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Posts posted by lorin_f

  1. When we locate a particle, what we are actually doing is performing a local measurement during which we succeed to interact with the particle. Therefore, would this interpretation be plausible:
    1. Particles spread the whole universe, in the sense that their wave functions assign a probability to interact with it during measurements for every place in the universe.
    2. What the wave function represents is actually the probability of an interaction with the particle at a given place. There is no other meaning to "location". This argument seems to be supported by the EPR experiment, where it may be argued that we interact (with a particle pair in this case) on two different locations at once.
    3. Interactions affect the wave functions. 
    With this interpretation, apparent paradoxes involving locations and wave nature of particles seem to disappear, and instead different aspects of the wave function in various circumstances can be considered, such as interference or collapse of the wave function. Also, the speed of light limit is not violated.

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