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Posts posted by =RedDwarf=

  1. I would like to know the name of the device used to examine the eyes and the retina such as used to check a diabetics eyes for changes. Photos/pictures can be taken. I will describe what they look like. They have a chin rest and eye piece which focuses on the eye and they have a lens to magnify. A person will sit in front of it and put their chin on the chin rest so that the operator can take the pictures of the retina.

    I have searched and searched but cannot find the name of it. I have checked ophthalmology devices, companies selling such devices to opticians etc but have not found the name of it.

    Can anyone name the item that I am thinking about?

    [EDIT] Further searching turned up a slit-lamp (biomicroscope) which looks vaguely similar but not 100% identical because the one I am thinking about looked quite a lot larger, more sturdy and robust. The one that I remember had no digital camera and used a camera to take the picture but this was of the iris rather than the retina.

    If anyone can name anything similar which I can check out it might help me identify the name of the device.

  2. Having a rack inside the tank? That would absorb far too much ultrasonic energy which I do not want or need.

    What is needed is some way to hold the test tubes in place from outside the tank. That is where I am stuck for ideas. I think that there must be something which people in the chemistry field might know of something suitable which I am not aware of. The commonly available stuff I do not think will fulfil my requirement. What I have looked at on a few sites did not have anything suitable.

    I posted to this forum because I thought it most suitable being equipment for amateur science but the more professional sub-forums might of got more views by people who might of been more able to offer advice.

  3. I am looking for some sort of stand that can hold multiple 25mm diameter test tubes inside an ultrasonic tank. I would like to hold at least 4 test tubes, preferably 6. They must be held at the same height and be easily removable. Currently I have been using 2 heavy retort stands with 2 four pronged clamps per stand. This is a lot less than ideal because the clamps are held one above the other which does not work well because of the significant height difference. I would like something which works better, ideally without costing me large amounts of money.

    I would think that anyone with good experience in professional science might know of something which would fit my requirement. What I would like is the name of the device which might fit my requirement?

    BTW The ultrasonic tank size is Tank LxWxH:     302 x 152 x 150mm therefore 6 test tubes would be pushing it a bit. 3 x 2 along the tank length

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