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Posts posted by BettyLouWho

  1. What all of these measures are of course, is a riff on the practice of Shunning sometimes called Disfellowshipping; a very effective form of punnishment.


    I agree. Young children can be seen un-including the ones who behave antisocially. An afternoon on the sidelines in the playground can teach a kid not to grab or hit his/her playmates.

    It's too bad that sexual predators are not so easily 'cured'. I like the idea of a one way trip to a Alcatraz-style lock up (with no PC!) for these monsters. A hurricane would be too good for them!

  2. ^^ its not just a question of phisical damage... i know for a fact that id be mightily irked if my foreskin was removed when i was young.


    you have to take into consideration that the infant may grow up to wish he had retained his foreskin.


    Dak: I have an infant son for whom the decision was made by me, his mom to leave him intact for exactly the reasons that you stated. I would think that I should be furious if I were, say, tatooed, pierced or was otherwise mutilated without my permission. (Forgive me, circumcised men if I imply that you are incomplete...somehow the 50/50 decision of our parents to circumcise or not has left me with little or no opinoin about the finished product!)

    My point (and I do have one!) is simply that my gift to my child was to have a body that is the way it was created. It is HIS to pierce, tattoo, or edit as he chooses. I thought that it would be better for him to scold me for not having a circumcision done and still have the option to do so, than it would for him to curse me for taking body parts away that cannot be replaced.

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