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Posts posted by Lowaltitude

  1. I have a question and wasn't quite sure where I should post it, but I thought here, rightly or wrongly might be a good choice.

    I have been thinking about the differing response to COV-19 by age and pondering on why this occurs.

    The immune system in animals has two components, innate and adaptive, innate is the type we have at birth and adaptive is learned by exposure to infective agents such as a virus.

    Adaptive immunity is acquired throughout life by exposure to illness and vaccination, the adaptive immune system stores the knowledge in memory T-cells as it encounters a pathogen.

    As we age our ability to autophage T-cells and produce new ones declines, typically at around age 60.

    Studies in mice suggest(link below)that a compound called spermidine has the ability to encourage autophaging and the production of new T-cells. This compound in present in a number of food sources.

    I wonder if someone with a better knowledge of immunology or organic chemistry could shed further light on this.

    So the question is will an intake of a spemidine rich food such as wheatgem help the immune response to  COV-19.


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