a gun, the air isn't moving at the same speed as the bullet.

    Think of it as you swimming through water. As you start moving through the water. You generate movement in the water. Inducing a weak magnetic field, as you are diamagnetic, you will be repulsed by the magnetic field. Allowing for all the atoms in you body from comming in contact with the water. Allowing for you to pass though the water. 


    The video isn't great. But it may help. Doesn't have any sound , just text. Also iv heard that some people are calling you evil. 😂. Seem like a cool dude to me. 

    59 minutes ago, Ghideon said:

    @WAMF have you read about the ideas about electric universe or plasma cosmology*? It may be helpful to compare your ideas against these rejected cosmological models to learn more about issues raised by other members?

     *) Wikipedia may serve as a starting point and there are links to various papers in the references section: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_cosmology

    I have seen these speculations. To me they seems highly implausible. The big bang model seems the right way to go. All I'm doing with it is speculating this field existed before the big bang. And apart from a big bang it was a flood of electromagnetic energy comming from the field side. Leading to The Breit–Wheeler process forming matter and antimatter. 

    So we are built inside the DM and DE. Spreading into it and not expanding. 

  3. On 1/30/2022 at 5:51 AM, Orion1 said:

    In Einstein's theory of general relativity, the exterior metric or exterior fluid solution, is an exact solution to the Einstein field equations and Einstein-Maxwell equations that describes the gravitational field and the space-time geometry in the exterior of a non-rotating or rotating neutral or charged spherically symmetric body of mass M, which consists of an incompressible fluid and constant density throughout the body and has zero pressure at the surface and that the electric charge and angular momentum of the mass may be zero or non-zero, and the universal cosmological constant is zero. For a non-zero charged mass, the metric takes into account the Einstein-Maxwell field energy of an electromagnetic field within the space-time geometry. The space-time geometry is in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates.

    And this Kerr tensor matches with all the other exterior metric tensor elements when (J=0) and or when (m=0)
    Table 1. Metric tensor components and symmetry.
    Metric tensorMinkowskiSchwarzchildReissner-NordstromEllipsoidKerrKerr (cited)Kerr-Newmantheoremdt21(r2rsrr2)(r2rsr+r2Qr2)(r2+a2r2+a2cos2θ)(r2rsr+a2r2+a2cos2θ)(1rsrr2+a2cos2θ)(r2rsr+a2+r2Qr2+a2cos2θ)identity with applied statedt21(1rsr)(1rsr)(r2+a2r2+a2cos2θ)(r2rsr+a2r2+a2cos2θ)1(r2rsr+a2r2+a2cos2θ)cited statedt21(1rsr)(1rsr)(r2+a2r2+a2cos2θ)(1rsrr2+a2cos2θ)1(r2rsr+a2r2+a2cos2θ)SymmetrySphericalSphericalSphericalEllipsoidEllipsoidIncorrectEllipsoidStatem=0,J=0,Q=0m0,J=0,Q=0m0,J=0,Q=0m=0,J0,Q=0m0,J0,Q=0m=0,J0,Q=0m0,J0,Q=0

    The underlined metric tensors highlight the matrix locations of the theoretical discontinuities. ny discussions and/or peer reviews about this specific topic thread?

    "You will do well to expand your horizons." - Fortune Cook

    I think your asking if there's a electromagnetic field hidden in space time. Which is great, Now clearly your alot smarter that I am, however iv just uploaded a speculation video on this forum on building a universe inside a similar type of field. 

    However it's just speculation. But it may interest you.

  4. 2 hours ago, swansont said:

    Which is an electromagnetic interaction.

    Unless you are claiming dark matter is actually photons, and it isn't, what is the relevance?

    All of which has been done - people look at/through empty space all the time, when they look at something far away. If there was something there that interacted, we would have seen it.

    IOW, you're saying dark matter is not dark - it should give off photons. So where are these photons? 

    No I'm saying Dark matter may be a weak magnetic field that permeates all of space. Photons are not produced. All the matter minus the DM and DE is the baryonic matter, that abides by Classical physics . I'm treating the DM and DE as a separate much older system. 

    Light, infrared, x-ray produced by the baryonic matter can travel through the magnetic field, older system unimpeded. Making it invisible to us.


  5. 10 hours ago, swansont said:

    Dark matter is dark because it lacks these things. If it had them we'd be detecting it.

    If the dark matter is detecting baryonic matter because of the electric or magnetic field, then it interacts electromagnetically, which we have concluded that it doesn't do, because we'd be able to detect it.

    Sort of. Buts it's the baryonic matter interacting with the weak magnetic field. Which induces repulsion in the matter via diamagnetism on the subatomic level.


    Electromagnetic waves can pass through magnetic fields. Meaning you wouldn't be able to detect it through observations. Also it depends on how the magnetic field is produced. It could be constantly giving off a weak magnetic field. Or it could be induced by the matter simply moving though it.

    Meaning by looking at DM and DE in empty space. All it's going to have is a small charge and electric field. 

    Magnetic fields are produced by the movement of charged particles. Electromagnetic waves are produced by the acceleration.


  6. I did geography. Earthquakes occur in the crust and upper mantle, only a maximum of 500miles deep. You then have to travel through the mesosphere, which is 1800 miles of rigid material. Before reaching the liquid core.

    Would it effect the field. Maybe. It has to be a pretty big quake.

    Theres you free geography lesson.


  7. 14 minutes ago, MigL said:

    Dark matter works in conjunction with existing gravitational fields and modifies them as if 'hidden' ( dark ) additional matter is present.

    Dark energy works where there is scarce matter, and little, if any, gravitational bonding.

    Yes and yes 😊. My speculation doesn't remove gravity. Einstein was a super genius. I'd be a idiot to not make it fit with his concepts.

    As galaxies are rotating bodies. The matter is always moving, meaning there's always the field present around it.

    Were there isn't matter. Either there's only a small magnetic field present. Or a charge and a electric field. But that depends on what induces the field. The moving matter. The moving Field. Or the moving matter causing the field to move.


    57 minutes ago, swansont said:

    How does it “know” it’s in the presence of baryonic matter?

    It doesn't know it's there. It has a electric field and charge. All that has to happen is for movement. Then a magnetic field can be generated. 



  8. 29 minutes ago, studiot said:

    1) Neither are forces.

    2) The evidence for each is quite separate and independent of the evidence for the other, as are the effects they describe.

    3) Read Frank Wilczek, it will help a lot.


    Well it only becomes a force when it is in the presence of baryonic matter. 

    A magnetic field. Needs a charge, a Electric field and movement. Either the magnetic field is already being generate. Or it requires the movement of matter to induce movement in the charge and electric field to produce a weak magnetic field.

    Which then produces a repulsive field in the baryonic matter. This can push all around a object, while also pushing objects away.

    Dark matter was proposed first , then when it didn't add up they introduced Dark energy. 

    Could you tell me if there's any key differences between dark energy and dark matter apart from attraction and repulsion.

  9. 1 hour ago, Phi for All said:

    Is there anything you can post here that doesn't require watching a video or linking offsite? A brief summary of your concept would be much appreciated.

    Basically its that Dark matter and Dark energy is the same force. Mistaken for being two separate things. It is a weak magnetic field that induces a repulsive force in baryonic matter via diamagnetism.  

    Then I go into other speculations on its origins. Also how matter is spreading out in this repulsive field. 

  10. Hi looking for some advice on some concepts I have started to develop, I would like your opinions on anything wrong you can see with the concepts. 

    Or any advice you could share on crediting or discrediting my work as I can understand basic concepts, but I am only classically trained in electrical engineering. 

    I believe the problem is a multi field problem and I'm only one man.


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