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Posts posted by xxplexx

  1. i have learned that gravity is caused by mass bending the space around it, how ever, this makes no sense at all to me and does not explain how the planets actually move. sure, it explains why planets move in orbits around a larger mass, but it does not explain how. there must be some type of force present that actually gives the planets their motion. it would be impossible for objects to just decide to move because the space around it is bent.

    i mean, space can be bent all it wants, but this alone can not induce motion on other objects, there has to be some force that pulls or pushes the planet in the first place, other wise, all planets are using magical powers to move on their own.


    not sure if anyone understands my point, so i will give a good example. hypothetically of course.


    lets pretend we remove all mass from the universe except for the fabric of space-time. now pretend that we bend space-time to the same shape as a trampoline bends when you put a bowling ball in the center of it, now lets pretend we put a small ball at rest (or completely still) on the curved surface of space-time, the ball should not move or fall, it should just stay in that one spot because there is no force present that would actually make the ball roll down the bent space-time.

    so what actually causes planets to move in the first place? i read that time is the cause of a planets motion, but that just sounds silly to me because time is not a physical force that pushes object forward, right?




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