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Posts posted by Ken123456

  1. Just now, zapatos said:

    So long. I guess we won't be seeing you anymore.

    Stick your thoughts where the sun does not shine.

    Just now, zapatos said:

    God's word is "asshole"?!?!

    Or worse. Want references?

  2. 26 minutes ago, Phi for All said:

    Another distinction we make here: we don't attack people, we attack their ideas. This either makes the ideas stronger, or shows their weaknesses. Other than one poster calling you a moron (which they were called out for), where were YOU personally attacked? You don't get to claim that you and your beliefs are one.

    I'm sure it's what Jesus would have wanted, with him being so warlike and all. 

    I call it ass-backwards. If the god you believe in exists, it sounds like he doesn't need you to defend him. Fully attacking someone who doesn't share your belief in the supernatural sounds unhinged, like "aggression from Jesus". Do you also think of others as closed-minded if they don't share your rigid views on your god? That's part of why you've been accused of proselytizing.



  3. 6 minutes ago, Area54 said:

    Hi Ken. You seem to be greatly frustrated by your experiences on the forum. I imagine that accounts for your aggression, with references to dumb ass moderators and others who mouth off their opinion. If you have been offended, isn't their something about turning the other cheek - often good advice for Christian and non-Christian alike. Setting that aside, do you feel that being aggressive in your posts, even if you feel you have been provoked, will achieve anything of value for yourself, those whom you attack, or just us "innocent bystanders"?

    Perhaps reflect on what your objectives are, consider whether or not they are honourable, then determine how you may best achieve this in a way that benefits all parties. It's just a thought. Give it no regard if you prefer.

    HARDLY innocent bystanders attacking me and God. Wake up and learn. If wanted I can show much more aggression from Jesus when needed. I turn the cheek and not defend myself but go into full attack when defending God. Some call it tough love if you want today's thinking..

  4. 1 hour ago, swansont said:

    Moderator Note

    I think you could, in principle, discuss it in the context of what is known from the Bible by quoting or referring to relevant passages, or applying logic to things that are accepted as canon. That at least has a resemblance to being evidence-based, even if it isn't scientific evidence. But that's not what happened in the other thread. (It almost never happens in the religion discussions. But we hold out hope...)


    I asked previous moderators to share where they wanted scriptures and they did not reply to my question but mouthed off their opinion.

  5. 1 hour ago, swansont said:

    The better question is "where weren't you preaching?"

    This is not an exhaustive list:

    Remember the question before us was "Could God use a scientist to help save the world from a devastating destruction but the scientist was not a believer in God?"

    I don't see how any of the above was used in context of discussing answers to that question.


    Where did I say you were proselytizing? (hint: I didn't. I explained that preaching and proselytizing were against the rules, in a broad statement about the rules of this board, in a post that was not a direct response to you. Thou doth protest too much, methinks.) (also: Bearing false witness is a sin.)

    As far as "shutup" goes, that's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for you.


    ONLY rules apply, not broad statements.

    27 minutes ago, Phi for All said:

    I don't know what that means either. 

    I suppose we take it for granted here that there is a big difference between saying, "As a Christian, I believe what the Bible says about the devil corrupting men's souls if they turn away from God", and making an unsupported, preachy assertion like, "Presently Satan owns the Earth and all who do not wish God to be their savior". Can you see the difference? The first is clearly a statement about religious beliefs, and the second is claiming something is true no matter what anybody else thinks.

    We don't like assertions here that you can't back up with reason and evidence. They stop a good discussion in its tracks. And while Christianity is certainly a religion, and shares certain scriptures with other major religions, in scientific terms they all make claims that are considered supernatural. Science is focused on the natural world, but we've found religious topics can be discussed somewhat reasonably as long as nobody is standing on their soapbox claiming to know the Truth. Does that make sense to you?

    Thanks for a specific request for a reference of which I asked moderators for before with out them giving a reference but shutting down the thread. 

    Adam followed Satan's suggestion to eat the apple. Mankind and the earth became Satan's  slaves. Satan owns the earth even today. Three references of many more: 

    1 John 5:19 ESV / 27 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

    We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.

    2 Corinthians 4:4 ESV / 27 helpful votes 

    In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

    1 Peter 5:8 ESV / 26 helpful votes 

    Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

    Satan Rules Earthhttps://www.openbible.info/topics/satan_rules_earth

  6. 1 minute ago, Phi for All said:

    I've re-read our exchange several times now and fail to see how this relates to your topic here? Did I supposedly say this? Is this somehow referring to your exchange with Strange, and not this thread? We're trying to get to the bottom of your complaint here, and would appreciate some help with clarity.

    Sorry, will ask the question on the platform.

  7. 20 hours ago, swansont said:

    And? What was the “disgusting” part?

    Stupidity going wild.

    20 hours ago, Phi for All said:

    We make the distinction here that people can open idiotic threads, but it's uncivil and inaccurate to call someone an idiot. One doesn't imply the other, so that can't be the disgusting part.

    Also, "beliefs" in this context are ideas you're unable to support with reason and proper methodology, including evidence. We make it VERY clear that we consider such to be essential to meaningful discussion. Nothing disgusting about that.

    Admonishing members about breaking the rules and requiring them NOT to do it again is one of a moderator's duties. If you find this disgusting, there are TONS of sites with little or no supervision, where you can make up anything you like. We aren't one of those, that's all. 

    Religion does not include Christianity? 

    10 hours ago, iNow said:

    But not disgusting. Someone’s obviously just here to stir the pot and rake the muck


    9 hours ago, pzkpfw said:

    I saw a thread that started with a question but became preaching. That's disgusting.

    Where was the preaching? Please quote and identify the supposedly preaching.

    2 hours ago, swansont said:

    I suspect that as well. But here's the thing: the thread was idiotic, and more to the point, it was dishonest, as a question was being leveraged to push an agenda and preach, which violates two of our rules. This happened with the second post by Ken123456. It wasn't even subtle. 

    "We don't care about your beliefs" is policy. As far as the moderation is concerned, we  don't  care. This manifests itself in two ways.

    1. It doesn't matter what religion you follow; we're not going to take that into account when applying the rules (IOW, no religion gets a pass, no religion is singled out, when applying the rules) and

    2. You can't preach/proselytize. 

    If someone doesn't like that, they can go elsewhere.

    You need to go somewhere with your lying and saying I was proselytizing. Look up the definition of proselytize and shutup.

  8. 2 hours ago, Ken123456 said:

    Mor reason for HSDS sheets...

    Please see proof  it may well be not low.

    CDC: " Early reports suggest person-to-person transmission most commonly happens during close exposure to a person infected with COVID-19,"

    Please see article: 

    If the coronavirus is really airborne, we might be fighting it the wrong way



    Expanded CDC response, helps fully understand. 

    CDC: The risk of spreading the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) through ventilation systems has not been studied, but is likely low. Early reports suggest person-to-person transmission most commonly happens during close exposure to a person infected with COVID-19, primarily via respiratory droplets produced when the infected person coughs or sneezes.

  9. On 6/23/2020 at 9:28 AM, Ken123456 said:

    I believe a hospital document is needed to share disinfectant systems for air conditioners, filter systems for diseases and number of change outs of air per hour for the hospitals and each room. This document should be available on line and I call it HSDS (Hospital Safety Data Sheets) like MSDS (Material Safety Data sheets)

    Mor reason for HSDS sheets...

    Please see proof  it may well be not low.

    CDC: " Early reports suggest person-to-person transmission most commonly happens during close exposure to a person infected with COVID-19,"

    Please see article: 

    If the coronavirus is really airborne, we might be fighting it the wrong way



  10. 11 hours ago, iNow said:

    Oh, what sweet delicious irony. Everyone else's imaginary friends are imaginary, but my imaginary friend is real. Lol

    God is my Lord.

    13 hours ago, dimreepr said:

    Everyone has faith in their father; we have no choice... Until we're shown his fallibility, we won't know whether to snear or revere; which very much depends on his intention...

    A good clue is, when you fucked up did he unclip his belt?

    You are ignored for your cussing.

    14 hours ago, Othmane Dahi said:

    But in reality people talk about different Gods which one are you refering to ?


    The God of the Bible.

    On 7/6/2020 at 11:12 PM, pzkpfw said:

    Was there a question?

    The first post has the question.

    On 7/7/2020 at 6:20 AM, Markus Hanke said:

    Well, I'll be damned.
    One wave of the hand, and 5+ billion of us, who just happened to be born into non-Christian cultures, sentenced to burn in hell for all eternity. 
    Makes me wonder just which of those two guys to blame, really.

    Has nothing to do with cultures. It is strictly if one wants to believe in Him or not. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Phi for All said:

    Moderator Note

    Stay on topic, and stop preaching. You don't get to make unsupported claims like these, even in the Religion section. This is a science discussion forum.


    I said much, which are you referring to? Do I need to quote bible references for all my comments? Which are preaching? Please detail your comments.

  12. 23 hours ago, joigus said:


    Maybe. But I don't think he would be interested in saving the world from a devastating destruction. He seems to be quite happy with us having a fair amount of devastating destructions every now and then.

    So the thing you suggest sounds to me something like:

    God: Let's send another devastating destruction and see if this person who doesn't believe in me can thwart me (God whispers the solution to the scientist's ear).

    Scientist: I don't know who's talking to me, but OK.


    It's possible. It's certainly compatible with the schizophrenic type that I can see depicted on the Bible. What terrifies me is the kind of psychotic God that our culture seems to have devised. What does it say about us as a species?

    That is funny but God also sends destruction to His children who turn to evil ways. Such as the ones who seeked occults for help, He was jealous and sent an evil group to destroy them.

    Some of our species are deceived and trying to explain.  

    2 minutes ago, Prometheus said:

    Here's a list a well over a hundred.

    Yes, many make up gods but are myths.

    14 hours ago, Casio said:

    I give up with this topic of God. My experiences show that when we get pandemics like the current one, nobody knows its existence initially, then later when medical science starts to recognise something not so normal, reports are made, feedback sent to the relevant authorities and then government put measures in place to stop the spread. Now worshipers go to church and sit side by side along with their colds and flu etc, spreading the diseases. Where did God write in the bible that CV-19 was life threatening and either God put control measures in place for his worshipers so they would not be affected, or write in the bible that social distancing must take place from 2019. 

    All this bible prophecy appears well written but we must not forget that the bible is rewritten every fifty years. Today I listened to a video presentation from a religious group around the word using "zoom". The way the message was coming across to me seemed like these people in their religion was saying that they were aware of CV-19 before the scientists, the governments and the WHO, yet it was the governments we all know and can see that put social distancing in place and closed Gods places of worship.   

    Last week I wrote an email to the religious group pointing out the facts about CV-19 and their churches and the way they go about conducting their religion. Normally when I write they have an answer for everything, but CV-19 has stopped then in their tracks, they have no answers for me this time. 

    God either exists or does not exit. If he has a conflict with Satan then they need to both get together and sort themselves out, because blaming the human race for what the world is to me is not our fault. In a court case ALL facts must be presented not half a job. The so called Gods should reveal themselves to the human race and stop hiding.  

    It was sorted out when Jesus kicked Satan in the head and destroyed his power by dying on the cross for mankind.

    On 7/6/2020 at 4:52 AM, Casio said:

    Why would he need to?

    Look at it this way...

    When a woman is pregnant she is having a baby, God is not in there putting the baby together, but the power that he created to create the baby is fully at work doing its job. Now if you look at the earth and its functions, gravity holds all masses together on the planet. Another power he created to perform his function, but again he is not actually performing the work, his power is doing the work. I pretty sure that if God needed to block a signal in the mind of a human being to stop a process occurring, he is quite capable and does not require a persons permission to do so. He is the creator and we are the created. God created free will but that is not exactly what people think it is, which is another discussion... 

    He gave the creation power to His children who create by faith given by Him.

  13. 17 hours ago, Othmane Dahi said:

    This is a question we can't answer because we don't know God we don't know if there is rules for him too or not

    which God are you talking about ? If there is we might know supposely by the book he sent or the informations he sent to his messenger if we suppose that he is actually the God of this world

    I do not know of more than one creator God.

  14. 13 hours ago, Casio said:

    Why would he need to?

    Look at it this way...

    When a woman is pregnant she is having a baby, God is not in there putting the baby together, but the power that he created to create the baby is fully at work doing its job. Now if you look at the earth and its functions, gravity holds all masses together on the planet. Another power he created to perform his function, but again he is not actually performing the work, his power is doing the work. I pretty sure that if God needed to block a signal in the mind of a human being to stop a process occurring, he is quite capable and does not require a persons permission to do so. He is the creator and we are the created. God created free will but that is not exactly what people think it is, which is another discussion... 

    He has used non-Godly humans in the past to accomplish a need (Israel was led to the Promised Land by a lost person) and seems like He may sometimes use other lost people. 

    13 hours ago, swansont said:

    An omnipotent being can do whatever they want.

    The earth was given over by Adam to Satan and God chose not to override the choice between Adam and Satan. He had to die to allow humans salvation. Presently Satan owns the earth and all who do not wish God to be their savior.

  15. Incorrect thread. Sorry

    t is happening this year, The CORPS is sending a design for a $1 billion diversion and it is the one I am referring to. I suggest the Tidal Pulsing to minimize wash away of the marshes. Our Governor has expedited the design with overtime engineering and construction. My concept may help and the CPRA (Coastal Restoration and Restoration Authority) thanked me for the suggestion. http://coastal.la.gov/

    To be seen ff Tidal Pulsing is used.


    Flow chart Wild Marsh Survival.jpg

    SK-Flow Scaled.jpg


    SF Velocity Cone.jpg

    Future Lobe.jpg

  16. 20 hours ago, Roamer said:

    your pictures aren't showing.

    Also, since when are marshes worth money ?

    Thanks, please see some pictures attached. I should have stated  "the loss of marshes from New Orleans to the Gulf of Mexico about 30 miles wii cost  $1Trillion in habitat loss which also includes commercial and sport fishing.  Are there any flaws in my concept?  Published reference: Could Mississippi River diversions cause land loss instead of land gain? https://www.nola.com/news/environment/article_477955f7-0112-5811-83ad-96263bcd46f7.html

    My site with more information; 

    Wild Marshes Will Survive , Roll Down 60 % Part 3


    Flow chart Wild Marsh Survival.jpg

    SK-Flow Scaled.jpg


    SF Velocity Cone.jpg

    Future Lobe.jpg

    2 hours ago, michel123456 said:

    Maybe, but as stated above your pictures are not showing.

    Ans some more explanation maybe?

    What do you mean with "wash away"? transformed in open sea, or transformed in agriculture? or what else?

    Please see link for pictures and more information.

    Marshes are transformed to open sea. Wash away is a term used by ones against diversions as planned. This has happened in a small test diversion when 40 square miles of marsh washed away after hurricane Katrina hit the coast of Louisiana. 

    Mississippi River diversions led to land loss, not growth, study says: Implications are 'obvious' 



  17. It is about a vision not an imagination. As far as what I posted, I am trying to share about me but it is not about me. 


    In 2019 I discovered what is considered an important Revolutionary War Fort location and drawing not known for 200 years. The head Louisiana Archeologist commended me for the discovery. My site showing the Fort of Baton Rouge is below. God directed me to this drawing and placed in motion the discovery. It is about God who does his will thru His. 

    An International Cultural Landmark Needing Identification and Legal Protection Preventing Future Development, Newly Discovery "The Fort of Baton Rouge" 

    Roll Down 30% Part 2


    Want to know about my research to save marshes in Louisiana from $1 Trillion destruction?

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