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Posts posted by Gurumanickam

  1. Thanks for the reply. This knowledge is at least 70 years old now. Were there any follow up research to Rose's?


    How could a theory conducted on a homogenous group of students be extended to the whole human kind?


    We have seen many a theory biting the dust like Koch's postulates in critical science. What negates an alternative theory which presumes that humans indeed are capable of synthesizing those essential amino acids?


    Isn't it necessary that we need to have more scientific proofs for such conclusions. Perhaps we need to overhaul the list by revisiting them.


    Are there any such studies currently on?

  2. Out of the 20-odd amino acids that are required by the the body to make proteins, it is said that 9 amino acids are not synthesised by the body. So it is emphasized that these 9 amino acids must be compulsorily ingested from the food only, so that body is not deprived of them. Hence they are called essential amino acids.


    My question is how and when we learnt that they are not synthesized by the body? What if some people are capable of synthesizing them in their body? How are we so sure?


    The same goes for the essential fatty acids also.


    I would like to know about the study/studies which concluded that they (9 essential amino acids and essential fatty acids) are really not synthesized in the body.

  3. How False pregnancy (pseudocyesis) happens in humans? They display the usual pregnancy symptoms like abdominal swelling, nausea, food cravings etc. Yet they may not actually be pregnant. A scan usually detects this condition as false pregnancy.


    My question is what will be their hCG levels? Will it be positive at any point of this episode? What will happen to the other (estrogen, progesterone etc) hormonal changes.

  4. My question is do the chyme evacuate once completely, or is it (the evacuation) happening portion by portion?


    For instance one may have eaten fruits and cereals. The fruit may have suggested quickly than the cereals. As the fruit portion is digested quickly do they evacuate to duodenumm immediately or will they wait for the cereal portion also to complete the digestion and move to duodenumm both together?

  5. As the food enters stomach the digestion is continued in it.


    Then the partly suggested food (chyme) is moved to duodenum for further digestion.


    As different types of food may take different duration for digestion, how and when the chyme is pushed to duodenum?


    Do they move en masse in a single instance or they move as and when a portion of chyme is ready to be moved, ie now a little, later some more like that?


    I would like to know when the stomach will be empty of all chyme.

  6. The pyloric sphincter opens to allow the chyme, the partly digested food into small intestine from the stomach.


    Suppose a person ingested a balanced meal of carbs, proteins and fats equally with some micronutrients.


    Body starts to absorb carbs from the saliva itself and the suggestion will continue in the small intestine. Fat has to be digested in the small intestine.


    But proteins need to broken down into the amino acids by the HCL acid secreted in the stomach.


    What will happen to the partially digested carbs and the undigested fats in the acidic medium of stomach. Will they just sit tight and wait, till the proteins are fully broken down, or will they (carbs & fats) proceed to small intestine even while the protein is being broken down?


    Can pyloric sphincter allow chyme selectively?

  7. The association between hypertension and headaches is not borne out by research, it seems, according to this article:


    Thank you Sir. That was an eye opening for me. More such studies are necessary to bust the myth of high BP, such as the role of antihypertensive drugs in headache reduction.


    And can this premise (of high BP protecting against headaches) be applied to migraine as well? Is migraine also protecting us from something?

  8. Generally headaches and high blood pressure are thought of synonymously. But I am unable to search for the pathophysiological connection between them from the websites like Pubmed, WebMD etc.


    Is there any scientific proof that high blood pressure per se causes the headaches. I would like to go through the physiological process of such headaches that are caused by the blood pressure.

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