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Posts posted by manoo

  1. well its different since it is giving observer a force to enforce the absolutes of this universe where there is only one of me or a certain sub particle. that is why the other examples/copies of the same particle stop existing while observed. wheeler theory were more about all electrons being the same one.

    now think of a nail going throgh a thin board. now you can see it on both sides. but the other side can exist here while not observed as itsthe same nail(maybe not the best example). but when observed only the one that really exits here will stay and others disapear as we are bound by our dimensions rules and regulation and our own understanding of it.

  2. the power of the observer

    we do have severeal dimensions that we dont see, as well as paralell universes.

    some may be at where we are but we cant see their existent.

    look at subatomic particles as building block of universe with all dimensions and para...using those same building blocks.

    now a subatomic could be used in different dimensions at the same time. and therfer exist both here and there but since we dont see the other dimension than.....but since its the subatomic pat. being used than there are more than one of them existing...

    the power of the observer is if i look at it from our world than rules and regulation of our universe will make sure here is only one of them is there and not two. as the others dont belong here but since they exist in other dimension/parallell universes than they are also existing there.

    so we enforce for it to exist only one while its observed.

    as for the maths well i be far off anything to prrove this but the more you think of it the more sense it makes.

  3. i am pretty new in this but qunatum P. it is facinates me.
    one idea i had is about how sub atomic substances can exist in multiple places at the same time. untill we start to obeserve it. which all others except one to cease to exist.

    by looking at a subatomic particle we are enforcing the existence of our universe. because of that the others cease to exist. subatomic particles can coexist in multiple universes/paralell... but once we look at it we enforce our universe into it and other parallek universes can not exist here and because of that they cease to exist.
    like to hear your thoughts on this.
    i have some more mad theories about light, our origin and so on/..:)

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