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Posts posted by EdenFechter

  1. Hi everyone! 

    sending this from my home country of up north Quebec.

    i wanted to ask this community about the job market.


    im starting my Astrophysics degree at the UdeM, i have still 2 years before my Masters.

    what are jobs in the field like? what is placement % ? what am i to expect in the comming years? i might ask more questions in the comments down below. I know that in canada and by extention Quebec, has a lot of Observatories and good labs. I would love to work in some observatory, but i imagine its really hard to land a position? I would also love to work in a plasma lab, as I feel that region of Physics has the most future as for work.


    please only for people who have worked in the field of physics and astro. 


    sorry for my bad english, its my 2nd language.

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