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Lestat V

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Posts posted by Lestat V

  1. By transitional species I'm talking the fact that a present day animal did not just pop out of its predecessor. Evolution is a slow process. A mutation favors the animal so it is able to reproduce better than it's contemporaries. The mutation threfore will become more prevailing and more pronounced as that set of genes controlling it become more concentrated. But as I said this is a gradual process. and in actuality how many mutations are actually beneficial. Most mutations that take place are actually worse. SO i ask where are the species that come between species. where is the fish that beame the newt. if they kept evolving then why are there any "primitive animal" IE alligator ceolocanths still here. Sorry about spelling. Shouldn't they have kept evolving.

    Note that i never said it couldn't happen. I said that you so easily accept the infinitesimal odds of evolution happeing but you can't even imagine that that we were put here.

    And bats hearing is not just a question of better hearing it's a completely different type of hearing. Echolocation is basically sonar or radar, with very specialized emitters and receptors necessary not the same as me hearing a noise and turning around. Yes it could lead to better normal hearing in a species but it won't result in a bats sensory equipment.

  2. Just a quick question. NOw evolution takes place gradually over millions of years correct. Now theres a problem. Cause why aren't the rest of the apes evolving. If there was pressure to evolve dmatically iether they would of had to do it or go extinct. Now supposing that there was no pressure where are the transitional species. they in actuality would be better adapted that the present day apes so why would they go extinct. they couldn't have all evolved because the others would of had to start evolving also.

    As for intelligence, how much do you think a bird could tell us. They don't even see the world the same way we do. They wouldn't have the same emotions, the same ideas about life. You need to accept that the only human intelligence that is, or more than likely ever will be is humans and possibly a few of the primates.

  3. Now earlier there was an argument tath after something has happened that the probability is one. Well i'm not saying the man doesn't have the money but i'm willing to say he didn't get it from the lottery. Just because life is here doesn't mean it evolved. Please note that it's not a question of bats just having keen hearing. The mouth parts and brain both would have to evolve at once. Not gradually. what good is hearing partially supersonic sounds if you can't interpret them. whats the good of being able to interpret them if you can't produce them. And being able to produce them requires drastically different equipment that is absolutely useless without the other two. And where did the wings come from. My other question is evolution takes place gradually, well where are all the transitional species. Fossil record is curiosly void of any sort of transitional animals.

  4. Ah but amino acids are one thing. life is something else. Sorry i'm not a biologist but how many amino acids are in the most basic organisms. and the fact and you'd have to assume that everytime something evolved it was capable of reproduction. Mutation would have to be advantageous which in real life is very rarely true. And all this relates to single celled organisms which can be self replicating. The leap from a cell to humans or really any other animal is rather large. Evolution doesn't work. again i challenge you all to explain to me the bat. Too many things that have to happen all at once. Special ears to hear a specialized pitch by specialized mouth all interpreted by a specialized brain. And none of these things are any good without the others, and none are really useful partially it would take all three developing completely in one generation to have them beneficial at all. On top of explain why they fly.

  5. So you guys are saying that your willing that all the necesary chemicals and conditions were present resulting in a perfectly functioning lifeform capable of reproducing. Those odds are mind boggling in themselves. Then this lifeform sucessfully mutated into every type of life we have today. considering many lifeforms today could not evolve no matter how much time they had this seems strange. but you accept it without blinking an eye and the possibility of a supreme being creating it all is unnacceptable. But i would love to see you explain the bat.

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