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Jesse chambers

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Posts posted by Jesse chambers

  1. On 11/7/2011 at 8:52 AM, Ahmad Baghaffar said:

    Ok, since I was a child and until today, I can create this feeling that generally feels strongest in my core, right around where my diaphragm is. But, when I focus on different parts of my body I can "distribute" part of the intensity to that particular area, be it my foot or my hands or my thighs, etc. It is this powerful tingling sensation, it feels really good and if I sustain it for 4 seconds, it can become VERY strong. I can hold it for as long as I please but it gets gradually more difficult the longer I hold it. I tried looking everywhere for an answer but cannot find anything except others speaking of this same feeling, but no answers. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing to myself? Ive seen explanations linked to the nervous system, others to the feeling of dilating veins, and some other less appealing ones like projecting my soul out of my body (which I sincerely doubt, lol).


    Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!


    a little more info: the way i create the feeling is hard to explain but ill do my best. Its like trying to expand your heart... like stretching it outwards, or like expanding your chest but not actually doing it. It makes me fidget a little and have minor muscle jolts around my neck and and shoulders after the first 3 seconds. If I prolong the feeling then the minor jerks reach my fingers/hands and my shoulders.

    I know exactly what you mean....I can tell your story is authentic because I can do it too... sorry I have no idea how to harness it or what it is...I just practice it... FYI I had the same exact story as you

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