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Posts posted by Michael12

  1. This "marco" has been peddling this trash all over the internet. It's been ripped to shreds on every board he's posted it. He claims a PhD. in Physics, yet he knows nothing about the scientific method, experimentation, or interpretation of data. His response on any question you ask of him would be "you don't understand". My favorite remark from "marco" was "We know everything there is to know". LOL

  2. Well...I am no expert by any means...but perhaps I can shed a little light :)


    First of all, one must differenciate between string theory and super-string theory. There are HUGE differences. Most current research is going on in super-string theory.


    Key differences-


    String theory only includes particles responsible for transmitting force (bosons).


    Super-string theories include fermions, or those particles responsible for matter. Super-string also demands that each particle (bosons and fermions) have a super-symmetric partner, as I alluded to in another post.


    String theory actually began as a quantum theory of gravity, which is of course needed if one would like to produce a GUT. It turns out that super-string is a GUT in and of itself, alas one that only works out in 11 dimensions. As we speak, string theorists are trying to reduce that to the four we can observe.


    String theory can do the same thing, but only in 26 dimensions.

  3. It's pretty widely theorized among super-string theorists that dark matter is comprised of the super-symmetric partners to the known elementary particles. The properties of these partners are already theoretically determined, but as yet, none have been observed, not even indirectly. Though it is believed that this will happen within a few years.

  4. Originally posted by fafalone

    Not necessarily... remember that the law of entropy doesn't say entropy in any system is always increasing, it just says that the entropy of the universe as a whole is increasing, so certin systems (i.e. life) can naturally violate it.

    I completely agree, and your comprehension of entropy is remarkable, considering how misunderstood it usually is. However, when entropy is reversed in a local system, one can generally identify the process responsible for it. I was merely stating


    A. We don't know that entropy is reversed inside a black hole, though theory tells us it is not.


    B. If it is, we certainly do not know the mechanism responsible. So some assertions must be made.


    That was my only point.

  5. Originally posted by Deslaar

    That's a tough one to explain but I believe has to do with the relationship of entropy between the inside and outside of the event horizon. Stuff goes into the black hole, entropy increases inside the event horizon and decreases outside.


    Not sure what you are refering to here. But outside the event horizon of a black hole lies the natural universe, where entropy must increase, rather than decrease.


    That said, this is not always the case. Particles can be created at the event horizon and cast off into the universe. Spontaneous creation of a particle qualifies as order from disorder, hence, for a split second, entropy increases outside the black hole.


    See Hawking Radiation or vaccum fluctuations


    As far as inside the black hole, one can surmise that entropy must also increase, at least down to one Planck length from the singularity. Unless you assert that there is an unknown force at work inside a black hole capable of over-coming the 2nd law :D

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