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Posts posted by Kevineamon

  1. Hi Studiot - I'm an undergraduate studying electrical and electronic engineering. Perhaps my questions might be better placed in an electronics forum? They're becoming quite complex. I'm slightly older than the other students. Unfortunately some of the younger folks, in their wisdom, decided to complain about the lecturing staff. My Easter work load seems to reflect the outcome of said complaint...


    They say - "youth is wasted on the young." They were right imho... sigh...

  2. You are correct about the blue - Those are predefined. The Ix, the little Ix on the wire, is also defined in the problem. I just always label currents in red.

    The rest of the currents are my own naming convention.


    As for the -36 Bender. It looks to me as if 36 is travelling into V2. Therefore IY should be negative.... I think....

  3. trans.jpg


    Apologies for the size of this image. I did try to resize it on Photobucket. Seems to have had little effect.


    So I'm having a problem with this. I've been studying the past several hours, learning how to calculate these things. The more simple type. eg. Find ib, ie, ic, Vcb, Vce...


    I had taken notes in class, for the answers to this new type of question above; where we have this VCE(sat) thingee...


    Now I've written:-


    IC = (VCC - VCE) / RC


    IC = 5.02 / 6000 = 0.8mA


    Question is where the heck am I getting this 5.02?


    At first I thought I'd gotten the 0.2v from the VCE(sat) thing wrong. That it should have been 0.2 instead of 0.02 and that I should have added instead of taking away... what I mean is (VCC + VCE).


    Problem is I've got another example just like this. So where am I getting this 5.02 from?



  4. Hi guys I'm new to the forum. I hope this is in the correct area of the forum.

    Struggling with a few problems on capacitance.

    Here's the question.


    Determine CT for the circuit below.



    So I'm thinking this is the equivalent capacitance.

    Now those three capacitors in uF. I'm thinking they should all be in parallel in which case they get added. I think...


    Then the CT for them should be 0.111uF


    10000pF I've worked out as 0.01uF


    So 0.111 in series with 0.01... looks like to me...?


    [math]1/((1/0.01)+(1/0.111)) = 9.17*10^{-3}[/math]


    Problem is I have 0.121uF as the answer from the lecturer.



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